

all jeno wants is to fit in with his kind. in his desperate attempt to join a new pack, he manages to push you away forever. (werewolf au)


"there's only one way to join the pack..."

the words rung in jeno's head as he trudged through the forest hand in hand with his best friend, you. the forest wasn't too far from his house, it was practically his backyard. all he had to do was steal you away from your house, which was placed conveniently next to his.

"we've all done it, it's quite simple..."

"jeno, slow down! i can't keep up." you complained, feeling as if you were being dragged along like a doll. you stumbled behind jeno as the tall damp grass ruined your satin, white nightgown. jeno mumbled a soft apology, but his footsteps hadn't slowed down one bit. he continued along, the full moon lighting the way.

"as a sign of loyalty and obedience to the pack and the pack leader, you MUST do it."

the words continued to echo through jeno's mind. "you can do it, you will do it." he mumbled to himself, still pulling you along. his mind felt cloudy, as if he were being controlled by some mysterious force.

you were almost there. in approximately two minutes the two of you would arrive at the clearing, near the creek where the moonlight shines directly onto the ground undeflected.

"kill your most intimate mortal associate."

"jeno, where are we going? i seriously can't believe you dragged me out of my bedroom window and through the woods at—" you paused to look down at your dainty wristwatch, the one jeno had bought you for your last birthday, "at 11:57pm, what could be so urgent at this time?" you asked in a whiny voice.

"it must be done tonight and you will be accepted into the pack. this world is no place for a lonely orphan werewolf like yourself, you belong with us."

there is was, the clearing. it was just as he remembered it. flat, spacious, illuminated by the moonlight and, mostly importantly, hidden.

stepping into the moonlight, jeno could already begin to feel it's effect. a brief flash of yellow appeared in his normally brown eyes, and his canines fought to reveal themselves. a few deep breaths would help him maintain his composure for just a bit longer.

the two of you came to a stop in the middle of the clearing. jeno released you from his grip and turned around to properly face you.

"what is it you wanted to show me?" you asked inquisitively, not noticing jeno's oddly serious demeanor.

"t-there isn't anything." he replied, staring deeply into your eyes as his breath quickened. the moonlight crawled on his skin, raising hairs and heightening his senses.

"jeno you can't be serious. this is exactly why my mom always told me not to hang around with you. you do things impulsively, with no purpose!" you exclaimed. "if you're done wasting my time now, i'm heading back home..." you sighed, as you turned away.

jeno grabbed your shoulder and jerked you around. "you're not going anywhere." he replied, his voice low and firm. you looked at him in confusion. his grip was really tight. you stared into his eyes, which were oddly brighter than usual. were they glowing?

"jeno, fuck off." you replied fiercely, as you struggled to release yourself from his iron grip. when did he get so strong?

a sadistic looking smile crept its way onto jeno's face. his eyes had turned completely yellow, right before your eyes, and his teeth were oddly wolf-like.


noticing how his features had transformed drastically from the cute eye-smile boy you knew him as, you stumbled back in shock.

the smile on jeno's face had only widened, his clouded mind encouraging his odd behavior. he stepped forward, still gripping your shoulder. you fell back, straight onto the ground. you felt around for a stick, a rock or anything that you could use as a weapon. your panicked mind failed to properly rationalize exactly what was happening, but at least your fight or flight instinct was still functioning.

"jeno, what are you doing!" you asked fearfully as you crawled backwards.

no response.

he hovered only inches away, his yellow eyes glaring into your soul. he raised a hand, but it looked more like a paw with sharp, sharp claws.

tears began to leak from your wide eyes, "let me go!" you cried, your hand tightly grasping a fallen branch. you were shaking, completely overcome with fear, too frightened to fight back. you felt truly powerless. the branch in your grasp did nothing to restore your survival instinct. you closed your eyes tightly in anticipation of some sort of bodily harm.

the sight of your tearful face sobered jeno quickly. the yellow glow of his eyes dimmed and the smile on his face dropped instantly. if was as if a switch had been flipped. he finally felt in control of his own mind, the moon no longer controlled him. he lowered his raised hand and retracted his claws.

"y/n...i-i i don't know what overcame me. i'm s—"

hearing the softness of his voice return, you peered up at him. he suddenly looked a lot less menacing. but hell no, you weren't taking chances. you pushed jeno's chest forcefully and scrambled to get up.

"get away from me. right now!" you yelled, gripping that stick like it would slip out of your hands at the slightest movement. "do not move." you ordered as you began to walk backwards, not daring to turn your back on him.

jeno sighed unsure of what he had almost done. it was best for the both of you if he just stood there where he was and allowed you to flee.

just as his mind was clearing up, the moon seemingly shone brighter than before, and his vision went pitch black.

shrill screams erupted into the frigid night air.

"wake up! jeno! get up now right!" a loud voiced boomed through his bedroom door. it was his foster mother.

"get up jeno! you have school, breakfast is on the table."

he sat up in his bed and pulled the covers back, "i'm up, i'm up." he groaned tiredly as he rubbed his face. he jerked his hand away quickly as he felt his fingers rub across a rough spot. he examined the substance on his fingers. dried blood?

after having taken a quick shower and gotten dressed, jeno headed downstairs for breakfast where all his 'siblings' were, running around and squealing so early in the morning.

"morning jeno!" seven little voices shouted simultaneously. he smiled weakly at them, he just wasn't feeling like himself. had something happened last night, or was he just tired? it must have been the latter, he could remember clearly the fact the he had been doing his homework late last night.

jeno took a sit at the table and began to leisurely eat his breakfast.

"hmph, change of plans jeno, you're not going to school just yet." his foster mother spoke as she looked down at her phone, having just received a message.


"it just got a message from y/n's dad. he say that she's in the hospital and knowing how close the two of you are he wants you to visit her." she finished. "i wonder what her mom is saying.."

"in the hospital!?" jeno exclaimed, nearly choking on a piece of toast. his younger 'siblings' all looked with inquisition.

"y/n noona is in the hospital?" the youngest of the seven children asked.

"she's probably just sick, i'd be too if my only friend was jeno hyung." another spoke, sending the rest into fits of laughter.

jeno glared at the children and quickly finished his food.

the drive to the hospital was completely nerve wracking. there was just something so unnerving about having only a bit of knowledge of something so important. were you okay? what happened? is it life threatening? jeno's mind raged as he seat back in the passenger seat, masking his concern with an unreadable expression.

when jeno and his foster mother reached the hospital, they quickly located your room and rushed there in record time.

they had arrived outside the door where they saw your parents. your mother sat in a chair looking terribly distressed, while your father had a less distraught expression in an attempt to stay strong.

after exchanging greetings with you parents, which was kinda awkward provided that your mother wasn't very fond of jeno, the doctor emerged from the hospital room.

"no need to worry to much, y/n's going to be just fine," he spoke after noticing the solemnity of the atmosphere. "however i can't determine the exactly cause of her injuries. it appears that she may have been attacked by an animal. that's about as specific as i can get unfortunately."

"how is that even possible? i saw her during dinner, perfectly fine. i even tucked her in and again, she was fine. my daughter is a very well behaved young woman, and i know she would have never left the house at night on her own." you mother explained.

"well ma'am, you can never be too sure. teens these days are very unpredictable." the doctor reasoned, as he pushed up his glasses and placed his clipboard underneath his arm.

"not my y/n, and if so, she may have been influenced by some of her acquaintances," your mother replied, staring pointedly at jeno towards the end of her statement.

having run out of patience, jeno spoke up. "may i go see her?"

"go ahead son," you father replied.

jeno reached for the doorknob, twisted it carefully and entered the room, hearing "i don't like that boy" just before he stepped in.

his eyes scanned the room. there you were, laying on the bed, eyes closed and looking slightly pale.

"y/n?" he called out quietly.

no response. and suddenly an image of you in a white nightgown with a tearful expression flashed in his mind, disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

what..when was that?

jeno noticed the way you stirred slightly. he approached you and stood by the bedside.

you lifted you head, your eyes still closed. you seemed to be squeezing your eyes shut in response to the bright ceiling light.

"y/n," jeno tried again.

your eyes shot open.

yellow eyes, canines, paws, claws. it was all you could remember. you opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. your throat was so sore and raw. you screamed so much last night. you could hardly speak and as a result you haven't been able to explain to anyone what happened last night. not like any sane person would believe the whole story. you were still struggling to believe it as well.

you squirmed around the bed as if trying to get away from jeno, who watched you with a confused expression.

"what's wrong y/n? who did that to you?" he asked, lightly touching the faint claw mark on your cheek. his eues scanned the rest of you. bruised shoulder, bruised wrist, claw marks, dried blood, matted hair.

"get away from me." you croaked out painfully and slowly.

jeno's brows furrowed. get away? that's not what someone says to their best friend who stopped by to visit them in the hospital. something about that phrased sounded...familiar?

"get away from me. right now!" y/n yelled, gripping that stick like it would slip out of her hands at the slightest movement. "do not move." she ordered as she began to walk backwards, not daring to turn her back on me.

"you did this to me, jeno." you spoke, it was even more painful than the previous attempt.

jeno recoiled in shock, "me!?" he exclaimed.

"you can't remember?" you asked incredulously, rolling your eyes in disbelief. "you're a monster jeno...you tried to kill me." you said, feeling as if your throat was going to rip open.

suddenly it all came back to him.

"there's only one way to join the pack...we've all done it, it's quite simple...as a sign of loyalty and obedience to the pack and the pack leader, you MUST do it. kill your most intimate mortal associate. it must be done tonight and you will be accepted into the pack. this world is no place for a lonely orphan werewolf like yourself, you belong with us."

"i-i'm so so so sorry. i wasn't myself, i wasn't thinking clearly, something came over me. i-i," he rambled, at a loss for words. jeno reached out hesitantly to hold one of your hands. you flinched and pulled your hand away. he attempted to hold your hand for a second time. you squirmed around and opened your mouth to alert someone, but your throat hurt too much.

"y/n, please forgiv—"

you pressed the emergency button, and within a second the door had burst open. the doctor looked in expectantly. his eyes scanned your form for anything that seemed to be wrong. he noticed the tears in your eyes and alerted your mother, who barged in like she owned the place.

"mom," you croaked out, tears sliding down your cheeks. she rushed to you, and held you protectively as she glared at jeno. she always had a bad feeling about him. call it a mother's intuition.

jeno, himself, looked as if he was about to cry as well. what had he done?

"get away from me jeno, i never want to see you again!" you spat, as best you could with your damaged vocal cords, crying like a child as your mother held you tightly.

"you heard her, get out!" you mother exclaimed.

jeno sped walked out of the room with tears in his eyes, he head hung low. he walked into the hallway and straight past his 'mom'

"jeno, what are you going?"

he kept walking. he needed to go, vanish, disappear. if this story got out, the police would be on his tail. literally, since he's a werewolf and...has a tail.

time to runaway, to start a lonelier, more miserable life.

a/n: angst boiii. are you crying yet?

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