《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(2x11) Battlefield


I groaned in pain as i laid there on the floor, Derek crossed his arm sighing as he looked down at me, i looked back at him and whined which caused him to roll his eyes as me, i rolled my eyes back at him. "Please don't make me do this, i'm tired." I said as i surprisingly stayed dusty floor i wouldn't have but i'm to tired to get up.

Derek gave me a hand, and i sighed in defeat and took it, once i was fully up. "You have to train, Layla." He said.

I whined as he pulled me closer. "I know but my body hurts, really, really bad." I said feeling some of the bones in my body heal.

i put my head on his chest as he rubbed my back. "You heal babe, continue." I sighed and pulled away from him then kicked the back of his knees which caused him to fall onto them, he looked at me surprised when i tackled him to the floor and was on top of him.

I smirked. "Happy? See i learned." He smirked back at me by rolling us over and locking my hands together with his hands as he put them above my head.

My smirk soon fell which caused him to smirk bigger. "Never get caught off guard." I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me as we both stood up.

I wiped the dust off my body. "You know what Derek Hale no sex for a week." I smirked walking away from him swaying my hips which caused him to growl loudly, i went to the bathroom stripping off my clothes turning on the hot water, when i entered the shower.

My mind has drifted to Matt who died last week, the cops had found him in water, i still get shivers in goosebumps thinking that boy who had a crush on me is dead, i sighed feeling bad, i know he was bad and he creeped me out by being my creepy stalker but he didn't deserve to die.

Once i was done washing my hair and body, i got out of the shower wrapping the towel around my body, i walked out of the shower and went to Derek's room to see him sitting there, he looked up at me smirking then sent me a wink. "Nope, not happening and in fact i need to get home." I said grabbing my clothes that was on the bed and walked to the steamy bathroom.

I put on my undergarment then threw on my tank top and legging, i threw on my cardigan over my tank top and brushed my hair leaving it wavy afterwards once i was done i didn't bother putting on makeup since it was at night once i was finished i walked out of the room to see Derek at the kitchen drinking water, he put the cup down when he saw me.

I walked up to him giving him a peck on the lips. "I need to get home now." He nodded.

He grabbed his keys. "I'll take you, it's too dark." I shook my head putting my hand on his arm stopping him.

He looked at me confused, i smiled at him. "You don't have to take me, i'll walk myself, i need it." He opened his mouth to refuse but i smashed my lips on his kissing him with all love and passion. "I love you." I said making him smile.


"I love you too." With that being said i turned around and walked out of Derek's warehouse and walked to my house to visit my mom, she found out i was a pixie and turned into a half white wolf, she hasn't seen me since the day in the station which makes me upset to know my mom is scared of me and Scott.

Once i made it to the front door i unlocked it with my home key and entered shutting the door behind me. "Mom! Scott! I'm home." I yelled but the weird thing was it was awfully silent, i used my wolf hearing but the only thing i heard was hearts beating in Scott's room.

I ran upstairs towards the room. "Mom? Scott..." I trailed off when i opened the door to see my mom being chocked my the Kanima, Gerard standing there smirking at me while Scott looked at me with a panic expression. "What is going on here!?" I yelled, i ran towards the Kanima and my mom but was held back by Gerard he grabbed my wrist hard making me wince in pain. "Let her go!" I shouted at the Kanima.

Gerard laughed at me then pushed me towards Scott who pulled me behind him standing in front of me in a protective way. "Can't do that." I clenched my jaw in anger. "But... Let her live?That's up to you two." I looked at my mom with tears forming into my eyes, she started making chocking sounds making my heart race.

I bit my lip. "What do you want?" Scott asked angrily.

"I want to talk." I swallowed loudly. "You haven't beenanswering your phone." I put my head on Scott back closing my eyes not wanting to see my mom struggling to breathe.

I sighed and lifted my head up. "Let her go and we can talk aboutwhatever you want." Gerard stands and walks to my mom who continues gasping for air.

I put my two fingers on my forehead. "I want the same thing I've alwayswanted." Me and Scott glanced at each other then back at the dirty old man waiting for him to finish. "I want Derek and his pack." My breath hitched in my throat.

He wants my boyfriends pack, my mate. "You've got them all in hiding." Scott answered glancing at me then back at Gerard. "Howshould I know where they are?" Gerard latched onto my wrist pulling me in front of him.

He smirked at me. "You know where they are don't you." He gripped his grasp tighter on my wrist making me whimper in pain. "You are Derek's mate after all." How does he know that? "Easy the marks on your wrist and neck." He smirked.

I pulled my wrist out of his grasp. "I don't know! I haven't talked to Derek since you came in town, we both got into a fight and stopped talking to each other, we broke up." I lied.

He looked at me with disgust then threw me towards Scott again. "I think with the proper motivationyou could draw them out." I glanced at my mom worriedly. "And if youhadn't noticed I now have a fairlyimpressive means by which tomotivate people." I wish i could beat his ass.

He gives an almost prideful glance at the Kanima. "Why do you think I'm able tocontrol him? You know the myth,Scott." Anger started building up inside of me, i calmed my wolf down by thinking of Derek. "The Kanima is a weapon ofvengeance." They made Jackson into a toy.


This is about Kate, i thought at the same time as Scott said. "This is about Kate?" Scott asked

"I didn't just come here to bury mydaughter." Gerard replied to him. "I came to avenge her." That's when the Kanima let's go of my mom letting herdrop to the floor, me and Scott rushed towards her as she coughed trying to breathe in air.

I turned and looked at the Kanima and Gerard disappearing from our sight, i looked back my mom, she was struggling trying to breathe but her eyes had fear written all over it. "Are you okay?" Scott asked.

She shook her head. "I don't know what's happening." I looked down feeling bad for her.


The next day Derek had called saying Erica and Boyd were leaving after the game which shocked me, i threw on my outfit (Outfit on top) I finished straightening my hair and makeup once i was done i walked out and went to the clinic.

To find Scott and Deaton working on a cute little dog. "Hi." I greeted them with a smile.

They both smiled at me. "Hey." They both said at the same time.

I looked at the dog and pet it, which caused it to rub itself on me, i looked down at laughed. "Aren't you a little cutie." It smelt weird, i was about to ask when we saw Isaac standing in front of the door with his hands in his pockets.

Deaton walked to Isaac. "It's alright, Isaac." Deaton told him when he opened the door half way. "We're opened." Isaac entered and his eyes fell on Scott and I, turned my head and continued petting the dog, i crossed my arms and watched Scott gently hold the dog still on theexamining table while Deaton administers a shot from theautomatic syringe.

I looked at Isaac who crinkles up his nose in disgust. "Why does it smell like that?" He asked the question i was supposed to ask before, Scott and Deaton share a smile before looking back at Isaac. "What?" He asked the two.

"Scott said almost the exact samething to me a few months ago."

"And i was gonna ask but couldn't because everyone got distracted." I uncrossed my arms.

Deaton smiled at me. "Oneday he could somehow tell whichanimals were getting better andwhich were not." I feel like it's not getting better.

Isaac eyed the dog. "He's not getting better?" I sighed. "Is he?" Isaac asked looking at Deaton who shook his head.

The poor little dog whined softly, which made a pain of sadness hit me in the insides, i pet the dog's head. "Osteosarcoma." My head shot up and looked at Deaton, then back at the dog with sadness. "It's a very distinct scent, isn'tit?" Deaton asked looking at me and Scott, we both nodded, he turned to Isaac. "Come here." He mentioned Isaac to come closer, Scott gives Isaac a nod as if to say it'll be okay. "I think you're pretty aware of whatyour new abilities can do for you." Deaton looked at the dog. "But have you ever wondered whatthey can do for others?" He looked back at Isaac. "Give meyour hand." Deaton told him.

Isaac cautiously holds his hand out for Deaton, he takesit and gently places it on the dying dog. Hesitant, Isaac pets the dog. Almost immediately, the dog stops whining. Its breathing slows, body calming as Isaacstrokes the back of its head.

Isaac pauses to raise his freehand. The VEINS on it have darkened considerably. Teethclenched in pain, Isaac squeezes his hand into a fist andwatches it return to normal, he took the pain away. Astonished, he peers down at the dog which rests far moreeasily now while affectionately nuzzling Isaac's other hand.

He looked at me and Scott still in shock. "What was that?" He asked in shock.

Me and Scott shared a look. "You took some of his pain." Scott answered him.

"Just a little bit. But sometimes alittle can make quite a difference." Deaton explained.

When Isaac looks up again, his eyes are glistening. "It's okay." Scott started, i looked at the dog feeling a lump in my throat trying my best to swallow it. "First time he showed me,I cried too." Scott finished.

I chuckled. "And i'm about to cry." I said making Scott smile at me pulling me into his arms. Isaac looked at us and started laughing making me and Scott smile as we looked down at the dog.


I walked to the bleachers to see Scott and Stiles sitting on the bench, i went over and joined them sitting beside Stiles, i bumped my shoulders with him smiling. "Your Dad coming?" I asked.

Stiles smiled at me in return. "Already here." he nods to the bleachers behind us where SheriffStilinski sat beside mom.

"You seen Allison?" Scott asked.

"No." Stiles started. "You seen Lydia?" He asked Scott.

It's weird i haven't seen Lydia in a while, which it's weird because we have gotten close. "Not yet." Scott answered making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Do both of you know what's going on?"

Me and Scott shared a look. "Not yet." We both said at the same time.

I patted Stiles's back as i stood up walking away from them because i had a phone call from Derek, i walked out of the bleachers and called him back but no response, so why did he call me? I looked down at my phone confused slightly feeling worried about my mate, i called him one more time but no answer, i sighed and walked back to the bleachers to see Scott still sitting on the bench while Stiles had disappeared.

Where did Stiles go? I walked towards mom and Mr. Stilinski and sat down beside my mom. "Where is Stiles?" I asked her.

She looked at me then back at the field. "He is playing." She said which caused me to smile brightly.

He's actually playing! "My son's on the field!" Mr. Stilinski yelled happily, making me and my mom laugh, as the crowd on the bleachers all look up at Stilinski, with ahuge smile on his face, he quietly sits back down, i smiled at him but then soon dropped when i heard someones voice. "Scott? Can you hear me?" Gerard said making me tense.

Scott turns, scanning the bleachers, trying to locate Gerard, i swallowed loudly. "Ah, you can." I looked at Gerard who sent me a smirk, my eyes widen in fear. "Good, then listenclosely, because the game's aboutto get interesting..." I stiffened in my spot as i looked away from him. "Let's put a real clock on thisgame, Scott." My breath hitched in my throat.

"I'll give you until the last thirtyseconds, when that scoreboard clockbegins counting down from thirty,if you haven't given me Derek,Jackson is going to kill someone." My eyes widen, i'm not giving him Derek! But someone is gonna die! What the hell is wrong with this old hag? It wasn't Derek who killed that psycho bitch. "So tell me who's going to dietonight, Scott?" I grabbed onto my mom's hand making her look at me confused. "Scott? Should it be yourmother who so bravely came out tosupport you?" My mouth opened slightly as i glanced at my mom worriedly.

"Or the Sheriff? Your best friend'sfather?" What is wrong with that dirty old hag!? Shouldn't he be giving kisses to his grandchildren instead of threatening teenagers. "Or how about the pretty little redheadwho managed to survive thebite of an Alpha?" My heart quickened as i saw Lydia coming towards me sitting down next to me smiling at me.

I returned a smile acting like nothing was happening. "Maybe one of these innocentteenagers with their whole lifeahead of them?" This man is the devil. "I'll have Jackson rip someone'shead off right in the middle of thefield and drench everyone you loveand care about in blood." I shook my head and turned to Lydia.

I smiled at her. "How are you?" I asked.

She looked away from the field and at me. "I'm good, you?" I nodded.

"Same, Shocking thing is that Stiles' is on the team!" I said looking back at the game.

"Yeah i saw." She said.

Can't the two just end up together already, i actually do want Stiles and Lydia to get together. Stiles had caught the ball in his neck which shocked us but then that soon faded when a PLAYER rams into him, i closed my eyes and winced for him. "He's probably just getting warmedup." Mom said and i nodded in agreement.

At the next WHISTLE BLOW, Stiles races for the ball, slappinghelplessly at it while OPPOSING PLAYERS converge on him, we all flinched back. "He's just a little nervous." Lydia said. "Plentyof time to turn it around." I nodded.

"Yup, you're right." I said in agreement. "Stiles' never loses....i think." I shrugged and looked back.

Another WHISTLE BLOW. Stiles tries to catch a pass, but theball BOUNCES right off his helmet, me and Lydia look at each other, neither able to come upwith a new excuse, we turned to Mr. Stilinski who had his head buried in his hands.

After hearing a whole conversation between Scott and Isaac. Isaac was sent on the field and the whistle blows then the ball drops. In the crash ofplayers, Isaac knocks a shoulder into a teammate making me wince for the poor guy who was sent crashing to the dirt. "Lahey!" Coach shouted. "What the hell's yourproblem?" He pointed a finger at him.

Isaac glances back at Coach and holds his hands up inapology, the ref mentioned the game had started again, and Isaac had ran into another player i gasped when i noticed Jackson was behind him i was about to tell him but it was to late, Jackson took him to the ground and paralyzed him, i stood up and ran towards him with Scott running next to me.

Isaac looked us when we kneel down. "It's not broken." He whispered to us, The paramedics had arrived. " But I can't moveit, I think Jackson nicked me, Ican feel it spreading." The paramedics got the stretcher getting ready

Me and Scott stood up and heard a gruff voice coming from Gerard. "You two want to play chess?" We heard him say making us looked at each other. "Thenyou better be willing to sacrificeyour own pawns." They put Isaac on the stretcher and took him away.

"McCall!" Scott turned around and looked at coach, barely catches his helmet thrown to him byCoach. "Either you're in or we forfeit." With a nod, Scott pulls the helmet on.

I smiled at him. "Good luck." I told my brother before walking away and sat next to my mom again.

The whistle blows and Scott charges for the ball, mom turned to me. "Is something bad going to happen." My mom asked, i just sent her a sad look before looking at the field i heard her inhaling deeply, i felt my mom wrap her arm around me kissing my head. "I'm sorry for acting like that." She said.

I looked up at her smiling as i put my head on her shoulder. "You had every right to be shocked, i mean your kids aren't even human." I whispered, she chuckled and soothed my back.

I heard Gerard laughing. "Layla, Layla, Layla." He tsked. "You will find Derek or someone will die! You will hand over your mate." I tensed as i picked my head off of my mom's shoulder looking at Gerard who stared back at me sending me a smile.

I looked around to see Scott walking towards the school. "McCall! Where is McCall!?" Coach shouted, mom looked around worriedly.

I put my hand on hers. "He'll be fine." I said.

I looked to see Stiles running towards the goalie with the ball. "You can do this Stiles!" I shouted clapping, i can see the other team running after him.

"Oh crap." Sheriff said holding his head.

Stiles stopped in front of the goalie and turned around looking behind him, me and Lydia stood up. "Shoot! Stiles!" I shouted.

Lydia grabbed onto my hand. "Shoot it!" Lydia screamed, Stiles looked back at the goalie and shot the ball, he made it! He made it! He made a goal! Me and Lydia pulled each other into a tight hug as Sheriff did the same with my mom, the whole crowd cheered.

Stiles put his hands up and yelled. "I scored!" I giggled at his happiness, the game had started again and Stiles made another goal.

I clapped my hands. "Go Stiles!" I cheered.

The crowed cheered and the team tackled him into a hug, as Lydia stared at Stiles proudly, i shot Stiles a wink, and nodded at Lydia.

I looked at the board and remembered what Gerard said. "Oh no." I whispered then ran to Scott, i grabbed onto his arm worriedly. "Scott wh- what do we do?" I asked him worriedly.

Scott looked at me and shrugged. "I-i don't know." He stuttered.

I looked at Jackson who is looking back at me and Scott while the team is cheering. "We have to do something before he kills someone." I whisper-yelled.

I look back at the board to see there was only eight seconds left which made my heart stop, once the buzzer went off i closed my eyes waiting to hear screaming but nothing came i slowly opened my eyes and turned to Scott confused. "Nothing." Scott said surprised while i looked around confused.

I had a feeling something bad was going to happen and it did, the lights turned off making everyone in the field screaming and running, i pushed past people looking for Jackson. "Where are you Jackson?" I muttered to myself.

But then i stopped walking when i heard my mom. "Layla! Scott! Where are you!?" She shouted, i tried looking for her or Scott but i couldn't find them. "Layla! Scott!" I tried looking for her but it was to dark.

I looked around making my eyes fall onto a body on the ground while the team was around it. "Layla!?" My mom and Scott voice came closer.

I walked towards their voice then saw Scott and ran up to him as he pulled me into a tight hug, mom then pulled me out of his arm and hugged me. "Thank god you are okay." She whispered as she kissed my head, i pulled away from her.

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