《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》Our First Meet


What she tried to meaning from that? How can I love to someone even I haven't loved to?

What nonsense? -_- .

Actually, when talking about love, I can say I had an ill-fated love. Or I am unsuccessful. I remembered my first childhood crush. He had a face like a monkey face - shaped one. Lived next to our house. He was 3 years old than me. Sometimes we gather to play kites.

Yet time went. We went on our paths. When I entered to high school. I've just seen another world that I didn't know ever something is like this could exist? Different people, different subjects etc. on there, I met a nice guy named Jeff. he was became my helping hand, eventually. Without knowing, our feelings for each other was grew much better. Yet what happened was its opposite. One day when I go to confess my feelings for him, I caught him with our famous, sexy girl named Teena going towards sports room. I couldn't regret to follow them so i did.

Holy shit!! what they doing? Unconsciously, my mouth was open. They kissed so passionately, then suddenly they remove their outfits and roll in the hay each other. I felt it cut my heart from a knife. The knife of cheating, pain. The only person I trusted is Jeff for the whole of my lifetime. We dreamed together; studied together; travel; ate. So many memories. After a few days that incident, Jeff came to meet me.

"hey tanya.. wassup"

"nothing ... "

"okayi! tanya i have to say something ... that i couldnt stay with you anymore... i have had to go europe for more studies. so..."

"so? you go with teena?" i stand up with a furious teared red eyes.

" no what?! what you are talkin about ? you know exactly my heart i lov..."


"stop! stop jeff " then i remind him what i saw earlier. then he become spechless from being a guilty of his own faults.

"sorry.. tanya i didnt..."

"no its ok we are just friends past present future we are just friends only."

on the moment i turn back went with a huge grief . after the on that day i decised not to let in love for my life. what i know is working hard ; make money ; be single. its better to be single than being farud by someone.

oh what this time ? +_+ why i cant move?. suddenly i heard of someone cough in front of me. then suddenly i came to the real world.

well actually i have no idea beacuse i was in my mind- imaginary world.

When I continue towards ahead, I didn't see anyone come. yet without going any second i recognized I have clashed with a strong person.

"Ow, my head" I touched my head.

"Sorry xiansheng* I didn't see you" then I said.

"Didn't see...Ah, what a joke? Then how you walk without premiss"?.

"Ok... ok I know, everyone makes mistakes". Then again I told with some resentment.

" Hey look at me" he ordered to me.

But I didn't mind it.

"Hey what I said do it now"again he said in a high voice.

ouch who is this aggorant boy #$%*?

Then I raised my head and looked at him

His attire was in made of high luxury clothing material. it craved from marron - white mixture color with a drawing of a dragon. aww nice attire.😯

To my knowleage it was not somtheing that men wearing even nobility of us.surely he must be a wealthy man even high than us. suddenly my mind was interrupted from a pair of eye gaze. 😳 ohh that glance !! made me panic for a second.


Suddenly our eyes met at once . his eyes!! its a mixture of amber and grey. what a beautiful. slighlty comed grey-white hair added more attractive within his black hair.

something was suspicious yet coulnt figure out what was it. somewhre felt i was burning inside myself from something. for a moment i was in some wonderment yet fiiled with curiosity.

Do i know him? i was questioned. i couldn't denied because my mind said somehow i knew him .

Though breaking down our eye contact i just tried to leave from there. Instantly, when I tried to move from his.

although i was caught by huge yet strong arm .

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked.

" oh something has forget you lady". said by that stranger with a smirke

"Ah whats that...".?. I repeated.

what the heck is he takin about?*''-''*🙄

with a respite face he took his arm from me. yet he didnt gave up . before relasing first he caught my wrist and then with kinda furious expression

"Wait this is only and first time to let you leave. Again If i met you such like this then surely i will chop your head no matter who you are"

"Ah!...what ?" eventhough it made me panic , I didn't show it.

With showing an annoying face he left. his bodygourds wrere arranging his path while other people in the city bowed towards him.

ohh surely he must be a prince ? but who knows? 🤨🤷🏻‍♀️

without going any second a old woman came.

"Be careful you lady !! you are lucky today. He is a bloodthirsty monster . mercilessly he kills people as his desires".

"But everyone thanked him to one thing".!!

"so is that the reason "? I asked.

"Oh, that's one"? I said in with some amazement.

When I walk to ahead fang Zuo brother came with Lia.

"Yue....yue .... Where are you went? I did find you everywhere"

" Brother I want to tell something". I said. "I met a person who looks like... "!!

Suddenly he was stunned.

"Then that girl must be you that everyone was talking about"

"Girl?" I asked.

"xiao mei!! dont be moron , why dont you know who had you met? however it went going well because being capital city here. "

how the hell do i know even i am not belong to this world? 😬🙁

"Who is he"? I questioned.

"Actually your time is good and for the sake of us we already inform to the palace about your health condition so it could be the reason you saved".

"so he is..."

"he is prince jinhu, then inheriter of throne"

ohh.. tanya what happend? this is something must rethink !!😕🙁

" you assured brother people still dont know our sister's health condition"

haha what a teasing?!😅

then i was grinned with some sweat

"Ok, I will tell you about him later". Fang Zuo told.

Then we went to the river and lighted our lantern. Then let them go in the sky.

Lia wished " Be every day a happy day!".

I wished " give me enough days to live happliy with this new family!

Fang Zuo wished "stay with family every day..."

After those lanterns went into the sky, we all return back with a lot of happiness and brought sweets to mom and father.

*xiansheng-Master or Mr. in chinese language.

Hi, guys hope you are enjoying it.

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Thank you for reading.😄😄😄

Hope in the next part.

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