《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(2x10) Fury Part 2


Scott looked down at Layla who's face was now pale, he slowly moved the stray of hair that fell on her face, Melissa fell to her knees crying her eyes out thinking her daughter has died, Sheriff stood there in shock, while Matt just stood there emotionless, he thought Layla would heal but turns out Layla was too weak to heal and she was without her ring.

Scott looked up at Matt. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Scott yelled slowly laying his sister down on the ground.

Matt rolled his eyes and pointed the gun at Scott. "You keep Screaming and the nextbullet goes in his head." Melissa tried calming herself down as she looked at her daughter laying there with a pale face. "Back tothe front, McCall. Let's go." Scott looked down at Layla who laid there. "Let's go!" Matt grabbed his arm pushing him out the door, he turned around waving at Melissa and Sheriff.

Stiles and Derek lie on the floor of the office while Jackson stands watch at the door. He barely moves, glancing back only briefly to make sure his captives are still immobile, Derek felt a pain in his stomach and heard screaming before the pain which caused him to worry about his mate being in danger but he was helpless. "You know what's happening to Matt?" Stiles whispered.

Derek snapped out of his thoughts. "I know the book isn't going to helphim. You can't just break therules. Not like this." Derek answered him still having the love of his life on his mind.

Stiles looked at Derek confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.

The pain in Derek stomach hurt more which caused his eyes to go wide, all he thought of was saving Layla. "The universe balances things out." Derek said through his pain. "It always does."

"Because he's using Jackson to killpeople who don't deserve it?"

"And killing people himself."

"So if Matt breaks the rules of theKanima, he becomes a Kanima?"


Stiles thought of what would happen if he told Matt. "You think he'd believe us if wetold him?" Stiles asked Derek.

Derek sighed. "Not likely." He replied with honesty.

"He's going to kill all of us whenhe gets the book, isn't he?"


Stiles exhaled deeply. "So what do we do?" Stiles asked. "Just lie here andwait to die?" Derek didn't bother replying to what he said.

He hissed in pain because of his stomach which caused Stiles to make a confused face. "I can figure out some way topush the toxin out of my bodyfaster. Like triggering the healingprocess." Derek glances to Stiles, a surreptitious look, Stiles peersdown to see BLOOD spreading across the floor, Hands at hissides. Derek's CLAWS dig into his own thighs.


Melissa looked at her daughter who was laying there looking pale as her heart was beating very slowly, she sobbed and prayed to god that her daughter would survive, she felt useless, Sheriff sat there staring at the girl who was slowly dying, tears fell from his eyes looking at her. "She can't die." Sheriff heard Melissa cry.

Sheriff frowned at what she said, he knew he couldn't say anything to calm her down, he knew exactly how she felt because Layla was like the daughter he never had and he didn't want to lose her either, he sniffed as he stared at the poor girl laying on the floor. "Please don't leave us." He whispered.


Melissa looks up to see Derek running in the cellar as soon as he entered he sees Layla laying on the ground looking pale with blood running out of her body, he dropped to his knees. "Layla." He whispered, he pulled her close to his chest, he could hear her slow heartbeat. "No, no, no." He repeated knowing she wouldn't last long.

He looked at Melissa who stared back at him sobbing. "Take my daughter out of here! Please save her." Derek looked back at Layla and nodded.

He picked his mate up bridal style and rushed out of the cellar, he pulled his phone out and dialed Deaton's number. "Hello?" Deaton answered.

"Deaton i need you to come to the station immediately." Derek said looking down at his beautiful pale mate. "It's Layla, look i need you to pick her up and save her." He felt a lump in his throat looking down at her.

"Okay, on my way."

With that they hung up, Derek touched Layla's face with tears falling out of his eyes. "Don't leave me." Derek begged, he already lost a lot of people he loved, he didn't want to lose her either. "Baby please." He sniffed, he put his hand on her stomach taking the pain away.

He hissed and growled at them pain, he frowned knowing she is hurting worse than him, a car came to a stop and Deaton rushed out of it, Derek carried Layla to him and Deaton opened the backseat of his car, Derek laid Layla into his car, Deaton frowned seeing her like that. "I'll save her i promise." Deaton promised.

Derek couldn't take his eyes off his mate. "Please." He pleased without taking his eyes off his weak mate, Deaton nodded and ran to the drivers side and drove off as soon as he entered his car.

Derek felt anger building up in him, all he could think of was he was going to kill that kid, Derek ran inside feeling so much anger and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him from killing that Matt kid.


Deaton worked on Layla, after he was done with her stomach he stitched her back up, he put this weird powder looking thing on her face to make her wake up, but nothing. Something wasn't right, this powder usually wakes up pixies, why isn't it working on her? Isn't she a pixie?

All of a sudden Layla gasped shooting up with her eyes wide open, Deaton looked at her in shock to see her eyes weren't any pixie eye color, it was crystal blue, all he could think of was half white wolf.

My eyes snapped open as i shot up gasping for air to see Deaton standing there looking at me in shock, i feel different and the weird thing is i can hear Deatons heart beat. i looked around confused, how did i get here? Wasn't i in the station, all i remember was being in Scott's arm. "Deaton, what am i doing here?" He didn't say anything he just stood there staring straight into my eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He grabbed a mirror and showed me, i look to see my eyes crystal blue, i looked up at him confused. "You're not pixie anymore, Layla." I looked at him confused and shocked.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.


He walked up to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "You are half white wolf." How did that happen.


"Talia." He said Derek's mom's name making me wait for him to go on. "She chose you." He looked up at me.

I put my hand to my forehead. "What do you mean she chose me? Why would she choose me? How did she even?" I bombed with questions.

He sighed and sat down. "She knew you were Derek's mate, that's why she chose you, she asked a witch to turn you into a white wolf if you ever get bitten, that's why you turned to a pixie first, when Derek turns into a real wolf you will turn into a full white wolf, Talia always knew you since you were little, she watched over you." I gasped, remembering the night.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Derek." I breathed i looked up at Deaton. "Is Derek okay?" I asked him worriedly.

Deaton nodded. "Yes, he told me to come pick you up, he was crying." My heart dropped just thinking about Derek shedding tears because of me made my heart hurt.

I got off the table. "I need to go back to the station, my mom, and everyone else is in danger, Matt could kill them." I went to rush out as Deaton called my name to stop me but then i bumped into a hard chest.

The person wrapped their arms around my waist. "Oh thank god." It was Derek, he wrapped his arms around my body pulling me into a hug, when we pulled away he kissed my whole face. "You're okay." He smashed his lips onto mine, i giggled before kissing back. "I was worried." We pulled away and i cupped his cheeks.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily." I winked and smile but then my smile fell. "Is my mom okay?" I asked worriedly, Derek nodded. "What about, Scott, Stiles, and Sheriff?" He kissed my forehead.

"Their all okay." I sighed in relief.

"What happened?"

"Matt ran away."

I gasped, dammit he is gonna kill more people, before i could say anything Stiles and Scott entered and ran towards me pushing Derek out of the way and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank god you're okay." Scott said kissing my head.

They both pulled back from me. "Seriously you got us worried, even though i just found out." Stiles said making me roll my eyes.

I turned to Scott who had a frown on his face, i looked at him confused. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

Scott sighed. "Mom knows." I gasped and covered my mouth.

I slowly removed my hand from my mouth looking at Scott i shock. "What happened? Did she get scared?" He nodded with a sad look on his face.


I bit my lip. "I guess she will be terrified of me also." Scott shook his head.

"You're a pixie, that's harmless as for-" I cut him off by shaking my head.

"Scott, i'm not a pixie anymore." Stiles, Derek and Scott all looked at me confused, i put my lips in a line as Derek walked closer to me. "I'm half white wolf." I flashed my eyes showing them my eyes.

Derek grabbed my arm turned me around. "What?" He asked curiously as he looked into my eyes.

I put a stray of hair behind my ear, i turned to Deaton behind me then looked up at Derek. "Turns out your mom always knew we were mates." I started, Scott crossed his arms wanting to know everything. "She watched over me since i was little." Remembering the past, how i saw her once. "She asked a witch to turn me into a white wolf, if i ever get bitten, right now i'm half wolf but when you turn into a real wolf, i'm going to be a fully white wolf." I explained. "Your mother always knew you had a mate, Derek." I said leaving everyone speechless.

Derek grabbed me and pulled me into his chest making me lay my head down in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." He whispered kissing my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you too." I looked up at him and he smiled. "Scott." He looked at me. "I'm gonna stay with Derek tonight." He nodded.

Derek rubbed my back. "Let's go." He whispered as i went up to Scott and pulled him into a hug kissing his cheek then turned to Stiles and did the same. We both walked out of the clinic and got into his car, as he was driving he grabbed my hand and put it to his mouth kissing it.

Me and Derek laid on his bed cuddling together i was in nothing but his shirt, he interlocked our hands together pecking my head every second. "I'm sorry." I whispered in his chest. "I'm sorry for worrying you." I kissed his bare chest.

He stroked my hair with his free hand. "I will always worry if something like that happens to you." He pulled me closer to him. "I love you and i want to spend my entire life with you, i want you to be the mother of my children, i want to go to sleep with you and i want to wake up with you being wrapped up in my arms, i want to love only you for the rest of my life until the day i die, i want us to grow old together." I felt tears swell up in my eyes.

Everything he said fluttered my heart and sent me butterflies. "I want that too." My voice cracked. "I really do want to be with you, i want us to grow old together." Derek cupped my chin making me look up at him then smashed his lips with mine, he rolled us over so that he could hover over me. "I love you Derek hale." I said as we pulled back.

"I love you too." He then slammed his lips back on mine, he kissed down my neck making me flutter my eyes close in pleasure, he grabbed his shirt that was on me and threw it off. "You look so good in my shirt but i think you look better without anything on, he attacked my neck with kissed making me giggle. "You are the only one for me, Layla Lora McCall."

I stopped him from kissing me and made him look in my eyes. "I will always be here for you, Derek." I then flipped us over and now i was on top. "I'm pretty sure this will make me heal." I winked as i kissed him with all the love i felt for him.

Well....You know what happened next, those two need to behave.


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