《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x10) Co-Captain, Part 3 ✓


I slammed the drawer after grabbing my red pen, looking up to see Derek standing right in front of my desk causing me to gasp. "Dear god." I placed my hand onto my heart. "How did you get in here?" I asked, as he stood there with a blank look.

"Window," He pointed at the window that was fully opened.

I froze realizing why I hadn't seen him since yesterday. "What are you doing here?" I asked, focusing back on my paper as I wrote the last few letters with my red pen.

"We need to talk." He said, causing me to stop writing but my eyes remained on my paper. I sighed, proceeding to write what I was planning on until Derek grabbed the pen from my hand.

I huffed, my eyes fluttering to him. "I told you I don't want to talk to you nor see you." I shot back, crossing my arms and leaning back against my chair.

"This is serious." He stated, making me roll my eyes.

"You're always serious." I commented, giving him a look. "Look I really need to finish this paper," I motioned to the almost done paper in front of me. "Would you please give me my pen back," I demanded, giving him a tired look.

Derek ignored my request. "Would you please let me talk," I ignored him, reaching for the pen but he moved it back. "I have a reason why I did it." I huffed, getting up from my seat and walking towards him, trying to take the pen from him.

"Derek. I don't care. Would you please give my pen back?" He continued to glare at me as I held my ground, trying to take the pen from him. "Let go!" I ordered, but he held it tighter.

"Let me explain." He fought back, making me struggle to take the pen out of his grip until he let go causing me to fall back on my bed.

He took that opportunity to quickly hover over me and pin me against his body. "Get off me." I tried pushing his heavy body off me, but the sparks between us caused my heart to flutter.

"Stop being stubborn," He grabbed my wrists and placed them above my head. "Stop resisting." I continued to try and fight under him.

"I'll scream." I threatened. "My mom is home and one scream will cause her to run up here and beat you with a bat." I continued to threaten, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Derek, would you please let me go?" I begged giving him a look.

"Will you let me talk?" He asked. I groaned, throwing my head back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I froze, realizing why he said it.

My eyes fell on him, giving him a glare. "You teamed up with Peter after he killed your sister." I argued, fighting under his grip.

"Will you let-" I cut him off.

"He killed your sister! How is that an accident, Derek?" I continued to interrogate as he sighed on top of me. "What did he say? She tripped and fell on his claws? And that's how she suddenly was shredded into pieces just like she fell into a freaking shredder!?" I fought as I slapped his chest. "Or what about the time when he threw you up in the air, was that an accident as well, babe?" I sighed in frustration.


I opened my mouth to say something else but he smashed his lips against mine. My body froze and ran cold as his lips pressed softly against mine. The kiss was gentle and very compassionate.

My mind went completely blank before my lips decided to move against his. I gasped pulling away from him, knowing this kiss shouldn't have happened.

"Will you let me talk?" Derek breathed out. I looked up at him, slowly nodding my head. "I have a pl-" He was cut off by a knock on the door.

I gasped, quickly shot up hitting my head at his causing me to groan and hold my forehead as he hissed holding his. "Sorry." I apologized, he chuckled at me.

"Layla?" My mom's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"My mom." Derek got off me, as I quickly fixed my clothes and got off the bed.

"I'll head out. See you later." Derek informed me, heading towards the window and jumped out.

I sucked in a breath, opening my bedroom door when he was out of sight.

My earphones were plugged into my ears as I continued to focus on my sketch. The pencil in my hand scrapped against the paper, my head snapped up immediately when my bedroom door opened.

I took my earphone out of my ear. "Wow mom, you look beautiful." I said, completely shocked by her all dressed up in a dress, makeup, and heels.

"Do I?" She asked, completely unsure.

I smiled at her nodding my head, as she walked closer to me, making me tense and try shutting my art book but it was too late she was staring at the picture. "And who is that?" She asked, her eyebrow raised.

I sucked in a breath. "Oh...You know...I decided to draw someone from the-the internet." I lied, giving her a little smile. "So who's the lucky guy?" I changed the subject causing her eyes to drift away from the drawing of Derek.

"Someone I met a few days ago." She responded. "I won't be back till late." She informed me. I smiled up at her nodding my head.

"Well, have fun, you deserve it mom." I told her, she leaned down kissing my cheek.

"I've already informed your brother and also-" She was cut off when a doorbell was heard. "I'm not - I'm not ready." My mom freaked out. "I'm not ready. I'm not done, I'm not ready, so if you could please just get the ...get the door and talk with him." My mom said, completely freaked out.

I stood up. "Mom, breathe." I stood up from my seat. "I'll get the door." I walked past her and headed out of my bedroom, walking down the stairs to see Scott already by the door, my eyes widen at the sight of the person standing there.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mom asked, from behind me. "Aren't you gonna invite him in." My blood ran cold at the person standing in front of Scott.

"Peter." I muttered, as his eyes fell on me.

"Hello, there." He greeted casually.

This is not happening. This can't be happening. This has to be all a sick dream. My mom and him...No way. There is no way.

Scott quickly went to shut the door but it was put to a stop when Peter placed his hand on the door, preventing it from being closed. "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, Scott." He scoffed at Scott who stood in front of him. "Take a second to think that through." I glared at him, stomping down the stairs. "Princess angry?" I clenched my teeth at him as he smirked at me.


"I'll tell her." Scott threatened.

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half my face? Good luck with that." He shot back, making me glare deeply at his face.

"If you hurt her, if you touch her-" My threat was cut off by the evil man in front of us.

"if I may interrupt both of your listing of the top five most impotent - sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I've been in a coma for six years." My hands balled into a fist. "Don't you think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?" He smirked, causing me to stalk towards him to attack him but Scott grabbed my waist pulling me back.

"What's wrong princess? Getting angry?" I tried to fight out of Scott's grip but he held me tight, preventing me from beating his alpha ass.

"Just-Just half a second. Sorry." My mom's voice was heard.

"Or maybe..." He inched closer to us. "You think that I've come up with an idea. Like how it might be easier to convince you two to be part of the pack - if your mother is too. You need to understand how much more powerful we are together - You and me and your sister and Derek." I glared at him when he brought up Derek's name. "Did you know that some of the most successful military operations during the second world war were the German U - boat attacks? Do you know what they called them? Wolf packs. Did you know that? Or are you failing history as well?"

"I know the Germans lost the war." Scott jabs at him, causing a sick smile on Peter's face.

"I think you'll find that most historians would argue that as a failure of leadership. And trust me, we don't have that problem here." Footsteps were heard Peter slowly stepped back as Scott let go of me.

"I'm ready, I'm ready." Mom said, rushing down as she slipped on her coat. "Sorry again." She apologized to the sick human being next to us.

"Mom-" Scott went to say something but the expression on our mom's face was pleadingly telling Scott to not ruin this.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" She asked through her gritted teeth.

"Have a good time." He uttered, my eyes continued to stay on Peter who was staring back at me. I glared at him deeply as a smile formed on his face making me scoff at him.

Mom smiled at Scott. "Okay." She responded, before the two left causing me to sigh as I rubbed my forehead due to stress.

Scott and I ran into the Hale house after finding out Jackson was there with Derek. He is obviously asking for death. How stupid can that kid be? Scott and I both glanced at each other before walking into the house.

Derek's voice instantly greeted us. "Look around you! Wouldn't there be someone here trying to save you? There's no one here. There is a reason. No one cares that you drive an expensive car. No one cares that you have perfect hair, and no one cares that you're captain of the lacrosse team." Derek stated, looking over at Scott as we entered the room.

"Excuse me." Scott chimed in causing Derek's head to snap up to our direction. Co-Captain." Scott corrected.

"Derek." I breathed out, slowly going to walk down the stairs but Scott grabbed my hand, stopping me before he launches himself down the stairs, transforming into his werewolf form as he dragged Derek to the floor.

"Scott!" I shouted, walking down the stairs. The two both got onto their feet as Scott stood in front of Jackson protectively. "Guys..." My voice trailed, glancing between the two.

"Move!" Derek demanded, glaring at Scott in his form.

"No." Scott responded stubbornly.

"Fine, I'll kill you too." Derek shot back.

I stormed down the stairs. "Enough." I said, stepping in between the two. "No one is killing anyone!" I shouted, glaring at the two of them.

"Layla, move." Derek growled.

"I'm not mov-" I was cut off when gunshot sounds were heard and immediately Derek wrapped his arms around me, putting his body in front of me.

"Cover your eyes!" Derek shouted, clutching onto me tightly. "Scott take Layla out of here!" He ordered, but I wasn't going to leave him.

"I'm not leaving you!" A blinding light comes filling in the room.

He pushed me towards Scott who was hollering in pain as Derek looked over at me stepping towards the column. "Derek! Don't!" I shouted, going to head towards him but he walked out as Scott gripped onto me.

"Derek!" I screamed. "He's gonna get killed. Scott!" I shouted as my heart completely shattered at him disappearing from sight. "No..." I trailed, glaring at the place he disappeared but soon my head spun and everything instantly became black.

I sat on a chair in the clinic as I watched Deaton clean up Scott's wounds. Scott was completely unconscious and I woke up fifteen minutes after I was brought here. "Is he gonna be alright?" My voice came out raspy.

Deaton looked over at me smiling. "He'll be alright." He reassured with that being said Scott instantly shot up gasping causing me to flinch due to fear.

"Oh thank god." I muttered, running towards him pulling him into a hug.

I pulled away from him as Scott tried to get up. "I wouldn't get up, just yet." Deaton informed Scott.

"Where am I-" Deaton cut him off.

"You're fine. And I've given you something that should speed up the healing process." He informed him.

Scott looked at him confused. "But you're a vet."

Deaton looked over at me and I sent him a small smile. "I'll be right back." I told the two, walking out of the room leaving Deaton to talk to Scott.

I slipped my phone out, my hand shakily clicking Derek's name and placing the phone to my ear. The phone continued to ring until it went to voice mail which caused my heart to squeeze.

I pulled the phone away, my hand clicked the message box and clicked Derek's name.

Please text me when you see this so I know you're okay. –Layla.

I sighed, putting my phone back into my pocket and walking towards the examination room once again. "Derek won't reply." I uttered, Deaton looked over at me. "Something is wrong. I can feel it and sense it." I slumped down on the chair with my face buried in my hands as Deaton squeezed my shoulder.

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