《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(2x12) Master Plan


Jackson's body was in a bag, turns out he was dead, i sat on the bench watching my mom talking to the ambulance, everyone had a sad face on, i felt tears build up in my eyes as i put my head in my hands, remembering all the times he had annoyed me and how he was always so cocky.

I wiped the tears that streamed down my face and kept my eyes locked to the body bag he was lying in, as the paramedics took him away, inhaled deeply as i looked at Mr. Stilinski who had a sad expression his face, poor Stiles.

Where could my best friend be? I lost someone i actually cared about today and i don't need to lose someone i love in a brotherly way, i felt someone's hand on my shoulder i turned around to see Sheriff looking down at me with a sad look. "You okay, kiddo?" I shook my head as he pulled me into a hug, i held onto him tightly.

Once we pulled away i wiped my tears away. "We are going to find Stiles, i promise." I promised sheriff.

He nodded and squeezed my shoulder before walking away, i turned to see my mom getting into the ambulance and drove off, i stood up and walked to the locker room and opened the door, and walked in walking towards Scott who was next to Stiles' locker. "Trying to find him by his scent?" I asked in between Scott and Isaac.

Scott turned and looked at me nodding. "And Isaac is helping." He handed Isaac Stiles' shoes.

I bit my lip holding my laugh, he has to smell that, no offense Stiles, Isaac looked down at the shoes then he looks at the shirt in Scott's hand. "Why do you get his shirt and I geta shoe?" I laughed at his reaction.

Scott didn't answer which caused me to stop laughing and look at Scott who was gazing at something behind me, i slowly turned around to see Derek, i sighed in relief i thought it was Gerard, Derek's eyes stayed on me. "We need to talk." Derek said.

Someone came out behind the panel, how is that possible!? How did that even happen? My mouth slightly opened. "What the hell?" I whispered.

He smirked at us. "All of us." I stood there in shock and so did Scott, we both looked at each other sharing a look then looked back at the two in front of us. "How is he-" I cut him off.

"-Alive." I finished for him as i eyed him, he smirked at the both of us.


Me and Scott were still shocked, i ran a hand through my hair. "It was Lydia, wasn't it?" I said still in shock as i looked up at Peter who was smirking at us.

Peter chuckled and nodded. "Yes, you sure are smart." First Gerard now him? I rubbed my temple, feeling a headache come.

That's why i felt a little weak at the station, and Derek didn't even bother telling me? "What the hell is this?" Scott snapped as he walked closer to the two.

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's Station." I sighed if only he knew the plan.

Scott glanced at me then back at Derek. "Okay, hold on." Scott started. "He threatened tokill my mom and Layla, and I needed to get close to him." I nodded in agreement. "What was I supposed to do?" Scott asked.


Peter looked at us. "I'm going to have to side with Scott on this one." Peter opened his mouth. " Have you seen their mother?" I groaned in annoyance. "Gorgeous." He said.

"Shut up!" Me, Derek and Scott said at the same time.

I put my hand on my head, this is all too much. "Just an observation." Can he shut up.

I rolled my eyes. "Can someone kill him again." I looked between Scott and Derek.

Isaac turned to Scott and I. "Who is he?" Isaac asked the both of us.

"Derek's uncle." Scott answered.

I kept my eyes on Peter as i continued for Scott. "A little while back,he tried to kill all of us so we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat." I glanced at Isaac.

"Good to know." Isaac whispered.

I kept my glare on Peter. "How is he alive?" Scott asked.

Peter answered for him. "Long, complicated story." I rolled my eyes, i know it was Lydia i knew she would see him. "Wolfsbane,full moon, it's a whole thing." I crossed my arms turning to Derek with a glare.

He looked back at me. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" I asked not feeling trusted.

Derek sighed in frustration. "I forgot okay! After you turned into a white wolf, all i was thinking about was training you." Derek said, i rolled my eyes knowing i couldn't stay mad at him forever.

Peter looked impressed. "Ah...So Talia's magic worked." I didn't bother answering, i just sent him an annoyed look.

Derek turned to Scott. "The short version is he knows howto stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him." Derek said.

I let in a breath knowing it's a little too late, i bit my lip looking down sadly. "Too late." I said making Derek look at me confused.

Isaac put his hands in his pocket. "He's dead." Isaac told him.

Derek and Peter's eyes went wide, and Derek frowned. "What?" He asked.

I leaned against the locker behind us. "Jackson's dead." Scott confirmed. "It happened on the field." I felt a pang of sadness hit me when i remembered seeing his body on the field.

I sighed and stood up straight. "And it looks like he did it himself." I said, looking up at them.

Derek and Peter share a look, neither seem relieved. "Why's nobody taking this as good news?" Isaac asked.

Because he didn't deserve to die. "Because if Jackson's dead, there's no way it just happened." Peter answered him. "Gerard wanted it to happen." i put interlocked my hands behind my neck.

"But why?" Derek asked Peter.

"Exactly what we need to find out.And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing, quickly."


We went to the hale house, Scott looked at me as he stuck his phone in his pocket. "They found Stiles." He said making me smile.

I threw my head back. "Oh thank god." Phew i thought something bad was going to happen to that nut head.

Derek wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I told you I looked everywhere." He said as he put his chin on my shoulder, we watched Peter approach the staircase.

"But you didn't look here." Peter snaps up a panel, freeing it.


He pulls out a large and dusty leather case. "What is that? A book?" I bit my lip holding my laugh at his stupid question.

Derek wrapped his arms around my shoulder and he put his chin on my head. "No, it's a laptop." He flips the case open to reveal a MacBook Pro. "What century are you living in?" I giggled at what Peter said, no matte how much i hate Peter but that was kind of funny.

I can feel Derek glaring down at me put i ignored and leaned my head on his chest from behind me. "In the few days after I came out of the coma I started transferring everything we had." Peter said keeping his eyes on me and Derek. "Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records." Scott's phone buzzed so he walked away from us.

Peter looked at me and Derek, why is he staring at us like that? "You love her." Peter told Derek.

Derek looked down at me kissing my forehead. "Very much." He said keeping his gaze on me.

Peter smiled. "Protect her, Derek." I looked at Peter surprised. "Don't push her away and love her as much as you can, i can see she makes you happy." I looked at him impressed.

Derek smiled down at me kissing my forehead again making me close my eyes when he did, when he pulled away i slowly opened my eyes and looked at Peter, Scott came into the room looking worried. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Mom called." I nodded for him to go on. "Something is going on with Jackson, i need to get to the hospital quick." I nodded, he held my arm. "Stay here with Derek, i'll take Isaac with me." I nodded in agreement.

Scott sent me a smile before turning around leaving me. "Call us if something happens." He nodded then left the house, i turned to Peter with my arms crossed, i sent him a look as he sent me an innocent smile, i huffed in annoyance and turned to Derek burying my face into his chest.

Derek had been on the phone with Scott as i stood next to Peter who was on the laptop, i watched whatever he was researching, Derek ended the phone call and walked towards me putting his hand on the desk making him lean behind me, i felt his breath on my neck making me shiver. "They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws." He told us with a husky voice, i know he did it on purpose and it worked because i have goosebumps all over my body.

How much i hate the affect he has on me. "That sounds sufficiently terrifying." I nodded in agreement, Peter clicks as fast as he can, scrolling through the text.

I crossed my arms. "They're also saying he's starting to move." Derek said as he still had the phone to his ear.

"Okay, I think I found something." Peter said making me look at the computer screen as Derek leaned in closer making me feel his body behind me. "Apparently what we've seen of Jackson so far is just the Kanima's Beta shape." I put my cheek on Derek's.

"Meaning what?" Me and Derek asked Peter at the same time. "It can turn into something bigger?" Derek questioned further.

Peter clicked onto a picture, our eyes widen at the picture. "Bigger and badder." Peter answered as our eyes were glues onto the screen.

My lip slightly opened. "He's turning into that?" Derek said in shock, Peter nodded.


"That has wings."

I sighed at Derek for stating the obvious. "We see that." I said.

Derek walked away from us and the first thing he told Scott was. "Bring him to us." He said, and walked towards us putting his hand in front of me on the desk as he leaned behind me again.

Peter looked at us and pointed at a animation of the Kanima. "Look at this." He started moving the mouse towards it. " Someone actually did an animation of it." He clicked on it. "Maybe it's a little less frightening than we--" A hideous scream came from the computer causing me to jump back in fright and bumped into Derek's chest.

I shook my head. "Nope, not at all." I said as i slammed the laptop shut. "Phew." Derek stood straight with the phone on his ear.

"Scott, get him out of there." He ordered Scott. "Go now!" he hung up the phone then turned to us, he nodded for me mentioning us to leave.

I nodded and walked beside him, we move to the door moves but Peter places a hand on Derek's arm. "We need Lydia." Peter said.

I shot him a look. "What do you think she's going to be able to do?" I asked crossing my arms. "Jackson could rip her in half just by looking at her." I told him not wanting my best friend in danger.

"There's no time--" Peter signaled him to be quiet.

I huffed feeling annoyed as ever. "Exactly the problem." I wrapped my arms around Derek's arm. "We're rushing, moving too fast." Well he kind of has a point "And while everyone knows a moving target is easier to hit, here we are racing right into Gerard's cross hairs." Peter finished.

Derek looked down at me before looking back at Peter. "If I have the chance to kill Jackson, I'm taking it." He said making my eyes go wide.

I looked up at him. "Derek, i thought we were saving him." I said.

He looked down at me. "Did you see the video? He is going to turn to that then kill all of us." I sighed.

I unwrapped my arms from his. "I get that! But Jackson doesn't deserve this." I threw my hands to my side. "He didn't ask to be a Kanima, Derek." I sighed feeling my head starting to hurt. "There has to be some way to save him, and if you don't find that way! Then i will." I said turning around opening the door and walking out.

I just got done talking to Lydia. Derek had went to Scott and Chris leaving me with Peter. "Let's go." I said walking into the warehouse with him following close behind us.

Once we made it inside i turned around and faced Peter who looked down at me raising an eyebrow, i sent him a smile making him look at me confused, i kicked the back of his knee making him fall to the floor then punched him as hard as i can which caused him to lay on the floor holding his face groaning in pain. "You really are weak." I smirked.

As i walked to the cabinet taking out a glass cup filling it with water. "What was that even for?" He asked sitting up.

I smiled at the air then turned to Peter. "For everything you've done to me and my brother don't forget my friends too, dick." I told him as i took a sip of my water.

Everyone walked in, Derek came towards me wrapping his arms around me as he looked at Peter who was on the floor confused. "Why is he on the floor?" He asked nodding to Peter.

I smirked at Peter. "He wanted to know how the ground felt." I said sweetly as Peter glared at me and i sent him a innocent smile.

Scott looked around. "Okay, Peter is here, so is Layla but where is Lydia?" He asked.

No one answered as Derek unzipped the body bag. "Okay, hold on a second, You said you knew how to save him." I looked at Derek in disbelief he actually is going to kill him.

I walked over standing next to Scott. "That's what i thought, but turns out Derek has change of plans." I said through my clenched teeth.

Derek rolled his eyes at me. "We're past that." I gave Derek a glare.

Scott looked at me for help but i shrugged, i already tried convincing his stubborn ass. "Think about it, Scott." Derek hissed. "Gerard controls him now, he's made Jackson his personal guard dog." Chris shook his head not believe his father would do so. "And he put all this in motion so that Jackson could become even bigger and more powerful."

"No." Chris said making us all look at him, his face had a concerned face, i ran a hand through my hair. "He wouldn't do that." The dirty old hag looks evil. "If Jackson's adog, then he's turning rabid and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live." I sighed.

Then we heard a voice come behind us. "Of course not." I whipped around to see Gerard stepping out of the shadow, how long has he been there? "Something that dangerous, that out of-control...is better off dead." Oh so i suppose we should kill him.

I looked back at Derek who looked up at me before sticking his claw into Jackson, but then something shocked me to see Jackson growling as he slammed his claw into Derek stomach, causing me to feel the pain also, i clench my teeth together as i hissed in pain.

He held a chocking Derek by his stomach as his claw went deeper inside of Derek, i watched Jackson threw Derek like he was nothing causing him to hit a wall, i cupped my mouth too shocked to even run up to Derek and check if he was okay, Scott slowly retreats from Gerard. "Well done to the last, Scott." Gerard started.

"Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize you were also bringing Derek to me."

All of a sudden an arrow flew past me, i quickly turned around to see it hit Isaac who was standing behind me in the leg, all of a sudden another arrow was thrown my way again causing me to quickly grab it, i started at the sharp part on the arrow that was in between my eyes.

I threw the arrow on the floor and looked to see who threw the arrow and turns out it was my 'best friend' "Allison." I whispered as Scott called out her name in shock.

Derek had stood up and changed to his werewolf form, getting ready to attack the Kanima, as Scott grabbed my arm pushing me behind him and Isaac who changed their form also, gun shots went off making me hold cover my ear because of the loudness of the guns.

I backed up far away from them as the three wolves circle the Kanima, i watched as one after another they launch their attack. Vicious bites, claws raking across scaled skin, but they're far out-matched, even as Derek launches off the ground for a last assault the Kanima ducks down and slashes his torso to ribbons. "Derek!" I yelled, Derek looked up at me.

He mouthed. 'Don't move.' i nodded as he held onto his torso, crashing to the ground amid a spray of blood droplets, Derek sinks, unable to rise again. Why do i feel so useless? Isaac charges to defend Derek when Allison slips in front of him with the ring knife. The slashes come with blinding speed. Knife circling up and around, Allison steps back allowing Isaac to collapse in front of her.

I cupped my mouth before yelling. "Allison, Stop!" I yelled on the top of my lungs, but she doesn't listen to me Steadily approaching Derek. Raising the knife as he looks up at her, preparing to defend himself.

I shook my head, i'm not letting her take someone i love away from me, i was running up to her to stop her but soon was stopped when someone grabbed me by the waist stopping me. Scott. I looked to see the kanima stopping her from stabbing him. "Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard said.

We all stared in shock as the Kanima forced Allison to drop the knife from her hand, she looked at Gerard with sad eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked with sadness.

"He's doing what he came here to do." Scott mumbled as he looked at me, i slowly nodded.

Gerard meets our eyes, seeing recognition in them. "Then you both know?" Gerard asked Scott.

I ran a hand through my hair. "What's he talking about?" Allison asked, Gerard ignores her, eyes focused on Scott and i.

"It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it?" Gerard questioned. "When I threatened your mother? I knew I saw something in both of your eyes." I can still smell it. "You both could smell it, couldn't you?" We didn't say anything.

But Isaac did. "He's dying." He said as he stood up, Gerard gives him a nod.

"I am." He confirmed. "I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet." He looked down at my mate on the ground who was in lots of pain, Allison lurches forward trying to free herself. But Gerard gives the slightest nod and the Kanima wraps its hand around her neck, claws pressed against the flesh under her chin.

Chris stood up from the ground looking at his father in pure hatred. "You monster." Chris said coming over standing next to me.

Gerard looked over at his son smirking. "Not yet." What kind of man does this? Supernatural creatures have more heart than him.

He turned to Scott and me. "What are you doing?" Allison yelled struggling to breathe, the Kanima's claws dig deeper into Allison's throat.

I put my hand on my throat. "You'd kill her too?" Chris asked in disbelief.

"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son." This selfish son of a bitch, he turned to Scott. "Scott." In weary defeat, Scott slowly approaches Derek.

I grabbed onto Scott's arm. "Scott! Don't." I begged, he gave me a sad look as he took my hand off of him and went towards Derek. Isaac held me back. "Scott, you don't have to do this!" I cried falling onto my knees with Isaac's hands wrapped around me, i cried even more watching the scene.

He grabbed Derek by the neck. "Don't, Scott think about your sister! she's going to go weak! Scott she is going to hate you for this." Derek told Scott who looked back at me, with a sad look. Tears ran down my face as i huddled up in Isaac's chest crying. "You know he's going to killme right after." But Scott ignores whatever he says.

I moved away from Isaac's chest. "Scott i'm begging you! You are taking away someone i love! I hope you know i'll never forgive you for this!" I cried, Derek sent me a sad and a look of forgive me.

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