

you have been crushing on your housemate, johnny, for forever, but suddenly you begin to notice the number of female friends he has, and you can't help but feel jealous. (kinda long, i got carried away. johnny's my baby!!) (fluff-ish)


sunlight streamed through the sheer white curtains of your bedroom window. you sat up and stretched, awakened by the brightness of the morning sky. usually, you spent the first moments of your day sitting in bed, but one glance at your bedside clock had you jumping out of bed in a millisecond. it was already 11:00am, which isn't necessarily late but you had planned on being productive, and waking up early was the best way to start.

you padded quietly across the lacquered floorboards, and pulled on a robe to cover up your dangerously skimpy nightwear.

you left your bedroom and headed across the hallway to your housemate's room. well, more like apartment-mate, but whatever.

"johnny get up," you spoke, the volume of your voice just above normal, which proved to be entirely ineffective.

you knocked lightly onto the door and put your mouth close to the crack, "johnny, get up!" you yelled slightly this time, and still no response.

frustrated, you turned the door handle and barged in.

there he was sleeping peacefully on his plush, king sized bed. it was a huge bed, although his tall figure still managed to make it appear slightly smaller.

johnny was wrapped up tightly, completely shirtless, in a cocoon of fluffy white blankets. his arms were locked securely around a pillow, and one of his legs was hanging precariously off the side of the bed. his beautiful, black hair stuck out in different directions and his charming pink lips hung open as of waiting to catch a family of flies.

"john get up, we've got a whole day of spring cleaning ahead of us!" you exclaimed as you neared the enormous bed.

only an incoherent mumble escaped his mouth. you sighed.

you tightened your robe, and mentally prepared yourself for world war 3.

"johnny, get the hell up before i resort to drowning your sorry ass!" you yelled, as you jumped onto the bed. you stood there, bouncing up and down beside his head in order to effectively wake him up.

"ughh." johnny groaned, as his head bobbed up and down with every movement you made. it was actually kinda cute.

you kept jumping until you felt a hand reached out and grab your ankle. johnny tugged swiftly, his large hand wrapped securely around limb. in one quick movement, you had fallen onto the mattress, just a few inches away from his delicious face (my bias is showing).

you blushed furiously. goddamn johnny, you're hot.

"john, get up," you said, speaking a little less confidently, partly because his face was oh so close.

he swiftly wrapped his arms around your torso, and rolled over, effectively crushing your comparably smaller body.

"y/n, shutup." he mumbled tiredly, as he repositioned his toned arms around your shoulders, hugging them tightly.

you screamed, hitting his chest as best as you could. "john-ah! i can't breathe! you're crushing me!" your whole body felt like it was on fire. the feeling of being trapped between johnny's firm body and his bed was just too much for your poor, #whipped heart. plus, the fact that your robe had loosened up a bit did help. at all.

"you're such a baby." johnny replied, chuckling and he unwrapped his arms and began to sit up.

"what do you want for breakfast?" he asked, dragging himself off of the bed where you laid, still recovering from what just happened.



"i don't know...you decide." you mumbled indecisively as you managed to get up from his soft bed. you stood up straight, making sure to tighten your robe even tighter than before, and followed him to the downstairs to the kitchen.

you stood in the kitchen, having turned on your bluetooth speaker, swaying and nodding your head slightly as you mixed the pancake batter. johnny stood in front of the stove frying pieces of bacon, with a look of intense concentration. johnny decided that he wanted a whole five star buffet for breakfast much to your discontent. you had only agreed because he mentioned something about chocolate chip pancakes and yogurt parfaits.

"i still don't see why we have to do this spring clean-y thing today." johnny pouted, flipping several pieces of bacon at once.

"it's been such a long time since we properly cleaned anything. do you wanna end up like those hoarders on that on tlc show?" you asked already expecting a 'no'.

"not really, but ughhhh," he groaned as he worked at the stove. you looked up just in time to catch the way his back muscles flexed. you sighed softly to yourself, you so badly wanted the freedom to blatantly admire him whenever you wanted. ne was practically begging to be stared at, with that perfectly proportioned body of his.

'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like~'

"johnny, your phone." you said, reaching to grab his phone from the countertop.

"could you answer it for me, i'm kinda occupied." he replied, struggling to remove all the pieces of sizzling bacon from the pan. if they stayed there any longer, they would burn to crisps.

"yeah, sure," you replied as you answered the call and pressed the phone up to your ear. "hello, it's johnny's housemate." you spoke expecting the caller to be someone like jaehyun or doyoung.

"uh yeah. hi is johnny there?" the voice asked. that was definitely a female.

"yeah who's this?" you asked with a slight attitude. you were slight jealous.

"it's rebecca..." she replied hesitantly, probably sensing your attitude through the phone.

"who is it?" johnny mouthed, after having safely removed all the bacon from the pan.

"it's some bitc—girl named rebecca..." you replied dryly.

his eyes widened as he reached out for the phone. "i gotta take this. start frying the eggs, will you." and just like that, he bounded up the stairs with a slight smile on his face.

by the time johnny had come back downstairs you had finished frying the eggs, frying the pancakes and cutting fruit for the yogurt parfaits. all that was left was to add the yogurt, sprinkle on the granola and pour the glasses of orange juice. you were a tad annoyed that ended up doing almost everything.

"but seriously, this cleaning thing is not for me." johnny spoke up, speaking as of he hadn't been gone for almost an hour. he opened the cultery drawn and grabbed two of each utensil. two forks, two spoons, two knifes.

"mhmm," you replied plainly.

"we should ask someone who actually likes cleaning to come help out next time. someone like...kyungsoo, or that one friend of yours...what's his name?"

"minseok," you grumbled.

johnny turned to you, finally noticing your moodiness. "what's wrong with you y/n?" he asked sassily. you ignored the question and reached up into the cabinets for the plates and cups. except that the plate were way too high up, probably johnny's fault.


you stood up on your tiptoes and extended your arms as far as you could. it obviously wasn't far enough, because the plate were still a few centimeters out of reach.

eventually you got your fingers on one plate, you pulled it out and...oh no. three other plates began to slip out of the cabinet.

this is the end, you thought, a bit melodramatically.

just before the plates could tumble oit and crack your skull, like those eggs you cracked earlier, johnny stepped behind you, grabbing all three plates in his large hands. you stumbled back, your weight shifting from your tiptoes to your heels. you now stood with your back pressed into johnny's broad chest, trapped between him and the countertop.

"whoa ho, you need to be more careful." he chided teasingly as he stepped back and placed the plates onto the counter.


"you're upset because you had to do most of the cooking right?" johnny asked, returning to the previous conversation topic.


"yup, how'd you know?" you lied convincingly.

"i'm the amazing johnny seo, i know everything!" he joked, beaming with energy. you smiled softly.

gosh you're so cute

after breakfast, the two of you reluctantly began cleaning. starting with the living, the first task to complete was to dust everything, which was quite boring. luckily, with johnny, his joking personality and your favorite playlist playing loudly through the apartment, the chores weren't all too bad.

everything was just fine, until an timely knock sounded at the door.

"i'll get it." you said, rushing to turn your speaker down.

"you're just running away from the chores, i'm not dumb y/n~" johnny called out in a singsong tone.

you smiled while prancing to the door. he knew you all too well.

just as you reached the door, you heard an impatient knock accompanied by a long sigh. you grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open, before whoever it was could knock again.

"what?" you asked bluntly, noticing a an unfamiliar girl at the door. you scrutinized her ever feature, in search of something that could possibly trigger your memory into recognizing her.

"oh is this the wrong place? i swear johnny oppa said he lived here..."

oppa?! bitc—girl you wish!

you raised a brow at her, "he lives here, who are you and what do you want?" you sassed. you tapped your foot impatiently.

"here," she said, handing you a folded lump of clothing, "it's johnny's. tell him it's from megan and that i said thanks." she said before leaving quickly, understanding that you probably weren't going to let her in.

you smiled tightly and slammed the door quickly, luckily she had already moved, or else the impact of the door would have knocked her socks off. with a slight pout, you headed back into the living room, with a pair of gray sweats and a hoodie.

"who's there?" johnny asked, as he eyed the clothing in your arms. "ah! it was megan, right?"

you nodded.

"finally!" he exclaimed in relief, "i thought i'd never see my favorite pair of sweats again..." he said thoughtfully, as he stepped over the furniture that you had adjusted. you handed him his clothes. johnny disappeared up the stairs to go and put the clothing away.

"why did she have your stuff anyways?" you asked, with a hint of jealousy, which you hoped you hid well enough. it was the first thing you had uttered when johnny had returned to cleaning the couches.

"oh..uh megan just joined the swimming team and i think it escaped her the other day that she should bring a pair of dry, warm clothes to put on after pratice. so i gave her mine." johnny explained, as he began to vacuum the couches with the mini, handheld one that your mom bought for you as a housewarming gift.

why is he so perfect and kind?

the two of you spent the next couple of hours cleaning up other room in the apartment. the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and hallways had been cleaned thoroughly. you were tired, but satisfied with the amount of work you had managed to accomplish in just a couple of hours. the only rooms left were your room and johnny's room. your room wasn't too dirty, so you started straightening up, just doing the basics.

as you were unplugging the vacuum cleaner, you heard a knock at your door.

"come in!" you called, as you wrapped the wire up neatly.

the door opened and johnny stood in the doorway, making it appear a bit small. you smiled at the thought.

"yo, can you please help me out? my room is a mess, i can't do it alone." he pleaded with a small pout on his lips. you looked at him, deep in thought as you as you weighed the pros ans cons.

"please please please y/n, i'll take you out to eat, whenever, wherever." he bribed.

"deal!" you exclaimed, grabbing the handle of the vacuum and rolling it past johnny as you walked across the hallway and into his slightly messier room. you immediately took a seat on the floor, in front of his drawers, and patted the floor beside you, encouraging him to sit as well.

"first order of business, refolding all these clothes." you stated, as you wrapped your fingers around the metal handle of the last drawer and pulled it open. johnny's eyes widened and he pressed his palm against it, not allowing it to be opened all the way. you gazed inquiringly at him.

"y/n...my underwear is in there." he informed solemnly, leaning in as if telling a highly classified secret. his cloppy, un-styled hair falling into his eyes.

"do you really think i care about that?" you asked incredulously, a grin on your face, "i've literally seen you at your worst, i know every little thing about you, and you think care about seeing your underwear?"

johnny shrugged.

"just look at us now john-ah, we're the epitome of overfamiliarity." you were right. johnny sat next to your, shirtless, only were a pair of basketball shorts, which hung low on his waist. his hair was a complete, unwashed mess.

and, you. you were still sporting your messy bedhead with wrapped tightly in robe. at this point, the two of you really hide nothing to hide from each other.

"you just made me realize that's its like three in the afternoon and i still haven't showered." johnny stated as he stood up and brushed the imaginary dust bunnies off. "i'm gonna take a quick shower, have fun with my undies." he said, his previous apprehension completely gone.

you rolled your eyes, "yeah whatever..." you mumbled, beginning to remove the clothing from the drawer as johnny stepped into his bathroom with a towel.

after about ten minutes you had finished with the first drawer and had moved into the second one. you had discovered one thing during your time spent in front of johnny's dresser, his clothes smelt good. like some heavenly mixture between his cologne and the fabric softener that the two of you used.

as you dwelled on the thought, johnny's phone buzzed from where it was placed on top of the dresser. you reached up and grabbed it, deciding that he'd probably ask you to get it anyways, had he been finished with his shower. speaking of his shower, was he almost done yet?

you quickly assumed that the answer must have been a 'no' when you heard his soft, almost indecipherable singing through the wall.

the phone vibrated about three more times before you could clearly look at the screen of his sexy iphone 11, with it's sleek curves and futuristic design, the perfect phone for a perfect man. (i'm doing too much smh.)

! you have four new messages from caitlyn👅

caitlyn: yah! you still haven't answered my question...

caitlyn: what's it gonna be, john-ah? yes or yes~

caitlyn: i'm willing to wait, but it's so hard to get a reservation for luigi's palace

caitlyn: answer soon! xoxo

you grinned wickedly as an idea popped into your head.

you unlocked the phone and typed a reply.

johnny: hey, it's johnny's mom. sorry he can't come to the phone right now i'm giving him a bath. plus, its wayyy after his bedtime. unfortunately, i don't allow my son to date. you seems like a nice girl though! i gotta go, i think johnny just pooped in the tub.

you cackled hysterically at the message and you watched the three dots appear and disappear, as if this caitlyn girl was hesitant to reply. in the end, she just left you, well actually johnny, on read.

you quickly tossed the phone onto johnny's bed just a few feet away when you heard the shower turn off.

johnny stepped into the room with dripping wet hair, and eyed his phone suspiciously. "had this always been here?" he asked.

you shrugged, feigning ignorance.

"is the pizza ever gonna arrive?" you whined as you sat in front of the tv, not really interested in whatever was playing.

it was about 6:00pm. you and johnny had finally finished cleaning, and the apartment was spotless. the both of you were just chilling, watching tv and waiting for the food to arrive.

you were laid out on the couch while johnny sat on the floor, his back against the couch.

johnny chuckled quietly as the bright light of his phone illuminated his face in the darkness.

"what's funny?" you asked inquisitively.

"hmm?" he replied, eyes still glue to the screen.

"you laughed...what's funny?"

no response.

his fingers moved quickly across the screen as his phone as he typed a reply. a tiny smile on his lips.

ugh, he's probably texting some girl again, you thought, sighing sadly.

maybe your love for johnny was completely hopeless. maybe johnny was just the type of guy who captured hearts and made people fall for him without ever feeling the same way. you glanced at him, still smiling at his phone.

you picked up your phone, and typed out a message.

you: do you have a crush on anyone?

you heart thumped when johnny's phone dinged.

johnny looked up at you, as you desperately avoided eye contact.

johnny: i don't crush on ppl lol

you: okay let me rephrase. are you interested in anyone

johnny: well..there's someone

you looked away from your phone, your eyes stopping on johnny's fluffy black hair.

you: who is it?

johnny: it's a secret

you: it's rebecca right?

johnny: lol no way, she's my cousin

you: megan?

johnny: nope

you: so it's caitlyn!

johnny: how do you know her?

you: read the last message that you sent her

you watched as johnny pulled up his chats with caitlyn. after a few awkward moments he jumped.

"you little devil!" he exclaimed, tossing his phone aside and jumping onto the couch. you squealed when johnny hovered over you and pinned you down, you arms above your head.

"you think you're so funny, don't ya?"

you nodded as you struggled to suppress a smile.

johnny lowered his face until his nose was nearly touching yours

your breathing quickened and your chest heaved. stop playing with my heart!

"i'll get you back somehow." he threatened, his breath fanning lightly onto your face.

"i'm ready, don't go too easy on me." you bantered. johnny's gaze lowered until it stopped on your lips. he stared for a bit, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

you watched him carefully.

"to be honest, y/n—" johnny started, licking his lips slowly.

ding dong!

the atmosphere was completely shattered. johnny looked up at the door, and hopped off of the couch, off of you.

"pizza's here!" he sang happily as he bounded to the door.

you sat up and headed to the kitchen to grab a two plates.

johnny returned with two boxes of pizza and sat them down on to glass coffee table just as you returned with the plates.

"i'm starving." you groaned.

johnny opened a box of pizza, took a slice out and brought it up to your mouth.

"ahhh.." he said.

you looked at him oddly and opened your mouth, taking a bite of the pizza. your face heated up slightly.

STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEART!, you screamed on the inside.

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