《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x5) The Tell, Part 1 ✓


"I'm old enough to do whatever I want Scott." I shot back, we had been arguing ever since Scott found out Derek and I were mates. We had never argued this bad before, trust me before we would argue but this time it was pretty bad.

Scott sighed and glared deeply at me. "All I'm saying is that I don't want you anywhere near Derek! Can't you understand that?" He shot back, causing me to chuckle sarcastically. "I don't trust him and I can't trust him." He continued to argue.

I shook my head continuously, putting my lips in a line. "He's my mate. Scott." I said slowly, hoping he would process it. "No matter what we will always end up together, Derek and I are soul mates and you can't prevent that from happening." I fought back, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I could care less if you're soul mates." He snapped. I sucked my teeth glaring at the wall ahead of me. "And the only reason why I don't want him near you so that he can't hurt you. Because I know he'll probably use you then throw you away." His voice became calm once again.

I stared at him with a frown, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him. "You don't have to always worry about me, Scott." He sighed against my shoulder. "I've grown up and I think it's time for me to make my own choices." I pulled away from him. "I can take care of myself and all I want you to do is to support every decision I make." He placed his hand onto my cheek.

"I know. But what I don't want is Derek to be anywhere near you, Layla." He admitted, causing me to put my lips in a line staring at him.

I pushed my hair of my shoulders giving him a sad smile. "I don't want to argue anymore." I sighed, feeling a headache greet me. "I need some rest." I said, before he could say anything else I walked away from him and headed upstairs towards my room.

I walked into my room shutting the door behind myself as I made my way towards my desk where my homework was splattered all over the place. I slumped down on my desk chair huffing while running a hand through my hair.

Picking up my pencil, writing down what I was writing before Scott and I's argument about Derek and I being soul mates. A knock on my door caused me to stop what I was about to write and look up at the door.

"Come in." I called out, causing the person behind the door to open the door.

I smiled when I saw my mom walking into my room. "Homework?" She asked, walking towards me placing a kiss to my forehead.

I sighed nodding my head. "Yes." I said quiet bored.

She grinned at my expression to the homework in front of me. "Why don't you take a break from this," She motioned to the homework in front of me. "And we can have a movie night." I looked at my mom with a surprised expression on my face.

I can't remember the last time we had a movie night since it had been so long. Mom was always busy and we never got a chance to have a movie night anymore. "Alright, I'll go pick up some movies then." I stood up from my seat and put my pencil down. "Genre?" I asked, picking up my phone sliding it into my pocket.


The expression my mom's face made me know exactly what she was going to say. "Horror." She smirked, crossing her arms leaning her hips against the desk. "I want to see Scott scream like a little girl and get scared like last time." She said through her laugh causing me to suppress a laugh.

"You are evil." I joked, she sent me a wink.

I shook my head, walking towards my bedroom door. "I'll be back soon with the movie." I informed her.

"Be careful." I heard her say as I walked out of my room with my mom's car keys in my hand.


I parked the car in front of the movie store, turning off the car before climbing out and locking it behind me as I walked up to the movie store, letting the slide in doors open. I walked inside and instantly I had a weird feeling enter me, like a really weird feeling.

I furrowed my brows shaking off the feeling. I'm just being paranoid. My eyes landed on a flickering light, this doesn't feel like a horror movie at all. I shook my head walking towards the horror aisle, looking through the movies.

I glanced behind me realizing it was the quietest movie store I have ever been in. Usually people crowd this area up. I'm surprised today no one is here. It's almost like the cashier isn't here, my hand instantly grabbed the Annabelle movie, looking down at it. I'm sure this will perfectly scare the hell out of Scott.

"Can someone help me find the notebook?" I jumped in surprise when another person's voice was heard.

I slowly walked out of the aisle and my eyes instantly fell on Jackson whose back was turned to me. "Jackson?" I called out, causing him to jump at my sudden voice.

"Where did you come from?" He breathed out.

I sighed. "My mom." I answered shortly, causing him to make a cringing face. "Don't get too disgusted because you came from your mom too." I continued, causing him to make an even more disgusted face. "And the notebook seriously?" I questioned, with my brows raised.

He sucked in a breath. "Lydia." He grumbled making me chuckle. "Annabelle?" He pointed at the DVD in my hand.

I looked down nodding my head. "Mhm. Decided to watch it tonight." I stated.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Didn't know you were the type that likes scary movies." He commented, crossing his arms walking closer to me.

I shrugged. "I'm not like most girls." I shot back.

He smiled at me. "Good thing." Silence fell over us as we scanned the area. "Is there anyone else in this store?" He asked a good question.

I shrugged not too sure about his question. "I don't know." I answered. "It's never been like this." I said, before I stared looking around walking ahead as Jackson followed behind me. "Oh my god." I whispered when my eyes landed on shoes poking out of the aisle causing Jackson to grab my arm, preventing me from walking closer.

Jackson and I both shared a look of hesitation. "What is that?" He breathed out. We took slow steps towards the aisle, I couldn't help but grab onto Jackson's arm as he continued to walk towards the aisle, slowly a pair of legs were sighted then the next thing we saw almost made me puke.

"Oh my god." I panicked, causing Jackson to look over at me as I shook in fear the DVD in my hand fell onto the floor as I trembled in fear. "Oh my god." I said louder this time, instantly Jackson's hand cupped my mouth.


"Sh. The murderer could still be here." He whispered, as I glanced at the body on the floor with a slashed throat with tears forming into my eyes.

He slowly let go of my mouth when suddenly the lights of the store flickered and slowly died down. Darkness has greeted us causing me to breathe in and out heavily, looking around and my eyes instantly caught red eyes. The same red eyes I saw in the woods when Scott and I had gotten bitten. The red eyes that were owned by the Alpha.

I felt myself being pushed behind Jackson as he stood in front of me protectively. "Jackson." I breathed out, clutching onto his arm tightly. The last thing I want is for someone to get hurt because of me.

I jumped when the Alpha let out a loud growl. I grabbed Jackson's hand yanking him behind an aisle, both of us crouched down. My eyes widen when I saw Jackson poking his head out causing me to grab his hand and yank him back. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered, glaring at him. "Whatever that thing is, it could easily kill you."

He looked down at me with a worried look. "I'm trying to see what the hell that thing is." He informed me, causing me to sigh at him when he poked his head out.

Suddenly our attention was caught by a shelf shaking causing the DVD's to fall. "Layla!" I felt myself being pushed out of the aisle as the shelf fell on top of him.

"Jackson!" I exclaimed, running towards him trying to help him out but nothing was working. I let out a scream when something stood right in front of me and a growl escaped the Alpha's throat.

My chest heaved up and down, looking at the alpha as he stepped closer to me. "Is it just me or have you gotten prettier?" I clenched my jaw, glaring at him as I took steps back as he stepped took steps forward.

"Leave us alone." I glanced at Jackson who was in complete pain with the shelf on top of him.

He chuckled, glaring at me. "Not until you join my pack."

I shook my head, swallowing roughly. "Never." I breathed out, I lifted my hand up but within seconds he was in front of me grabbing my arms tightly before he threw me at the wall causing my head to come in contact.

"I will come back for you." That was the last thing I heard before darkness took over me.

I had woken up to an annoying beeping sound. My eyes fluttered open, eyebrows furrowed in confusion when my eyes caught sight of white walls, looking around completely confused. Where was I? I turned my head to see Scott beside me sleeping on an uncomfortable chair.

My mom was sleeping on the couch in the room. What was I doing here? Why was I in the hospital? My eyes caught Scott's when his eyes fluttered open. "Layla." He muttered, grabbing my hand. "You okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, how did I end up here? What am I doing here?" I asked looking over at Scott with confusion.

His eyebrows arched in surprise. "You don't remember?" He asked surprised.

"W-what happened?"

"Something attacked you at the movie store with Jackson." I looked at him hesitantly, trying to remember but there was nothing.

"Do you think it was the alpha?" I asked, causing him to suck in a breath.

"It was." He breathed out, causing me to run a hand through my hair but instantly regretted when I felt pain irrupt my head.

He rubbed my arm. "All that matters is that you're okay."

I sent him a small smile. "Thanks."

"Oh my gosh. Sweetheart are you okay?" My mom's voice caught our attention.

She rushed over to my side, placing kisses all over my face making me laugh. "Mom, I'm fine." I said through my laughs making her stop kissing all over my face. "I reassure you I'm okay." I continued, she wrapped me into her arms.

"You got me so worried." She breathed out in relief. "It was all my fault, I sent you out alone-" She went to continue.

"Mom, it wasn't you're fault." I cut her off. "It was bound to happen either way." I shrugged. She sent me a sad smile kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad you're okay."

There was a knock on the door catching our attention, the door opened revealing Sheriff Stilinski and Jackson entering my hospital room. I furrowed my brows in confusion glancing between the two. "Layla, how are you?" Sheriff asked, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

I sent him a small smile. "I'm great." I answered shortly.

"I'm happy to hear that." He smiled, placing his hand onto my shoulder with a comforting squeeze.

"Thank you, Mr.Stilinski."

He sucked in a breath. "Do you remember anything that happened at the video store?" He questioned, causing me to swallow roughly.

I bit the inside of my cheek trying to remember but nothing was coming to me. "I-I don't. I'm trying but I can't remember, all I remember was entering the video store and that was it." I answered with honesty.

Sheriff Stilinski put his lips in a line nodding his head as I glanced over at Jackson who remained quiet staring at me. "Don't stress about it Kiddo. All the matters is you're fine." He rubbed my shoulder soothingly. "I should go and leave you to rest." He gave me one last comforting squeeze before leaving with Jackson.

I rested my back against the pillow behind me, glancing from my mom to Scott.

I winced at my wrist that had a burning sensation. I cupped it tightly, squeezing my eyes tightly. My mom and Scott had left the room to fill in paperwork before I resign from the hospital. I clenched my teeth together when a sharper pain greeted my wrist.

I looked up and instantly a scream almost escaped my throat when my eyes landed on a muscular figure behind the shadows, once our eyes met he came out from behind the shadows. "Derek." I breathed out, clutching onto my heart. "You scared me." I said. He walked towards me without saying a word.

"I don't know what I'm doing." He whispered, causing me to look up at him with arched brows.

What does he mean? "Wh-What?" I asked, but the next thing I know Derek's lips were against mine.

I couldn't help but melt into the kiss as his kiss became more and more passionate yet gentle. My hand went up to his cheek cupping it as I sat up further letting the sparks and butterflies take over my body, enjoying the kiss.

I pulled away from the kiss when my lungs were out of air, sucking in a huge amount of air as I felt his lips against my jaw making me gasp when he sucked onto it. "Stop me." He said, almost as if he was begging.

I remained quiet as my heart pounded against my chest. "Stop me." He repeated, my body didn't want to stop him at all. He growled pulling away from me, putting his hand into his hair. "If I get close to you, you'll end up hurt." He said, looking me straight into my eyes. "I don't want that." He shook his head. My mouth was shut as I stared at him confused.

"What are you talking about, Derek?" I couldn't help but ask.

Before he could answer my question, his eyes grew wide and rushed towards the window. Sending me one last look before he jumped out of the window, the door opened causing me to turn my head and see my mom and Scott.

"Paperwork is done." My mom stated. "We can go home tonight." I smiled at her nodding my head, pushing my hair behind my ear when my eyes fell on Scott who sucked in a breath and his face scrunched up in confusion. His eyes slowly fell on me as he stared at me suspiciously.

Did he know Derek was here? I winced at the pain in my wrist, looking down to see it was completely red.


I brought my mascara to my eyelashes but instantly stopped when one thing caught my attention. "What the hell?" I whispered, looking down at my wrist with wide eyes when I saw a black mark that resembled a tattoo. It was just like the tattoo on Derek's back, over the unknown star on my wrist. "Hale." I read when my eyes landed on the tiny words written.

I sucked in a breath, quickly adding my mascara before throwing the mascara into my makeup bag and zipping it shut. I rushed out of my bathroom, slipping on my shoes.

I stood up from the bed, grabbing my bag and out my bedroom. I went down the stairs heading out the front door where Stiles' jeep was waiting. I huffed, climbing into the jeep.

"How are you doing?" Stiles asked, as he started the car.

"Good." I flashed him a smile, he chuckled driving off to school. "Guys," I said, staring down at the black mark on my wrist.

"Yeah?" Scott replied.

"I-um...I woke up with a mark on my wrist and I don't even know what it is. I mean when I was in the hospital, it was burning and itching like crazy, it had gotten super red until today I woke up to see the same mark Derek has on his back on my wrist." I explained, causing Stiles to swerve the car and pull over at the sidewalk.

"Dear god. Stiles! You could have killed us!" I exclaimed, glaring at him.

He shrugged innocently. "Let me see." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes showing them my wrist. Scott grabbed my hand pulling it closer to himself. "Hale?" He read the tiny words written.

Stiles furrowed his brows looking up at me then Scott. "What if that is a mate thing." He motioned to the mark on my wrist, causing Scott to inhale deeply.

I brought my wrist back to myself. "Probably." I muttered, rubbing the mark as Stiles sighed.

"We'll figure it out." He stated, starting the car once again and drove off to school.

Stiles had pulled up to school. I climbed out of the car, running a hand through my hair as my eyes landed on Allison. I remember how Lydia told me it was her birthday, walking up to her with a smile. "Happy birthday." I greeted.

"Lydia told you right?" She asked, with a disappointed look.

I nodded. "It's Lydia." I laughed, causing her to chuckle in response.

"Well. Thank you." She responded, pulling me into a hug. "You got a tattoo?" She asked, when we pulled away causing me to freeze.

I looked down at my wrist, pulling my cardigan down. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, um," I began. "Two days ago." I lied, holding onto my wrist tightly. "I'll see you late." I said, walking towards the school in a rush.

I don't understand any of this...

And the only person that has answers is...


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