《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x09) Wolf's Bane, Part 2 ✓


I sighed, letting Stiles drag me up the stairs of his house by my wrist. "You really don't have to drag me." I uttered, as he ignored me continuing to pull me into his room.

"Yeah, but you walk too slow." He responded. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

Stiles threw his bag off his shoulders as he walked towards his computer desk, taking a seat down onto the chair. "So what's the plan?" I asked, crossing my arms slumping onto his bed.

"Well, we have to tra-" He cut himself off when Mr. Stilinski's voice filled the room.

"Hey, Stiles!" He called out, from the hallway.

Stiles sighed turning around. "Yo! D-Derek?" My eyebrows narrowed as I looked at him confused, my head snapped towards the direction he was staring at to see Derek standing behind the door glaring at Stiles deeply.

What was he doing here? Does he seriously want to get caught? I watched him put his index finger against his plumped lips motioning Stiles to be quiet and get out.

Stiles quickly jumped out of his chair and bolted out of the room before his dad could enter as he closed the door half way leaving a tiny bit of crack open.

I put my lips in a line standing up from the bed sighing at Derek as he stared back at me. "What'd you say?" I heard Mr. Stilinski ask.

"What?" Stiles asked, dumbly. "I said 'Yo! D-dad." He lied, causing me to bite the inside of my cheek.

I tried not making any sounds but that was until my phone decided to ring. I cursed under my breath quickly grabbing it looking down to see Scott calling. I'm going to kill him one day.

"Whose in there?" I heard Mr. Stilinski ask causing my eyes to grow wide as I declined the call, looking over at Derek who stared back at me with a raised brow.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Stiles," Mr. Stilinski began, disappointedly.

I sighed, grabbing the doorknob opening the door to come face to face with Sheriff. "Hey, papa stilinski." I greeted, with a hint of awkwardness in my voice.

He glanced between Stiles and I suspiciously. "Stiles, you could of just said that Layla was here."

I looked over at Stiles who looked back at me. Stiles let out a nervous fake chuckle. "I guess I forgot she was here." He continued to lie, causing me to mentally face palm.

"What were you two doing in there?" He asked, interrogatingly.

I cleared my throat. "Project." I paused for a second. "Chemistry project due on Saturday." He glanced between us once again with suspicions.

"Huh...Projects..." He trailed, giving us a look. "Hmm..." What is he thinking? "Listen." He looked over at Stiles. "I've got some things I need to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game."

"My first game." Stiles responded awkwardly, as he nodded his head. "Guh, it's great, awesome. Uh - Good."

Papa Stilinski doesn't make a move to leave as he continued to stand there staring at his son with a proud look. "I'm very happy for you." I sucked in a breath knowing I shouldn't be here. "And I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks." He replied, with nervousness and awkwardness. "Me too." I looked over at Stiles with a raised brow causing him to glance at me. "I'm happy and proud...of myself..." He trailed.


Papa Stilinski and I both shared a look. I ended up shrugging at his completely confused expression as he stared at his son questioningly. "So they're really gonna let you play, right?" He asked, not bothering to figure Stiles' weird action out.

"Yeah, dad." He responded. "I'm first in line, believe that?"

"I'm very proud."

This is the most awkward situation I've been in, in my entire life. "Oh. Me too." I sighed at his response. He realized what he had just said once again. "Again, I'm-" He cut himself off when his dad stepped forward pulling him into a hug.

I awkwardly moved away giving them space. "Huggie, huggie, huggie." He mumbled, causing me to look at him with furrowed brows as I held my laugh, putting my hand on my mouth preventing myself from bursting into laughter.

"See you there." Mr. Stilinski said, reassuringly.

He turned around to leave when Stiles replied with "Take it easy."

Mr. Stilinski stopped before turning back around, looking between both me and Stiles. "If there is anything you both need to tell me, feel free." Both stiles and I shared a confused look. "Oh don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, kids your age use the 'project card' for something more." My eyes widen realizing what he was talking about.

"Oh my god." I muttered, as I felt heat rush up my cheeks.

"No! No way!" Stiles shook his head.

His dad smirked at the two of us as he turned around walking down the stairs. "Remember to use protection." I gasped at his comment, closing my eyes tightly as I heard a low growl from the other door causing Stiles and I to quickly rush back into the room realizing Derek was still in there.

Instantly when Stiles walked in after me Derek pushed him against the door, holding onto his collar. My eyes grew wide at the action "If you say one word-" Stiles cut him off.

"Oh, what, you mean, like, "Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room - Bring your gun"?" Derek slowly let go of Stiles. "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules, buddy." He slapped Derek's shoulder causing Derek to look down at his shoulder before looking over at Stiles who looked like he regretted his action.

Derek nodded his head, straightening Stiles' jacket out for him. Stiles smirked and let out a chuckle, doing the same action to Derek. He stood straight walking past Derek bravely until my boyfriend decided to jerk his body forward causing Stiles to jump in fright.

"Oh god." He muttered.

I sighed, catching both their attention as Stiles sat at his desk chair. "Great..." I muttered, walking towards the bed slumping down on it.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" I couldn't help but ask.

"You've asked that already." I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk back and forth with Derek's eyes piercing against my body.

"Your dad thinks we're together." I muttered, causing Stiles to look over at me. "Where did he get that idea from?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, as Derek glared over at him. "Well...I told my dad you had a boyfriend and when he said who I kept quiet so he assumed it was me." He explained, staring at Stiles with a glare.

"Why would you tell him that in the first place?" I couldn't help but ask further.


He groaned. "Ugh! I don't know. It came up."

"You're fixing this." I demanded.

"I'll fix it today if not today then tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes slumping next to Derek on the bed. "Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asked, changing the subject as his warm hand slipped into mine.

I looked down at it, giving it a little squeeze. "No, he's still working on it." Stiles responded, before I could. "But there's something else we could try." Derek and I stared at him curiously. "The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there, not only that but he also texted Layla to meet him by her locker when we ended up losing her."

"So?" Derek asked.

"So it wasn't Scott." Stiles remarked.

My gaze went to Derek. "You broke Scott's phone." I reminded him.

Derek slowly looked interested. "Well, can you find out who sent it?"

"No, not me." Stiles responded, but a smug look appeared on his face. "But I know someone who can." My face dropped realizing who he was talking about as he glanced at me before turning his attention to his computer.

"No, Stiles." I disagreed, glaring at him. "You can't just drag him into this." He turned around staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"Too late, I already gave him a call." Stiles looked down at his phone. "He's already here." He got up, leaving the room.

I sighed disappointedly, laying on my stomach placing my face into his pillow, that was until I heard the door shut. I removed my face from the pillow and sat up, resting my back against the wall behind me.

"Hey Layla." Danny greeted, causing me to smile at him.

"Hey Danny." I greeted back, looking over at Stiles with a glare as he shrugged at me.

I pushed my hair out my face, looking over at Derek who was sitting on the chair that was placed next to the bed. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw a book on his lap, acting as if he was reading.

He looked up from the book and caught my eyes. I smiled at him before looking down at my nails.

"You want me to do what?" Danny asked in disbelief, he looked over at me. "Do you hear this?" I shrugged, interlocking my hands together.

"I already told him, he's too stubborn to listen." I clarified as Stiles shot me a look.

"Trace the text, please." Stiles cut into our conversation.

Danny shook his head, still disagreeing to this situation. "I came here to do lab work." He stated. "That's what lab partners do."

"And we will once you trace the text." I crossed my arms, waiting for Danny to disagree once again.

"And what makes you think I know how?" He asked, acting as if he doesn't know how to.

"I-I looked at up your arrest report, so..." He trailed, Danny's face looked priceless.

"I-I was thirteen." He cleared it up. "They dropped charges."


"No, we're doing lab work." He said stubbornly, causing me to grow annoyed by this situation.

Two stubborn people trying to convince each other. "Oh my-"

"How about we make a deal," I cut Stiles off as I clapped my hands standing up from the bed feeling Derek's eyes on me. "You trace the text and I'll do the lab work for the both of you with no complaints, trust me you don't even have to do anything." Danny looked unsure about what I had just said.

Stiles looked as if he had hope in his eyes but it all came crashing down. "No." I sighed annoyed.

I put my lips in a line, looking over at Stiles. "I give up." I muttered, putting my hip against the desk not saying a word.

Danny glanced over his shoulder. "Who's he again?" He whisper-asked pointing at Derek who continued to act as if he was reading a book.

"Um...My cousin..." Stiles trailed, looking as if he was thinking. "Miguel." My eyes widen at the name, looking over at Derek who slowly looked up with a murderous look on his face.

I bit lip hard, preventing myself from laughing. "Is that blood on his shirt." He asked, my eyes widen looking over at Derek who still had his blood-stained shirt on.

Didn't I tell him to change it? "Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds." Stiles lied, causing me to sigh at Derek. "Hey Miguel." He called over his shoulder, before turning around to see Derek staring at him with a glare look. "I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts." He motioned to the dresser, Derek glared at him slamming the book shut throwing it onto the bed before walking towards the drawer.

My eyes fell on Derek stripping his shirt off, my breath got caught up in my throat staring at his muscular back. I bit my lip, trying to focus on Stiles. "So anyway, I mean, we both know you have the skills to trace that text, so we should probably-"

"Stiles." Derek cut him off.

I turned my attention back to Derek to see him holding up a small shirt. "This." He stretched it. "No fit."

Stiles grew annoyed. "Then try something else on." My attention went to Danny who had his eyes glued to Derek.

I sighed walking towards Derek, leaving Stiles to talk to Danny. "I'll help." I muttered, opening the third drawer looking for a shirt that could fit him. I held back a shriek as I stood straight holding the place where had a stinging sensation.

Derek looked at me with a devilish smirk on his face. "Stop." I whispered, he chuckled walking towards the drawer pulling out an orange and blue stripped shirt out.

My eyes widen at the ugly shirt, almost laughing when he slipped it on. I thought I burnt that shirt. Oh my god did I burn the wrong one. My eyes grew wide. "You burnt one of my shirts?" Stiles questioned in disbelief.

I cleared my throat. "What?" I asked dumbly.

Stiles sent me a look. "You burnt one of my shirts?" He repeated.

I put my lips in a line. "I was supposed to burn this one. But I guess I burnt another one...." I trailed, crossing my arms.

Stiles rolled his eyes, smacking Danny on the shoulder. "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? What do you think, Danny?" I bit my lip, staring at Danny looking very nervous.


"The shirt." Stiles pointed out, as Derek continued to look at him with an angry look.

"It's...It's not really his color." Danny responded hesitantly.

Derek sighed stripping the shirt off exposing his perfect body, my eyes landed on Danny who had his eyes glued to him. I sucked in a breath opening the drawer trying to find him a shirt.

I sighed pushing my hair back, out of my face. I froze when I felt Derek's hand against my neck, his thumb crazed my skin. "Who did this?" His voice was a whisper.

The bruise, my eyes widen as I placed my hand on my bruised neck. "No one." I responded, trying to play it off.

He grabbed my arms turning me around to face him. "Who did it?" He repeated slower this time.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "The Alpha."

He placed a kiss against my head before turning back to the drawer and looking for a shirt. I went next to him going through a couple of clothes. "Stiles! None of these fit!" Derek said, giving up.

I rolled my eyes continuing to go through it. "I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." I heard Danny say, causing me to look over my shoulder to see Stiles smirking at me. I chuckled turning back to the drawer.

I sighed in relief, opening a black shirt to see one that could fit Derek perfectly. "Found one!" I announced, smirking at Derek who looked at me in relief. "Here you go, Miguel." He sent me a glare as he took the shirt from me.

He grabbed my waist, pulling me towards him. He leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head causing his lips to press against my cheek. He looked down at me with a raised brow as I smirked at him, pushing myself away from him.

I looked over to see Stiles looking at the computer screen with furrowed brows. Derek slipped on the shirt before we both walked towards Stiles and Danny. "Registered to that account name?" Derek asked, as my eyes widen at the name plastered on the screen.

"No. No, this can't be right." Stiles said, as I stood there completely shocked and in disbelief.

Account registered to:

Beacon Hills Hospital - Melissa McCall.

"W-what? How?" I whispered, looking over at Stiles as he looked back at me. "There is no way." I jumped when I felt Derek's hand on my back rubbing it soothingly.

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