《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x08) Lunatic, Part 2 ✓


I laid there staring at him speechless with wide eyes, but that was when I snapped back into reality. "Um...Can you?" He removed himself from me, quickly standing up before he gave me a hand.

My hand slipped into his causing the same sparks to fly up. I forced myself off the ground. "You're okay." I breathed out, staring at his healed body, he nodded. "Where were you?" I asked, staring at him curiously.

"Healing." He answered shortly.

"You could have given me a heads up. I was worried about you." I admitted, the corner of his mouth twitched as he stared at me with his bright green eyes.

"Worried? Why would you be worried about me?" My heart stopped as I stared back at him.

I pushed my hair out of my face, staring at him hesitantly. "Because..." I trailed.

He narrowed his brows. "Because what?" He stepped forward causing me to step backwards. I remained quiet, struggling to swallow. "I'm waiting." His husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Because you're my mate and I lo-" My eyes widen at what I was about to say, stepping back away from him.

I cleared my throat, Derek raised a brow. "Mm..." He froze for a second. "What were you about to say?" He asked, getting closer to me.

That was until my eyes landed on a cop car, causing me to grab Derek's hand and drag him behind a bush, looking up the same time the police car drove away. "That was close." I muttered, looking over at him to see him raise a brow.

My breath hitched my throat causing me to stare up at him. "I'll meet you back at your place." Derek said. I nodded my head in agreement, knowing it was sketchy to be out here, especially after Scott blaming what happened on Derek.

Shutting my bedroom door, before I turned around and looked at Derek who stared back at me. "Good thing no one is home." I paused realizing how that sounded causing Derek to smirk down at me. "Not in that way..." I trailed, walking past him and throwing my phone onto my bed.

I interlocked my hands turning around. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged slumping down on my bed, staring up at him with a blank expression.

"Let's just say my nightmares have gotten worse and I've been really jumpy." Derek took a seat on the chair beside my window. "Also, my mom has forced me into therapy." I added, causing his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

I puckered my lips out, shrugging my shoulder once again. "Is it working?" He questioned curiously.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, it's definitely not working." I sighed, pushing my hair out of my face. "I mean before it worked, and it helped a lot but now nothing is working." I admitted, causing him to scan my face.

"There is nothing to be afraid of." He reassured, as the two of us made eye contact.

I smiled at him weakly. "I know." Now that he's here I know there is nothing to be afraid of, no matter how cringey that sounds it's the truth.

My eyes followed him as he stood up and walked closer towards me causing me to struggle to breathe. I gasped when he placed his hands on each sides of me, trapping me in place as he leaned down.

My heart pounded my chest when his nose brushed against mine. "Be my girlfriend?" He asked, causing me to be taken back.


I stared at him with wide eyes, just a few weeks ago he told me he couldn't have me in his life and this just surprised me. "Derek..." I trailed, staring at him in shock.

He slowly pulled away. "I should've known." He went to walk away but my hand shot out and grabbed his arm.

"No. Whatever you're thinking is wrong." I went around him and faced him. "This just completely surprised me." I uttered, staring into his eyes deeply, he stared down at me with no expression. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." His body relaxed at my response. "But!" He tensed once again. "You have to smile." He raised a brow at me. "Just once, I've never seen you smile." I begged.

He chuckled, keeping a straight face. "Please." I continued to push further.

He sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?" He muttered to himself.

I continued to stare at him in hope before a huge smile made its way to my face when I saw him smiling. It was an actual genuine smile. "Oh my god, Derek hale can smile."

I bursted into laughter when he tickled my sides but that was before he slammed his lips against mine. I smiled against his lips as I kissed back melting into the kiss feeling the sparks between us.

"Layla?" I gasped, pulled away hearing my mom's voice. "Are you home?" She called out her voice getting closer.

"Oh no!" I whispered. "Um...Yeah I'll be out in just a minute!" I called out, pulling away from Derek. "Looks like I'll be seeing you later." He smiled down at me kissing my cheek. "And be careful since you are the fugitive of this city." He rolled his eyes at my words.

"I'll see you." He kissed the corner of my lips before jumping out of the window causing me to have a huge smile on my lips as I shut the window closed, turning around and walking out of my room.

Just thinking of Derek smiling caused a huge smile on my own face, most importantly asking me to be his girlfriend just made my insides tingle.

My mom was preparing to go to work while I was sitting in the living room. I had my laptop on my lap writing a research paper. The door opened catching both of our attentions. "Scott?" I heard my mom call out. I placed my laptop down and stood up from the couch walking out of the living room instead of Scott standing there it was Stiles.

"Stiles," He responded, holding onto the sports bag on his shoulder.

My eyes widen in surprise when I saw a key in Stiles' hand. "Key!" Mom pointed out.

Stiles looked at me with a look, causing me to become confused with his expression. "Yeah, I had one made, so..." He trailed, causing me to raise a brow.

Surprisingly mom wasn't surprised at all. "That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but doesn't surprise me." She admitted. I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. "What is that?" She pointed at the sports bag that Stiles had slung over his shoulder.

He looked down at the sports bag. "Uh...School project." He trailed, he's lying I can see it right through him.

"Mm..." Mom hummed, staring at Stiles suspiciously. "Stiles, he's okay, right?" She asked, glancing over at me.

"Who Scott?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, totally."


"He doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." She admitted sadly, causing me to sigh at my mom's comment.

I placed my hand on my mom's shoulder. "He'll come around, he just needs some time after what happened..." I huffed, Stiles nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he's had a bit of a rough week." Stiles added on.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um - Okay, uh - Be careful tonight." She kissed my head, walking towards the front door.

"You too." Stiles and I said the same time before she opened the door.

"Full moon." I heard mom say, causing my eyes to grow wide.

"What?" Stiles and I said at the same time, realization soon hit me hard when I remembered the real reason why Stiles came here.

She glanced between both of us. "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the E.R gets, brings out all the nut jobs." My eyebrows narrowed as I progressed what she had said.

Stiles nodded his head. "Oh right." I let out a fake chuckle, covering up my anxiousness with a fake smile.

"You know, it's how they came up with the word lunatic."

Stiles and I both nodded, my mom flashed us one last smile before walking out of the door causing Stiles and I to look at each other. "I forgot." I said, he looked down at me with wide eyes.

"You forgot!?" He exclaimed.

I shrugged before the both of us walked up the stairs. "Sorry I've been busy with my research paper and ended up forgetting my brother is a werewolf." I said, as we headed towards his door.

"Aren't you just the sweetest sister?" Stiles said sarcastically, causing me to narrow my eyes at him as I opened the door. Stiles being the gentleman he is, ended up walking in before me.

Sometimes I'm more of a gentleman than these boys. We both entered the room before jumping when we saw a shadow. "Oh my god!" Stiles and I exclaimed the same time in fear.

"Dude you scared the hell out of us." Stiles breathed out. Scott remained quiet not speaking to us at all as he stared at the bag in Stiles' hand. "Your mom said you weren't home."

"I came in through the window." He answered strangely calmly, causing me to stare at him suspiciously

Stiles looked over at me as I raised a brow. He slowly looked back at Scott hesitantly. "Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." He bends down to unzip the bag but Scott doesn't move and just stares.

He didn't even blink once. I swallowed roughly eyeing him carefully. "I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Stiles glances up at me as we both looked back at Scott cautiously.

I crossed my arms. "You sure about that?" I asked, if only he could see what he looks like right now.

"Yeah cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out." Stiles agreed as we both stared down at him with the same look.

Scott continued to look at us with that same creepy look. "I'm fine both of you should go." He reassured.

"All right, we'll leave." I looked at Stiles with a disbelief look. "Well, look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" I looked back at Scott watching him stare back at us.

That was when he finally got up and walked towards the bed, unzipping the bag Stiles had brought. My eyebrows shot up when I saw the chains in the bag, oh my...wow...Stiles really thought this through.

"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?" He asked angrily, causing me to flinch as I backed up a bit.

"Actually no." My eyes widen as Stiles pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, Stiles moved so fast before Scott could do anything Stiles had already handcuffed him to the radiator by his bed.

Scott yanks the handcuff. "What the hell are you doing!?" Stiles grabbed me and pulled me back with him.

"Protecting you from yourself." Stiles responded, causing me to grab his arm due to the fear inside of me.

"We're doing this for you." I breathed out, staring down at my brother.

Scott slowly stopped yanking the handcuffs on his wrist, staring at Stiles and I with disgust and hatred. I stared back at him with sympathy while Stiles glared back at him with the same look Scott was giving him.

"And giving you payback for making out with Lydia." My heart stopped at the words that came out of Stiles' mouth.

He found out? How? What?

I entered Scott's room with the phone to my ear. "Thanks mom, bye." I hung up, before looking over at Stiles to see him walking into the room with a dog bowl causing me to stare at him with a confused look.

Stiles set the bowl down as he opened the water bottle and poured the water in. "I brought you some water." He straightened himself back up.

Scott glanced between Stiles and I. "I'm gonna kill you!" He threatened, staring deep into Stiles' soul.

I shook my head walking out of the room, leaning against the wall outside of his room. "You kissed her, Scott, okay?" I closed my eyes tightly, listening to Stiles' words feeling my heart ache for him. "You kissed Lydia. That's, like, the one girl that I ev - and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend." I covered my mouth with my hand, knowing how hurt Stiles was which hurt me.

"She kissed me." My heart dropped, remembering what I saw. The words coming out of his mouth right now completely broke me.

"What?" Stiles breathed out, shocked.

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." He continued, my eyes landed on Stiles who stepped back out of the room, he put his back to the wall completely broken which broke me.

I pushed myself off the wall walking towards him with a lump in my throat. "She would have done more, too." I heard Scott add causing Stiles' expression to fall completely. "You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me, she would have done anything I wanted." Stiles slowly slid down the wall completely shocked and broken. "Anything!" He shouted, causing me to turn towards the door and glare at him.

"Scott please, you'll regret this later." I uttered, reaching over to grab the door knob but before I could shut the door.

"It's all your fault." I froze, looking over at him confused. "It's your fault dad left." I squeezed the metal door knob as I stared at him completely shocked and numb. "It's your fault I lost my dad!" He shouted, causing my eyes to water.

"Scott." My voice trembled and was about to break.

He chuckled, staring at me with so much hatred. "You caused him to get tired of us and leave. And I despise you for that. I don't even know why you were put on this world, cause you're just a lowlife girl that is just used in this world and nothing else." He laughed, as my heart shattered in pieces. "Oh remember Derek? Yeah if you thought he ever liked you, you should know he's using you just like everyone else around you. He'd never want someone like you. Derek doesn't love you, neither does mom." I felt a hand touch my arm.

I stepped back, horribly broken. Stiles reached over slamming the door shut, and that was when I broke down. I sunk to my knees as tears came flowing down, Stiles pulled me close wrapping his arms around me.

"It's my fault." I cried. Stiles rubbed my back. "It's all my fault." I sobbed as he clutched me closer to him.

"Hey. Hey." He repeated, grabbing my face. "It's not your fault. What happened years ago wasn't your fault, him leaving wasn't your fault. You hear me?" He wiped the tears from my face pulling me back into an embrace. "It's the first full moon, he doesn't mean it."

Stiles and I had sat on the ground with our backs against the wall, my head rested against his shoulder as we sat outside of the door. "Hey! Your eyes are purple." Stiles pointed out causing me to close my eyes but my vision wasn't going back to normal.

"Full moon." I muttered, resting my head back against his shoulder. "You're not gonna handcuff me either, right?" I joked, trying to lighten up the moment.

He chuckled. "Nah, I'd never do that to you." He admitted.

"You stole those handcuffs from your dad didn't you?" I asked. He smirked at me.

"Yep." He answered confidently.

"Knew it." I mumbled.

The moment soon ruined when Scott's voice came through the door. "Guys please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, let me out. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time. It's the full moon. It's Allison breaking up with me. I know - That it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless. Just, please, let me out." I controlled myself from going inside and doing what he asked.

I know I feel terrible but we can't just let him free when it's full moon. "We can't." Stiles replied softly.

"No! No! No!" I heard Scott shouted as the sound of metals clacking against each other was heard. But that was until the screaming and the metals sounds completely stopped causing Stiles and I to look at each other for a moment.

We both stood up heading towards the door. "Scott are you okay?" Stiles called out, before he opened the door.

I gasped as soon as he opened the door to see the handcuffs broken and Scott was nowhere to be seen. "Stiles! He's gone." I breathed out, with my eyes wide.

"Shit." He breathed out.

My vision became blurry as I stumbled back causing Stiles to grab me and hold me in place. "Holy...Your hair...your eyes..." He trailed staring at me.


"They're purple." My vision went back to normal.

"I need to find Scott." I breathed out, rushing downstairs as Stiles called my name behind me.

I rushed out of the house, taking my phone out of my pocket. I quickly dialed Derek's name. "Derek." I breathed out as soon as he answered. "We have a problem."

"I know." He responded.

I ran into the woods to see Derek pinning Scott down, sighing in relief at the sight of my brother being there, Derek let go of him and stepped back as I watched Scott confused. "What's happening to him?" I asked, stepping next to Derek.

He looked over at me. "Exactly what he wants to happen."

I looked down at my hair to see it went from purple to my normal black hair, my vision cleared as I continued to stare at Scott.

I opened the front door, as Derek held Scott into the house. I shut the door behind us as I lead him upstairs into the room where the handcuffs remained where they were before.

He helped Scott down onto his bed. I hadn't found any courage to talk to Scott at all, everything he told me seemed so true and I can't help but agree with him.

I headed towards the door with Derek following me. "Wait." Scott called out, causing both of us to stop. We both looked back at him. "I can't be this and be with Allison. I need you to tell me the truth. Is there a cure?" Derek looked over at me, as I leaned against the door frame before looking back at a hopeful Scott.

"For someone who was bitten? I've heard of one." Derek responded, causing me to stare at him curiously. "I don't know if it's true." He admitted.

"Well what is it?" Scott asked completely hopeful.

"You have to kill the one who bit you." He revealed.

Scott slightly looked down. "Kill the Alpha?"

I watched Derek step forward towards Scott, staring down at him. "Scott. You help me find him, I'll help you kill him." He offered.

I pushed myself off the door frame as I turned around to leave. "Layla." I heard Scott, causing me to pause.

I closed my eyes, keeping my back towards him. "I didn't mean it." I squeezed my crossed arms tighter. "It wasn't your fault he left." The tears once again formed, causing me to blink them away quickly.

Without saying anything I walked out of the room with Derek behind me as he shut the door closed. I huffed, pushing my bedroom door opened feeling Derek close behind me.

I collected all the books and papers on my bed. "What was he talking about?" I heard Derek ask, causing me to pause.

My eyes flickered to his green orbs. "Nothing," I shrugged, walking towards my desk placing them down.

"It wasn't nothing since you seem to be awfully broken." I clenched my teeth together.

"It was just the full moon." I responded, turning around. "He said some things that he didn't mean." I shrugged. "I just need some time." I put my back against the desk.

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