

yuta's summer is beginning to seem unbearable until you stumble into his workplace on a hot afternoon.


"this is so fucking pointless," yuta spoke, grim faced, as the hot dog costume that adorned his body began to feel like an inferno in the midsummer heat. yuta jumped around in the parking lot of hardy's hotdogs as he twirled an arrow shaped sign.

his dad had forced him to get a part time to stay busy during the summer, and sadly, this was the only one he could obtain with his unimpressive resumé. the most credible thing on it was the 'worked at a gucci store for three days, before being fired after breaking the cash register' statement. yuta's summer vacation was looking terribly dull.

a shiny, black range rover pulled up into the parking lot, jerking fowards and screeching unnecessarily.

"at least if you're gonna drive, do it properly..." yuta grumbled to himself, wiping the sweat which had fallen from his red-orange hair. he continued to dance and wave the arrow around in an unskilled manner, adding in a few hip thrusts just for the sake of it.

the doors of the black range rover opened in almost slow motion as two of the the hottest girl yuta had seen that afternoon stepped out. he gaped, starring wide eyed as the sign fell from his hands.

wait, that girl looks familiar. is...is that, y/n? abort mission!

"erin, why are we here? who even eats here, it's like a shabby dinner from the nineties. i bet, the owner's name isn't even hardy." you complained as, you and your best friend walked towards the entrance of hardy's hotdogs.

"oh shutup, you brat. you know we're only here to pick up an order for my dad." erin sassed.

you mockingly mimicked her words as your face contorted into an unpleasant expression.

"yOu knOw wE'rE ONly hErE tO pIck UP AN ORDER FOR MY DAD!" you spoke, your voice sounding agressive towards the end.

"at least, i'm financially stable enough to be able to buy food for my parents..." erin retorted.

"at least, i'm educated enough to tell, just by looking, that you can't drive for shit!" you replied, hyping yourself up with a not-so-quiet, 'boom! roasted!' at the end.


yup, best friends indeed.

yuta's sweating now had another cause, other than the heat of course. y/n, his completely gorgeous crush was approaching his workplace, about to witness the world's most pitiful sight: him in a hotdog costume.

yuta noticed the fact that you were a only a couple of yards away, abandoned his fallen sign and dashed into the nearly empty restaurant. the only customers being a couple in their mid-fifties.

yuta, sicheng and their manager, doyoung, were the only ones on duty that day. the atmosphere was as dead as jake paul's career.

"hey, i need to you to take over my duties for a bit." yuta whisper-shouted, completely out of breath, to the startled man standing behind the counter.

"what's wrong hyung?" sicheng asked worriedly, with a pout. the epitome of cute.

"no time to explain! i'll be heading straight to the back for a bit. if you need anything put your mouth up to the crack and whisper very softly." yuta replied hurriedly, completely forgetting the fact that there was clearly a walkway to take him behind the counter as he jumped over it, still dressed as a hotdog.

doyoung, stepped out of the breakroom, just in time to see yuta on the counter.

"what do you think you're doing? you should outisde waving that sign and shaking your ass as if your paycheck depended on it. which...it does by the way." he spoke.

yuta froze. doyoung was probably gonna snitch to their boss.

"sicheng, go take a break. yuta take over his shift, and...keep the hotdog thing on. it really brings out your lovely noodle-like limbs." doyoung ordered dryly.

"sorry hyung..." sicheng whispered, before disappearing into the breakroom.

you and erin entered the outdated looking restaurant and sauntered towards the counter.

yuta looked down, panicking, obviously trying to go unnoticed. which was quite impossible as a human sized hotdog.

she can't see me like this! it'll completely ruin any chance i might have with her.

yuta pulled the costume down a little, desperately trying to conceal his face.

your eyes scanned the menu as erin proceeded to give her order to the guy at the counter. surprisingly enough, the food didn't seem too bad. you were beginning to get a bit hungry.


thank god she isn't looking at me, yuta thought.

you glanced down and made eye contact with...a hotdog.

"can i please have a strawberry milkshake?" you asked politely, taking in the man's appearance.

yuta stared at you with his mouth hanging open and hearts in his eyes.

"i'm sorry...can you repeat that?"

"can i have a strawberry milkshake...please."

"coming right up!" he replied, eager to run into the kitchen. yuta breathed a sigh of relief, at least you hadn't recognized him.

nearly ten minutes later, yuta emerged from the kitchen with erin's dad's order and your milkshake. he spotted the two of you seated in a booth by the window. he carefully placed the to-go bag and the milkshake on a tray and nervously began to carry the food towards you.

"umm, here's your food enjoy!" he spoke quickly, already preparing to run away.

"uh wait!" erin spoke, "you never charged us..."

yuta mentally face palmed. had he been so nervous that he completely forgot that main goal of any business was to make a money?

"oh, um..that's because..it's uh, free of charge." he stuttered out nervously, he didn't wanna look like an even bigger fool by admitting that he had forgotten.

"wow, really! i think i might come here more often!" erin exclaimed.

damn, there goes his paycheck.

you nodded in agreement, taking a sip of your surprisingly delicious milkshake. yuta stared at your lips momentarily and turned away quickly, once again ready to flee.

"hey!" you called, reaching out at lightning speed to grab yuta's wrist lightly. he turned around slowly.


"don't you go to midlands high?" you asked, recognizing him vaguely.

he nodded nervously.

"you're y-yuto? right?" you asked.

"it's yuta." he responded feeling conflicted and emotionally unstable.

lol when your crush sorta knows your name #goals, yuta thought sarcastically

"oh yeah, right..it was nice seeing you." you replied somewhat apologetic for getting his name wrong. yuta smiled genuinely for the first time that day.

"yeah, you too." he smiled shyly, as he pulled his costume up slightly.

when you had finally let him go, yuta headed towards the counter, so happy he felt like dropping dead right there onto the floor. which...is what he did—minus the dead part. he landed onto the wet floor with a loud flop!

since when were the floors wet?

yuta glanced around the restaurant, from his spot on the floor. he spotted doyoung grinned evilly from behind the counter with a mop. since when did the managers mop floors?

"oh my god," you exclaimed, leaning down to exam yuta, "are you okay?" you asked. you offered a hand, which he gladly accepted. you tried to pull him up, but yuta had accidentally pulled you downwards. you fell straight onto his chest. yuta felt as if all the oxygen had left his lungs, as he laid on the wet floor in a hotdog costume, with his crush pressed against his chest.

"oh my gosh y/n, get up. we gotta go. we can come see your hotdog boyfriend whenever you want." erin whined impatiently.

you blushed furiously as you struggled to stand up. yuta stood up as well, with a blush that matched yours.

"uh, bye." yuta said, as he avoided eye contact.

"see you around, yuta." you replied with a smile, despite having embarrassed yourself previously.

you left the restaurant with erin almost as quickly and you had come. yuta watched as the car jerked and screeched as it left the parking lot.

"hyung, why are you smiling?" sicheng asked, out of nowhere, noticing that yuta looked like he was spacing out.

"no reason.." he replied quietly.

yuta strode outside into the summer heat, grabbed the sign, and began twirling and dancing like a madman.

a/n: if you read these, thanks. :)

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