《Innocence》P L E A S A N T


"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realise they were the big things."

with Falcon seemed to have become Freya's new normal. While Falcon had promptly dropped out of school, Freya had continued to attend, even though she wanted to spend every last possible second by her boyfriend's side.

When she returned from school, Falcon was always waiting for her outside. Sometimes she'd find him on the phone, preparing for the job he'd soon be leaving for. It had been like that today; he'd been finalising his living situation so when he arrived in two days time, he'd have somewhere to go.

The thought dragged down Freya's mood. It felt surreal that he was leaving tomorrow. Neither her heart nor her head had accepted it.

The shifting of Falcon's arm underneath her drew her attention and she shook off her thoughts before focusing on his face. He was watching her with soft eyes, his head supported by the fluffy pink pillows that occupied the bed.

Falcon hooked a few loose strands of Freya's hair behind her ear, allowing his hand to linger on the skin of her cheek.

"What are you thinking about, love?" he asked softly.

Freya closed her eyes revelling in the warmth of his touch.

"You," she murmured before letting out a short sigh.

Falcon knew where her thoughts had gone; it hurt him just as much as it did her. He didn't want to leave her. Ever. But the promise of a better future was what kept him determined. He was doing this for the promise of them.

"Come here," Falcon opened his arms for Freya to snuggle closer and she did so without any further encouragement.

Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she squeezed him as if she could transport all of her love to him that way. Falcon's arms fell into place around her and the way they fit together so perfectly still surprised him. If he could stay there with her for the rest of his life like that, he'd be happy.


Falcon felt all his remaining stress melt from his body as he held onto his girl. He would miss this.

"What if I just came with you?" Freya mumbled into his chest.

Falcon let out a rumbling chuckle.

"You know you'd regret not graduating," he said softly, resisting the temptation to just give in and say 'yes'. "Besides, you would hate living off my money for the rest of your life."

Freya 'hmm'd' knowing he was right. She wanted to go to college, have a career. She couldn't see herself sitting at home for the rest of her life as a trophy wife.

Freya cut her thought short as her eyes shot open.


Did Falcon even want to marry her?

Sure, he had hinted at a future with her, but did he want to marry her?

Did he want to spend the rest of his life tied to her?

Freya's brow furrowed as insecurities crept into her head, making her heart squeeze painfully. The thought of him being with someone else was painful, but did she have any right to stop him if that was what he wanted?

He would be away from her for god knows how many years, most likely surrounded by intelligent, gorgeous women. Did she even stand a chance next to some exotic beauty?

Falcon's calloused hand gently pulled her head from his chest, rubbing the line of her cheekbone with his thumb.

"Hey," he tried to capture Freya's gaze as it flitted around the room. "Where'd your mind go, huh? Where's that pretty smile of yours?"


That was all she was. A pretty little girl.

Why couldn't she be beautiful or gorgeous like every other girl? Someone who could hold down a guy like Falcon.

Her nose flared in irritation at herself. She shouldn't think so low of him. He was with her because he loved her. She hoped. Her stomach churned slightly; the thought of him falling out of love with her made her feel sick.


"Freya," Falcon pressed a short kiss to her nose to grab her attention. "Baby. What are you thinking about?"

Freya wrestled with her subconscious for a moment before giving in.

"You-you won't forget about me, will you?" she asked in a small voice. "When you go?"

Falcon's brow creased as he let out a short laugh. He stared at her for another moment, trying to gauge if she was really serious before pulling himself to sit up. He pulled Freya up with him, cupping her face and making her look him in the eye.

"I love you," he emphasised. "Okay? And that's not going to change. No matter where I am or who I'm with, I love you."

A blush rose to Freya's cheeks as she searched for words.

"I kno-know you do now," she responded. "But-"

"No," Falcon frowned. "Not just now. Sweetheart, you're it for me. I don't care if can have someone else, I don't want anyone else. Okay?"

Freya made a noise in the back of her throat, attempting to curl back into Falcon's chest to hide her heated face. Falcon held her face in place with a gentle grip, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Baby," he murmured lovingly. "Baby, tell me you understand."

Freya pouted slightly as she looked up at him from beneath her lashes.

"I understand," she mumbled.

A grin grew on Falcon's face and he pressed a chaste kiss to Freya's lips before pulling her into his lap. Freya happily melted into his embrace and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"I could never forget you, Freya," Falcon pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Not in a million years. Not even if I tried."

A knock on the door brought the two of them out of their moment, drawing their attention to the opening door. It swung open, Freya's father peering in with cautious eyes.

Falcon froze for a moment, his mind running through every possible thought that her father could be thinking. Was he allowed in Freya's bed? Was he allowed this close to her?

Her father relaxed, seemingly satisfied with the lack of any explicit intimacy. His arms crossed over his chest before he pinned Falcon with his gaze.

"Door open," he grunted before swiftly walking away.

"Yes, sir," Falcon's mouth was dry as he cleared his throat.

He looked down at Freya only to receive an amused look from her big brown eyes. He rolled his own in response.

"Shut up," he muttered with a smile.

Giggles escaped Freya before she could contain them, the sound lifting Falcon's heart.

God, he loved the girl.

He would always love her.

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