

lucas is always there to help you. you just have yet to realize it. guardian angel au (please be patient bc lucas isn't in the story right away 🙏)


multicolored strobe lights flashed rhythmically around the room. the frat house was packed with people. people drinking, people dancing and others just chilling. you came to the party, with a friend, to relieve yourself of the stress you had been feeling during exam week, which was finally over.

"hey y/n, i'm heading to the kitchen to get a drink. i'll be right back. don't do anything i wouldn't do and try to avoid you know who." your friend, ash, yelled in order to be heard over the music.

you nodded.

the last part, 'avoid you know who' was so much easier said than done. you know who was just a codename for some random frat boy with a huge crush on you. he always seemed to know where to find you, almost as if he had a radar. every time the two of you interacted something bad always happened.

"hey y/n! there you are!" a voice yelled. the man approached you with a large smile adorning his handsome face.

"hi baekhyun," you replied plainly hoping that maybe he would go away.

"it's been a while! i was beginning to think that you were hiding or something." baekhyun stated, moving uncomfortably closer to you. you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"i saw you yesterday. ya know...when you almost hit me with your car.."

"yeah, sorry 'bout that." he scratched his neck awkwardly, "you look like you haven't been having fun, i know just what will help you." baekhyun bent down and wrapped his arms around you.

"baekhyun, put me down!" you yelled as he tossed you over his shoulder. from what you could tell, he was headed outside. to the pool.

a few of his friends spotted him carrying you and started hooting and whooping, which drew the attention of others. soon enough the majority of the people present were hollering and screaming. baekhyun carried you outside and stopped right at the edge of the pool.

"baekhyun no, i can't swim!" you pleaded frantically. this was literally life or death for you. baekhyun mumbled something in response. you swear on everything that you heard him say 'good'.

you looked down at the sparkly light blue water, your heart hammering against your chest as you squirmed in baekhyun's grip.

"c'mon baekhyun, don't do this!" you whined, hitting his broad back. you were nearly in tears. just before you could hit him real hard, you felt your body being thrown forward. your body hit the surface of the water with a loud splash. you were submerged.

you flailed around hopelessly in the deep end on the pool. the loud hoots and whoops had faded into the background; the sound was muffled greatly by the water. you seemed to move around in slow motion. at least if you couldn't swim, you knew how to hold your breath.


after what felt like a ten slow seconds, your feet touched the bottom of the pool. your lunged burned from holding your breath, and you so badly wanted to scream.

above the water everything had gone silent. the hooting had stopped and now people were wondering aloud.

"why isn't she resurfacing?"

"what is she doing?"

"baekhyun you sadistic fuck! she can't swim!!" ash yelled, as she emerged from the frat house. ash quickly bent down to remove her shoes, but she was stopped.

"i got it." an unfamiliar voice spoke. ash looked up at the owner of the voice. a tall, dirty blonde with brown eyes.

he quickly stripped himself of his shirt and shoes, and dove into the water without hesitation. the unfamiliar male hastily located your unconscious body and locked his arms around your waist. he then began to swim to the surface, pulling you along.

when he resurfaced, he laid you down near the pool edge first and then climbed out.

he checked your pulse which was alarmingly faint, and began performing cpr.

all the party guest watched in shock at what they thought started as a joke and ended with a nearly dead girl on the edge of the pool.

"baekhyun what the hell! what did you do?" kai, one of his friends, asked in disbelief.

baekhyun had an eerily calm look on his face. he shrugged. ash saw this and marched straight up to him. she slapped him forcefully against his cheek. his ancestors probably felt it.

you gasped suddenly, the air finally retuning to your lungs. you gripped your savior's arm tightly as you coughed, water spilling out of your mouth. as your eyes adjusted to the light, you noticed a handsome man glazing down worriedly at you.

"who are you?" you asked quietly.

"i'm lucas." he replied. before lifting you up and carrying you into the house. he searched the place for an empty room, he thought that you might want some privacy after your near death experience.

"thank you so much." you said, after he sat you down onto a bed.

"it's no problem, really." lucas replied, not sure of what to say next. in all the time he had known you, the two of you had never spoken to one another.

you scrutinized his features thoroughly.

"i know you!" you exclaimed, squinting as your tried to recall the memory. "you're the guy who pushed me out of the way of baekhyun's car yesterday." as you pictured the scene from yesterday, your head began to hurt immensely. his face also seemed a bit blurry in your mind. but you knew, he was the one.

lucas looked at you in surprise, "you're not supposed to remember that..." he mumbled. "are you sure...that it was me." he asked disbelievingly.

you nodded softly.

"you reached out and pushed me out of the way, but you ended up falling..and then you rolled into the grass to avoid being hit." you replied confidently.


it seems i did a lousy job at erasing her memory, she wasn't supposed to remember seeing me, lucas thought.

"what a weird coincidence..." you mumbled, lost in thought.

lucas noticed how you shivered and suddenly realized how cold he was as well. even the smallest things made his guardian angel instinct kick in. he pulled back the small decorative blanket from the bed and draped it over your shoulders.

lucas had known you for your whole life, and now he was dying to talk to you about anything. there was one thing he could talk about though, but he was pretty sure that it would violate the 'guardian angel code of conduct'. he figured he could just wipe your memory after your conversation.

"y/n, this may sound weird, but..i'm your guardian angel." lucas spoke.

you gave him a sarcastic smile, "yeah, and i'm santa claus."

"i'm dead serious y/n. it's no coincidence that i saved you yesterday and today." lucas stated.

you crossed your arms over your chest, "okay then, prove it." you challenged. lucas sighed deeply and reached forward tucking your hair gently behind your ear.

"that scar, right there." his fingers lightly touched your neck, "you got that when you were six. you were at the park and you were swinging really high. for some odd reason you decided to jump, but your hair got caught on the chain and it scraped your neck."

you stared at him in disbelief, "and what happened next?" you asked, your voice wavering. lucas chuckled.

"you fell off the swing from about six feet and landed safely onto the ground. hadn't you ever wondered why your landing was so soft? any kid could've died in that situation."


"i told you, i'm your guardian angel."

lucas took a seat next to you and tried to explain everything. from how he was chosen as your guardian angel to how he had saved you countless times throughout your life. the time had passed quickly, but the two of you chatted away, too interested in hearing the other speak.

"so how come i can't remember you very well, if you been in my life since i was young?" you asked curiously.

"i have to erase your memories of me each time i save you. guardians are supposed to be a secret."

"how come, i remembered yesterday then?"

"i don't think i erased your memory well enough. you see, i have a limited amount of time that i can use to save you and afterwards i'm supposed to vanish before you're able to really analyze me." lucas replied as he took a seat next to you, his bare shoulder touching yours. you reached behind him and draped the blanket around him. you scooted closer so that you'd both fit.

"so why haven't you left? i'm definitely gonna remember you this time." you teased, nudging his shoulder lightly.

"i'm a bit attached to you. imagine knowing someone for nearly twenty years but not being able to talk to them." lucas replied. "and..i could always erase your memory at any time, there's no guarantee that i won't." he teased back placing one of his large hands onto your head, as if sucking the memories from your skull.

"aww, please don't. it would be a shame for me to forget such a handsome face again." you pouted and swatted his hand away from your head.

"do me a favor and stay as far away from baekhyun as you can. i don't know if you've caught on yet but he's trying to kill you. literally. he was sent by death himself to kill you. baekhyun is a angel of death." lucas explained

"that makes a lot of sense, i mean the car accident, him throwing me into the pool, him almost stabbing me in culinary class, him forcefully feeding me chocolate cake when i am highly allergic to chocolate...and even when he set my car on fire last week. if i hadn't been delayed i would've been in that car." you ranted.

"oh yeah about that, i had no other choice but to lock you inside the locker room. baekhyun literally had everything planned out, and i was running out of ideas." lucas said as he played with the end of the blanket.

lucas glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. it had just turned 12:00.

"well, its getting late. this is the part where i erase your memories and disappear until your next near death experience."

"nooo," you whined with a pout, as you turned to face lucas. your faces were only inches apart. he smiled at your cute expression. his eyes flickered to you lips for a split second.

feeling entranced by his gaze you leaned forward, closing the space between the two of you. lucas pressed his plump lips against your softly, as your eyes closed. he placed a hand on your neck and lightly traced your scar. he kissed you for a few more seconds before pulling away. when you opened your eyes, he was gone, but fortunately your memories were still intact. you smiled to yourself.

the door swung open forcefully.

"y/n i've been looking everywhere for you!" ash exclaimed. she looked around the room curiously. "where's that one blonde guy?" she asked.

you tilted your head in confusion as you struggled to recall the last few moments before the door opened. "who?" you asked, "i've been in here by myself." you stated. ash paused momentarily.

"what were we talking about just now?" she asked.

you shrugged in ignorance, "i'm not sure..."

ash walked over to you and grabbed your hand, "let's get going. it's been a long night." she said sleepily, yawning as she wrapped an arm around your waist.

a/n; :)

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