《Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)》(1x2) Second Chance at First Line, Part 2 ✓


I sucked in a breath, not moving from fear as I continued to stare at Stiles on the screen. "Stiles... I swear to god if this is one of your stupid pr-" I cut myself off when he shook his head.

He quickly wrote. Scott and I both looked at each other, my heart was pounding against my chest too scared to turn around and face whatever that was behind us. Scott and I both nod as we stood up quickly spinning around and within seconds Scott is yanked away from the computer desk causing the laptop to fall onto the floor as I backed up holding my scream back.

I cupped my mouth watching Derek hale pinning my brother against the wall. "I saw you on the field." Derek told him with a dangerous voice.

My heart pounded against my chest as I watched the scene in front of me. "Derek." I breathed out in panic that he'd end up hurting my brother badly.

I was too scared to walk up to him. Derek glanced at me but continued to hold his cold expression. "Wha-What are you talking about?" Scott stuttered out in panic.

I swallowed forcefully. "You shifted in front of them!" Derek exclaimed angrily. "If they find out what you are, they find out about me. About all of us. And then it's not just the hunters after us, it's everyone." Derek informed him, I backed up until my back hit the corner of the wall, my heart continued to quicken its pace.

"Derek." I stumbled forward hesitantly as he looked over at me watching the fear in me. "Please. Just let him go." I begged, glancing between my brother who looked in panic then at Derek who looked flooded with anger.

"They didn't see I swear." Scott reassured, causing Derek's attention to avert back to him.

"And they won't! Because if you even try to play in that game on Saturday..." He paused for a second, his eyes traveling to my fearful ones. "I'm gonna kill you myself." My heart sunk at his words.

"Derek. I beg you let him go." I told him, walking up to him shakily touching his arm causing him to slowly relax and let go of my brother.

I sighed in relief, as Scott turned around staring at Derek angrily. "I discovered what you are." He said, softly. He glanced at Scott who was standing there tensing when Derek placed his hand on my arm.

I still felt the shocks but decided to ignore them. "Go on.." I encouraged him. He stared down at me for a few seconds before continuing on.

"A pixie." He revealed causing my eye brow to raise as I stared up at him.

A-What?...."A....A Pixie?" I repeated in disbelief, but at the same time I forcefully held my laugh. "So you're saying I'm Tinkerbell?" I said, bursting out laughing. "What's next I'm gonna have wings?" I asked, clutching onto my stomach and laughing at something that wasn't even funny. "Well...where are my little fairy friends and yes I'm talking about silvermist, iridessa, rosetta, and vidia." I said sarcastically, Derek continued to stare at me expressionless while Scott just stared at me with a raised brow.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them crossing my arms. "I guess...After all I'm a pixie." I sighed in defeat. At least I poked the fun out of it.

"No. You don't have wings. Nor will you ever." He revealed, as he went over to the window and before I could say anything, he jumped out of the window leaving me alone with Scott once again.


I ran a hand through my hair, looking over at Scott then walking towards him gently touching his arm. "You okay?" I asked, he nodded reassuringly.

I sent him a soft smile. "Get some rest we have school tomorrow." I told him, walking out of his room, shutting the door behind him.

I walked towards my room, slipping inside and shutting the door behind me. I huffed, throwing myself on my bed and tucking myself in thanking god that I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas because now I don't have to face cold water that could possibly make me un-tired.

I bit the inside of my cheek as a thought came to my mind causing me to turn over and lay on my back. What are those sparks and shocks that keep happening every time I touch Derek or Derek touches me, I don't understand...I huffed rolling onto my side looking down at my hand at the tiny unknown star that was on my wrist, it appeared when I was younger after I was attacked by the first wolf.

I placed the straightener down and zipping up my makeup bag before walking into my room stripping off my robe and slipping on my outfit. I grabbed my bag that was lying on my chair prepared and ready for me to take.

Slipping my phone inside as I went down the stairs. I rushed out of the house where my mom was waiting for me inside the car, opening the passenger seat and slipping inside.

"Where is Scott?" I asked as soon as she backed out of the driveway.

"He's already at school." I nodded my head as she drove off to school. "Mom."

"Hm?" She hummed as a response.

I turned my head looking over at her. "Why haven't you changed your last name yet?" I asked, causing her to look over at me.

She swallowed thickly as she focused back on the road stopping at a traffic light before looking over at me. "I wanted to keep the same last name as you and Scott." She explained, causing me to smile sadly.

"Oh..." Was all I could say, playing with my hands.

"I don't want you to be upset every time you think of the past and those memories. It hurts me seeing you hurt over what happened." I blinked my tears away, looking out the window.

I played with my nail as I felt the car move once again. "I'm trying, mom. I'm really trying." My voice cracked, not bothering to look at her heartbreaking expression.

The car came to a stop in front of the school. "I'll see you back at home." I flashed her a soft smile.

Leaning over and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'll see you later, mom." I slipped out of the car walking inside the building.

I walked towards my locker without looking at other students and their looks. Obviously they were whispering and gossiping about me and Derek yesterday. I rolled my eyes at these gossipers and unlocked the pad of my locker before slipping my things in there and taking out the things I need.

I shut my locker, jumping in surprise when I saw Jack leaning against the locker with a smirk on his face. I sighed in annoyance. Let me tell you a story about Jake here. He was trying to get with me ever since ninth grade and it's starting to piss me off. How doesn't he get the message? "Hey baby." I cringed at his tone.


He walked closer to me placing his hand on my hip. "Get off me." I demanded, pushing his hand off me. I looked around to see the gossipers and other students were all gone and it was just me and the perverted jock how cute...

"Oh! Come on, don't play hard to get baby girl." I cringed at the pet name he just called me.

"I said. Leave me alone, you pervert." I ordered, gritting it out with my teeth clenched as I glared up at him.

"Baby girl." He placed his hand on my hip pulling me towards him. "Don't play hard to get. I know you want me." Anger instantly built inside of me.

"If you don't let go of I'll scream." I threatened, causing him to laugh. "Let go of me you pervert." I continued to fight his grip off my hip.

He was instantly pushed off me and onto the ground glaring at the person who stood in front of me. "When she says leave her alone. Leave her alone." Jackson hissed, glaring down at him with his injured arm. "Now scatter off before I make you." He threatened. I've never been happier to see Jackson until now.

"Thank you." I told him softly, with appreciation laced with my voice.

He looked over at me, nodding his head before walking off. I sucked in a breath, spinning around and walking away and that was until I bumped into someone. "I apologize." I looked up freezing at the person. "We really have to stop meeting like this." I joked, staring up at his serious face.

"Come with me." He ordered, with a straight face. Before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and took me outside causing me to jolt from the shocks running through them.

I forgot about class as I let him take me outside. He slowly let go of my hand causing me to miss his touch which I cringed at myself for thinking that. "Derek, I have class." I reminded, looking back at the school's entrance before turning my attention to him.

He closed his eyes sucking in a breath. "I know. But this is important." I swallowed forcefully staring at him curiously. "You feel this right." He touched my hand letting the feeling run through my body.

I hesitantly nodded. "Yes. You do too?" He nodded his head confirming that he felt the same things I felt.

He placed his free hand on my cheek still keeping his cold expression. "You know why we both feel this? It's because you-" He was cut off by a loud voice filling our ears.

"Ms.McCall!" Mr.Harris's voice rang through my ear causing me to jump and look over at him but I quickly looked back to see Derek gone. He vanished in thin air, he was fast...Dammit I was this close about to find out why I felt those things.

I closed my eyes sighing with my nose. Closing my eyes tightly as I heard footsteps behind me getting closer. "Yes, Mr. Harris?" I asked, opening my eyes looking over at him annoyed.

"Don't talk to me in that tone. I'm a teacher you're a student. You respect me not the other way around." I furrowed my brows at him.

"Actually...Students are supposed to respect teachers that is indeed correct but Teachers are supposed to respect students in the same exact way. So if you respect me. I respect you. That's the way it goes." I brought my sassiness out of me.

He looked down at me angrily. "Yo-" He cut himself off sighing trying to control his anger as I smirked at his reaction. Leaving people like this speechless is amazing, truly amazing. "Why aren't you in class?" He asked, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I felt sick and dizzy, okay?" I lied, keeping a straight face while staring at him. "I came out of the school so I could get some fresh air instead of passing out on the school's ground. Also I'm such a good child I didn't want my mother to worry and leave her work to come to me." I added on, he glared down at me as I continued to hold a straight face while he scanned my face to see if I was nervous.

But trust me I'm good at these things. "Just get to class." He demanded, I walked past him cursing his soul under my breath as I made my way down the hall.

The bell rang as soon as I walked towards the classroom. "Where were you?" Stiles questioned, as he threw his arm over my shoulder.

I shrugged. "I decided to skip class." I continued to lie, not wanting to bring up Derek since Scott would clearly blow up on me for even being near him.

"What a rebel." Stiles chuckled, squeezing me closer to him causing me to lay my head against his shoulder with a smile on my face.

Scott looked at me and shook his head. "If mom finds out she will kill you." He reminded, I smirked at my brother.

"She won't find out." I reassured, sending the boys a wink. "You know the plan." The boys both sighed knowing exactly what my plan is.

I sat at math class bored, my hair was flipped to the side due to tiredness as I watched Lydia and Scott at the board solving at math problem. Putting my lips in a line watching the two curiously wondering what they were whispering about to one another.

I watched Lydia finish off her algebra equation, as she set the chalk down and walked off to her seat with an angry look on her face. I watched the Math teacher look over at my brother and his unsolved equation. "Mr.McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem." I leaned back bringing my knees up to my chest not caring if the teacher yells at me or not.

"Tell me about it..." Scott said, before setting the chalk down and walked over sitting at his table that was placed next to mine. I gave him a soft smile before looking back at the board once again watching the other students get up and solve the problems on the board.

I sucked in a breath, as my mind continued to flood in Derek. What was he going to possibly tell me outside? What was so important? Ugh! This is why I despise Mr.Harris, he ruins everything!

I was at my locker stuffing my things in there with Scott standing next to me. "Hey Pixie, Hey Scott." I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname he gave me. I get it, I'm tinkerbell there is no need to remind me that every single second.

"Stiles, I'd be really happy if you wouldn't call me that." I told him, continuing to stuff things into my locker. He smirked knowing he was annoying me with that stupid nickname, and of course because he loves to annoy me he will continue using that damn nickname.

"Anyways. I need you to come here." Stiles grabbed Scott's arm leading him down the corridors as I followed behind them.

I'm always left out. I furrowed my brows when he took us towards the principal and a few cops, yes including Mr.Stilinski. "Tell me what they're saying." He demanded. "Can you hear 'em?" Stiles and I both glanced at each other as we watched Scott focus.

We stood there for a few before Scott explained to us what Sheriff and the rest were talking about. "Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk - off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants." I furrowed my brows. Do they know who it is? How come they never told me?

See I'm telling you, I'm always left out. "Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek." My head snapped to his direction. Did I just hear that right? They are accusing Derek to be the killer of that girl? Yes, I met him a few days ago and he's still a stranger but I know and I have feelings that Derek Hale did not kill that girl. I just feel it in my bones.

"I can do something." I was snapped back into reality by Stiles.

"Like what?" Scott asked.

"I can find the other half." I sucked in a shaky breath.

Backing away from them. "You both do whatever you please, but don't involve me in this." I told them, walking away from the two and making my way down the hall.

Making my way out of the school, tiredly as my hand latched onto my neck that felt stiff and sore. I looked up my eyes instantly fell on the handsome devil leaning against that shiny black Camaro. I walked up to him confused as the people around us instantly stopped what they were doing and started gossiping, nothing new. "What are you still doing here?" I asked, curiously.

"I told you have something important to tell you." I looked around us at the students that ticked me off even more just by watching them gossip.

"Let's go then." I muttered, he nodded pushing himself off his car, we both slipped inside as he drove off.

The car ride was smooth and silent. My head rested against the cold glass watching everything pass by just like time. My head pushed away from the glass when it came to a stop in front of the burnt mansion, unstrapping our seatbelt and climbing out heading towards the house not saying a word.

I entered the house, entering the living room once again. "You're upset." Derek commented, causing my head to snap up in his direction.

I bit the side of my cheek, looking over at his gorgeous face. "Every time I enter this house I can't help but think about your..." I trailed not wanting to bring up his past knowing he was probably not comfortable with me bringing it up. "I'm sorry." I apologized.

He stared up at me. "It's fine."

No. It's not. I wanted to say but I continued to keep my mouth shut and lean against the wall, staring at him. Watching him walk over to the uncomfortable chair as he sat down interlocking his hands, his eyes slowly caught mine causing my heart to skip a beat.

"These chairs aren't comfortable. But you should sit." My teeth latched onto my bottom lip as I made my way towards him taking a seat right beside him turning my body towards him.

He reached over touching my hand causing the sparks to light up and my heart to speed up as we both stared deeply into each other eyes. "The reason you feel this. And the reason why I feel this is because..." He paused staring into me deeply. He stroked my hand gently causing my anxiousness and anxiety to fade away just by his touch.

All I wanted was his touch and it was scaring me. "You're my..." He trailed, sucking in a breath. "You're my mate." He revealed, causing my breath to get stuck in my throat.

Mates. Derek and I were mates. Derek Hale was my soul mate. I squeezed his hand continuing to stare at him speechless, Stiles told me all about mates and how you feel things and stuff. I just didn't know what to say or do at this moment.

"You're my..." I paused, swallowing forcefully. "I should've known from all the signs." Looking back into his green eyes as he stared down at me.

We both sat in silence for a few second I continued to squeeze his hand. Derek went to say something but before the words could leave his mouth my lips planted against his perfect plumped ones.

I didn't know what came over me but I just felt the need to do that. It felt so right and it felt perfect, just feeling his lips against mine. The sparks and butterflies were taking over me, my heart continuously fluttered over and over again. Slowly pulling away from him, breathing heavily but my eyes soon widen when I realized I had just kissed Derek Hale the man that was a stranger and now I've found out he is my mate.

The person that no matter what I'd end up with. "I shouldn't have done that." I muttered, standing up from my seat. "I'm sorry." I apologized, not looking at him. Picking up my purse and head to walk away from him but his hand latched onto my wrist, turning me around to face him.

I gasped when he looked down at me before I could say anything he shut me up with his lips attached to mine, sending shocks of waves around my body. I instantly kissed him back wrapping my arms around him as he did with mine, holding my small frame against his. We just fit so perfectly, it felt so right kissing him. Even though we met like days ago but everything just felt perfect.

We both pulled away breathing heavily, he placed his forehead against mine. "I-I should go." I muttered, as we both stared deeply into each other's eyes.

I slowly pulled away from him, sending him a soft smile as I quickly turned around rushing off without saying another word. Walking out of the mansion with a little smile playing on my lips, my fingers made its way to my swollen lips as I made my way down the path not daring to look back.

Derek Hale was my mate.

The handsome, mysterious, bad boy was my soul mate.

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