《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x4) Magic bullet, Part 1 ✓


I rushed my way towards the hale burnt mansion watching all the sticks that could cause me to trip and fall to the ground. I entered the mansion hearing Scott yelling in anger. "Like your sister died!?" I heard him yell as soon as I entered the mansion causing me to wince at his words.

That actually hurt me hearing him say those words. I walked closer to their voices but stopped behind the shadows. "My sister was missing." Derek revealed. "I came here looking for her." I couldn't see Derek at all because he was lost in the shadows but his voice still caused my heart to flutter.

"You found her." Scott said, and I was having enough of his childish replies.

"Scott." I warned, walking out of the shadows, giving him a disappointed look as soon as he saw me.

Scott sent me a look back making me scoff. "I found her in pieces, being used as bait to catch me." Derek continued on to explain.

My heart felt heavy just listening to the words he was saying. "I think you killed them both. I'm gonna tell everyone, starting with the sheriff-" He was cut off when Derek hurtles out of the shadows in a blur causing my eye sight to blur up the air was so harsh it caused me to stumble back, I caught myself and gasped when he smashed Scott against the wall.

Scott hits the wall hard, cracking the plaster and falling to the floor. He gets to his hands and knees, his chest heaved up and down. "Scott. Derek." I started, as I slowly backed away from the scene.

Scott looked up revealing his yellow eyes, teeth had fangs in them making me stare at him in fear. Derek smirked staring at Scott as he slipped his jacket off. "That was cute." He commented, my heart pounded against my chest due to fear and worry.

I watched Scott launch himself at Derek who was still in his human form. They collide together making a loud thud. Scott's attack is relentless and brutal. The second Derek manages to tear him off, Scott is back on him, I hissed watching the fight in fear as my instinct wanted to go in the middle of the fight but I remained in my spot for my safety. The two both stumble and spin until they both smash into a burnt door splinters exploding into the air as they tumble and disappearing from my sight.


"Derek!" I shouted, running after them. "Scott!" I continued to make my way down the stairs. The two continued to fight, I covered my ears as soon as Derek loud out a loud roar shaking the whole house making me hold onto my ears tightly closing my eyes.

But soon that faded as my eyes slowly opened flashing whatever color, my hands slowly went to my sides. I stepped back a little when the two continued to fight on after that, blood started to reveal into the fight. "Enough!" I screamed, jerking my hand forward causing the two to fly to the opposite walls.

The two both breathed heavily as I took a step down the stairs not moving to any of their sides. Derek stood up taking a step back as he shifted back to normal again, Scott had already turned back to normal but continued to breathe heavily.

Derek stood beside me making me look away from him. "I didn't kill him." Derek revealed, causing me to look over at him already knowing he didn't do it. "Neither of us did. It's not your fault, and it's not mine." He continued on.

Scott slowly stands up staring at Derek. "This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!" Is there one day where he doesn't blame Derek for everything that happens to him?

"No, I didn't." Derek responded.

"You're the one who bit me." Scott tried to point out making me roll my eyes.

Derek looked down at me. "No, I'm not." He said, looking back at Scott.

"What?" Scott asked confused.

"I'm not the one that bit you." Derek repeated clearer for my brother.

"There's another?" Scott asked, in shock.

Well obviously, if it wasn't Derek than that means there is more. It was pretty obvious there were more like us. "It's called an Alpha." Derek explained, causing me to return back into reality. "It's the most dangerous of our kind. You and I, we're betas. This thing is more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for him. Now I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you." Derek continued, causing me to tilt my head as I stared at him.

"Why me?" Scott asked breathing heavily.


"Because he's the one that bit you and Layla, you both are a part of his pack. It's you and Layla, Scott. You both are the ones he wants." He revealed, causing my eyebrows to shoot up in surprise.

I pushed my hair back watching Derek and Scott carefully. Scott slowly nodded his head walking away leaving me alone with Derek, I sighed putting my hand on my forehead, looking over at Derek. "Did that fight serious have to occur?" I asked, as soon as Scott left.

"Did you really have to throw me at the wall?" He shot back, causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"That was only because you both were fighting and I had to stop you both somehow." I told him, crossing my arms as I turned and face him standing right in front of him.

Derek stepped closer to me staring down at me. "You were worried." He smirked, making me look the other way and sigh.

"Well after all my brother and mate were fighting so of course I'd worry." I added, staring up at him with a look.

He chuckled, placing his hand on my arm brushing it up and down my arm making me suck in a huge amount of air. "Derek..." I trailed, looking up at him.

He licked his lips staring down at my lips. I glanced back and forth between his forest green eyes and his plumped pink lips. "You look beautiful." He complimented causing my breathing to shorten.

He pushed my hair out of my face as he leaned down and captured my lips against his own. I froze for a second before holding onto his wrist kissing him back, gently. My eyes fluttered closed feeling the sparks and shocks all around us, while my heart fluttered with butterflies dancing in my stomach.

My breathing shortened as I clutched onto Derek's wrist tightly. "Derek." I gasped, pulling away from him breathing heavily. I stepped back staring up at him nervously and shyly blushing at the way he looked down at me. "I should go." I told him, backing away from him as I continued to face him before turning around and rushing away from him.

I climbed the stairs and made my way out of the mansion. I fast walked my way out of the woods and walked home.

I stepped out of my closet room turning the light switch off once I got done getting dressed into my shorts and tank top. I walked towards the bathroom, taking my tooth brush and brushed my teeth before spitting out the foam and washing my mouth out. I placed my tooth brush back, wiping my makeup then washing my face right after.

I grabbed a towel drying my face as I made my way out of the bathroom, flinching and jumping in fear when I saw Derek sitting on my bed. I clutched my chest exhaling deeply. "Derek." I breathed staring down at him. He looked up at me with his forest green orbs. "What- What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at the time to see it was two in the morning.

"I had to see you." He revealed, causing me to stare at him confused as he stood up walking towards me.

"We saw each other a few hours ago." I stated, I tensed when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know. But I can't stay away from you anymore. The more I try the more I can't." He admitted. "Everyone I let in my life gets into danger. But I want to be selfish." He poured out causing me to chuckle and place my hand on his cheek.

"Then be selfish." I muttered, staring up at him with hopeful eyes.

He looked down at me scanning my face. "I need to stay with you, just for tonight." I smiled down at him, stroking his cheek gently.

"Do whatever you please." A smile slowly broke onto his lips causing my heart to skip a beat seeing him smile. "You're so good looking when you smile." I complemented causing him to chuckle.

I was so proud of myself seeing him smile. I had made Derek Hale. My soul mate who has been through a lot is smiling at me. And it made me feel very happy to see a gorgeous smile on his face caused by me.

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