《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》Epilogue (Book 1)


These past few days have been amazing, life has been going by smooth which i'm glad and i have my fingers crossed that it would stay like that so it's been a few months since the Kanima problem had happened, Jackson has left Beacon hills, Scott and Allison have broken up.

Stiles is still in love with Lydia, and as for me and Derek well we are happy and crazy in love with each other, i walked down the stairs wearing my leggings and tank top, i walked to the kitchen to see Scott eating breakfast while mom is cooking some more.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around my mom's shoulder kissing her forehead. "Good morning mom." I walked over to Scott giving him a kiss on his cheek. "And good morning Scott!" I smiled and sat down.

Scott smiled at me and so did my mom. "Good morning to you too." My mom said as Scott looked at me like i grew two heads.

I gave him a confused look. "If you don't mind me asking are you sick?" I shook my head confused. "Then why are you so happy?" Scott asked shocked.

I smiled, it's mine and Derek's anniversary today, and Derek had texting me saying we were going out and he wouldn't tell me where because he said it was a surprise, ugh how much i hate surprises. "Well something special is going on today." I said putting a boiled egg in my mouth.

My mom stopped chewing and looked at me. "Why did you tell me you were dating Derek hale." She said making me choke on my breakfast.

I swallowed my egg down hardly. "H-how did you know?" I sent a glare to Scott as i asked.

I heard the door open. "I told her." Stiles said walking in smiling at me.

I glared at him. "And i knew since the day at the station, when he saw you laying there he had the face of not wanting to live anymore thinking you would leave him." I felt a hit of sadness hit my chest. "I also noticed the promise ring on your finger." She pointed at my promise ring. "He really is in love with you." I smiled looking down at my promise ring.

I looked up at her. "It's our anniversary." I admitted

My mom grabbed my hand and smiled. "He better treat you good or i'll go all momma McCall on him." I laughed. "Call him here, he must be hungry and lonely living in that warehouse." I looked at he confused, she pointed at Stiles again. "He told me everything." Stiles looked up with his mouth full of food.

We all busted out laughing as Stiles looked at us confused, i shook my head and pulled out my phone calling Derek. "Hey baby." He answered making me smile. "I called you like a few seconds ago i guess you can't stay away from me." He said making me giggle.

Scott rolled his eyes hearing whatever Derek was saying. "Actually Babe, i called because my mom wants you to come over." The phone was silent but i can hear his heartbeat racing up, oh my god he is nervous. "Derek, you don't have to be nervous, it's my mom she is barley even scary." I looked at my mom who looked at me raising her eyebrow never mind she is scary.


She slapped my hand making me laugh. "Um..i don't know about that." Scott started laughing and took the phone out of my hand.

"If you're a scardey cat you wouldn't come." He told him making Derek growl at him.

"I'll be there because i'm not scared." He said ending the phone before Scott could say anything else.

Scott chuckled as he handed the phone back to me, i sipped some of my water and after five minutes there was a knock on the door, i stood up and walked towards the door opening it revealing Derek hale, he looked down at me smiling. "Happy anniversary." He said.

I laughed. "I think we already said that, come in." He walked in and i shut the door behind us.

He grabbed me by the waist. "I already know that." He slammed his lips onto mine, we made out until someone cleared their throat making us pull away and turn our heads to see my mom standing there with crossed arms looking at us with a raised eyebrow. "Hello Mrs. McCall." Derek greeted.

She smiled at him. "Hello, Derek." She walked over to us. "Come eat food, not my daughter's face." She joked making me chuckled and Derek pale. "I'm just joking." We walked into the kitchen, Derek and me sat beside each other eating, as Scott and Stiles sat across from us and my mom at the end of the table. "So Derek, do you love Layla?" My mom questioned, like a father.

Derek grabbed onto my hand gazing at me. "Very much." He said staring at me then back at my mom. "She's changed me as a person." I blushed and looked down at our hands interlocked together.

Stiles cleared his throat. "Their actually mates." He said making my mom look at us in shock. "Soul mates." He trailed off as Derek sent him, his special glare, making Stiles lean back and zip his mouth closed. "Not gonna say anything." He muttered.

My mom's mouth slightly opened. "Soul mates are real?" She asked in shock.

Derek nodded. "Yes, That's why Layla has this and this." He showed her the marks on my neck and wrist.

My mom looked up at me putting her lips in a line. "You told me that's a tattoo." I cleared my throat.

"Well, you didn't know i was some supernatural creature so i had to lie." I shrugged taking a sip of my water.

Scott silently laughed at me, i sent a death stare and he poked his tongue out. "What do they even mean." I bit my lip.

Derek answered for me. "The one on her wrist means she is apart of my family, and the one on her neck, i marked her mine." She looked confused wondering how. "Wolves mark their mates by their teeth, i made sure not to harm her." I nodded in agreement.

She clapped her hands together. "Well you have my approval." She said patting his back. "Welcome to the family, Derek." He smiled.

As Scott's face dropped and Stiles' lightened up "What!?" Scott exclaimed.

As Stiles jumped up and opened his palm flat. "Hand it over, werewolf." I looked at them confused, what is he talking about? Scott sighed reaching for his pockets handing twenty bucks to Stiles.

"What the hell?" I asked confused.


Stiles turned to me happily. "You see, me and Scotty boy over here made a bet, i said your mom will accept Derek but Scotty boy over here said she won't, we made a bet that the winner get's twenty bucks." My jaw dropped.

I laughed. "You two bet on him?" Scott sighed annoyed that he lost twenty bucks to his best friend over Derek.

Stiles turned to Scott. "Let's make a bet! They'll get married and have kids, the winner gets one hundred bucks." Stiles said.

I shook my head. "Nope! No more bets!" Scott nodded in agreement knowing he would lose again.

Stiles groaned. "Awh come on." He threw his head back.

I looked over at Derek who was gazing lovingly at me, making me blush and put my head on his shoulder, he kissed my head as i watched Stiles and Scott arguing over the bet and my mom trying to break the fight.


So i'm getting ready for my date tonight, i grabbed my dress i was going to wear tonight I slipped in on and curled my hair once i was done i applied light makeup on my face, i was finally done i slipped on my shoes and walked over to my clutch.

I went downstairs and saw Derek waiting downstairs for me, i went up to him smiling the weird thing was Scott and mom weren't home and it's a Saturday night they should be home. "You look beautiful." He said wrapping his arms around me kissing my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You look handsome." I kissed his cheek.

He let go of my waist and grabbed my hand leading me out of the house and towards his beautiful car, we got in and he turned on the car driving off to where ever he was taking me, once our car came to a stop the place was dark you couldn't see anything, i turned to Derek. "Are you sure you're not planning on murdering me?" I asked.

Derek laughed. "I wouldn't dare to even harm you, i'm completely madly in love with you." He said putting a finger under my chin pecking my lips. "I love you, now come on." He opened his door and got out coming around opening the door for me, he gave me his hand and i took it as he helped me out of the car.

He shut the door behind me. "Close your eyes." He whispered in my ear making me shiver when his breath hit my ear, i fluttered my eyes closed as he grabbed my hand and walked us to where ever, my heart beated fast wondering what he is planning, all of a sudden we came to a stop. "Open your eyes." He whispered in my ear again sending shivers to my body.

I slowly fluttered my eyes opened as i looked around to see us in the middle of candles that where making everywhere bright, i noticed the candles were shaped into a heart with us standing in the middle of roses.

I looked up back at Derek who was on one of his knees, making me gasp. "Layla McCall, you are the light the angel that came into my life, you are the perfect girl in my life and i love you so much, i love you for making changing me, i love you for loving me, i love everything about you, you are sweet and kind, you're everything i could think of, i want to love you until we get grey and wrinkly, i want us to be together forever! I want little Derek and Layla's running around our house, and most importantly i want you to have my last name." I gasped when he took out a red velvet ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring inside "Layla McCall the thief who stole my heart will you marry me and love me until death?" I didn't realize i was crying until i felt a tear fall onto my knuckles.

I covered my mouth and sobbed, i couldn't say the answer without my voice cracking, i nodded. "Yes!" I shouted making Derek smile and pull me into a hug picking me up swirling me around making me laugh, as he put me down kissing my lip then pulled away.

Raised his hand. "She said yes!" He yelled out happily, all of a sudden i heard clapping making me turn around to see my mom, Scott, and all our friends standing there smiling at us, Derek turned me around taking the ring out of the box and slipped my promise ring off and slid on the engagement ring.

I pulled Derek into a tight hug, inhaling his scent. "I love you so much, Derek hale." He pulled away from me kissing my lips as hard as he can but the kiss was full of love.

We kissed until we were breathless and pulled away gasping for air. "I love you too, future Mrs. Hale." He winked making me slap his chest laughing.

I turned to my mom. "You knew didn't you?" I asked making her nod.

"In fact he asked before hand and i said yes." I turned and looked at Derek pecking his lips.

Scott walked up to Derek. "If you even think about hurting her, i will make sure you will face something you never want to face and that's not a threat it's a promise, future brother in law." Scott promise Derek.

Derek looked at him with a smirk. "You look like an idiot acting badass." He said making me laugh, as Scott looked at with a glare. "I love her, and i wouldn't hurt her." Scott nodded then kissed my forehead.

"Congrats sis." He smiled.

Lydia came over to me pulling me into a tight hug. "Congrats! Babe!" She said pulling away. "I'm your brides maid right?" We just got engaged.

I chuckled. "Lydia, we just got engaged but when we do get married yes you'll be my bride's maid." She clapped happily.

Stiles walked over to Derek slapping his arm making Derek send him a glare and raised an eyebrow, Stiles cleared his throat acting like he wasn't scared. "Congrats sour wolf, you won my best friend's heart." He turned to me ignoring Derek's glare. "Did you say you wouldn't date anyone and you were going to stay single for the rest of your life?" I nibbled my lips giving Stiles a shut up look. "Well congrats." He pulled me into a hug kissing my head making Derek growl.

We pulled away and Stiles turned to Derek. "She's like a sister to me! Sour-wolf no need to be angry, you hurt her you'll have to deal with me and Scott and things won't get pretty." He threatened. Derek sent him his special glare making Stiles clear his throat and point where Scott is. "I'm just going, yeah.." He basically ran to Scott making me laugh.

I turned to Derek. "He is so sweet." I said looking back at Scott and Stiles.

Derek wrapped his arms around me. "What was Stiles talking about?" He teased.

I sighed. "Well after seeing everyone in my school who were dating break up, i saw what the went through and i didn't want to go through that until i found you who stole my heart away making me change my mind about dating." He chuckled kissed my cheek.

"Can i speak to my daughter." I heard mom say behind making me pull away from Derek and turn to my mom, she cupped my cheek. "I'm happy for you, i'm glad you found someone to love." She kissed my cheek. "And if you hurt her you'll have to deal with mama McCall." She warned, Derek nodded.

"I've heard that a thousand time, i promise i won't hurt her, i'll shower her with love." I smiled and blushed.

"Good, i want Grandchildren right after you get married, capish?"

My eyes widen. "Not, that fast mom." She laughed.

"I'm just joking." We all laughed.

This was a night that i will never forget, i cuddled to Derek's chest smiling up at him as he kissed my forehead.

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