

renjun is so helplessly in love with you that he is willing to sacrifice his dignity and his pride just to be with you. ()



"i'm gonna confess to her." renjun said with a look of determination on his face as he looked up at the blue, cloudless sky. he was seated on the bleachers of his high school with his two bestfriends, jaemin and jeno.

"eiii, are you serious? you can't even look at y/n without sweating." jaemin teased, punching renjun softly on his shoulder.

"i will," renjun replied, his voice wavering slightly. his eyes trailed down to the field where he spotted you and couple others playing soccer. you smiled brightly as you passed the ball skillfully between your own two feet, confusing the boy in front of you who was trying to steal the ball.

the boy tripped over his feet, and reached out to stabilize himself. in a quick motion, he had fallen on top of you and the two of you went tumbling down onto the grass. renjun watched the whole thing.

"guys, who's that dude?" renjun asked, noticing how you were in no rush to get the boy off of you.

"that's johnny seo, senior heartthrob, and y/n's ex boyfriend." jeno said.

"she dated a senior!?" renjun exclaimed. if you were into senior boys then he probably stood no chance. you were just a junior, as well as renjun and his friends.

"yeah, in fact, most of her friends are senior guys." jeno replied.

"do you think that she would like someone like me?" renjun asked, looking up at his best friends who sat on the bench above the one he was seated on.

"someone like you, as in, a quiet chinese kid who likes to draw cartoon characters and sing? i don't know man." jaemin shrugged. renjun looked down at the field once again. you were running after the ball while johnny clung onto you, his arms around your waist as he tried to slow you down. you both were smiling widely like children.

i guess i'll have to make her like me. that can't be too hard. right?, renjun thought.


"guys, seriously that's enough for today! i cant feel my legs!" you screamed flopping onto the grass dramatically. the school bell had rung nearly five minutes ago but jaehyun had insisted that you guys continue playing for just a few more minutes. luckily, you didn't ride the bus. they were probably all gone by now.

"get up, y/n. let me take you home. jaehyun! doyoung! let's bounce." johnny said, as he pulled you up off the ground. you got up and jumped onto his back.

"giddy up!" you yelled as johnny carried you to his car, that was parked just near the field. jaehyun and doyoung followed carrying yours and johnny's bag along with their own.


renjun was running.

he had rushed to the snack bar, in the cafeteria that was nearly closed. when he got there, he bought what he wanted and was running. running to where he knew you'd be.


"this is the stupidest idea our renjunie has ever had." jaemin sighed.

jeno nodded in agreement. "he's about to lose all his dignity for a girl that would probably never date him."

renjun rushed out to the field and towards johnny's car. when he saw you, you were loading the backpacks into the trunk with doyoung while the others were standing around the car.

"hey y/n!" renjun shouted, panting as he caught his breath.

you looked around in confusion until you spotted a barely familiar guy running towards you with his hands full. he came to a stop in front of you, and by now he had everyone's attention.

renjun, who was too tired to be intimidated, spoke up. "here, i bought this for you. i thought you might be thirsty from playing soccer all afternoon." he smiled softly while handing you a blue gatorade, unaware that he sounded a bit like a stalker.

"i also bought these if your hungry." he said gripping a bag of original cheetos.

johnny scoffed, "who the hell are you?" jaehyun and doyoung laughed and got into the car. renjun's smile dropped slightly.

"uh thanks, but i don't drink gatorade...and i only like hot cheetos." you said with an awkward smile on your face.

"oh okay.."

"-but really, i appreciate it." you said before getting into the car and slamming the door in renjun's face.

"ha! freshmen these days." jaehyun yelled as the car sped off, leaving renjun in the dust...literally.

renjun sighed, well that was embarrassing as fuck.

jaemin walked up to renjun and patted his shoulder, "c'mon let's go, jeno's mom is here to take us home."


the next morning, you entered your homeroom with a bright smile on your face that faded as soon as you noticed the class arrangement. the teacher had changed the seating arrangement and now your seatmate, mark, was seated next to someone else in the front of the classroom.

you searched the classroom for your spot until you found a seat that had your name on it. you took a seat next to your new seatmate. that guy from the day before. what was his name? ah! renjun.

"hi, y/n." renjun said nervously, sweat already beginning to form under his arms.

"hello." you replied plainly, staring straight ahead.

"i got these for you." renjun said, sliding a bag of hot cheetos towards you. you looked at him skeptically.

"what do you want? you're using me to get close to johnny, jaehyun and doyoung and those other seniors right? if that's the case, don't waste your time. they don't hang out with people outside their friend group." you said.

renjun looked at you comically, "no you've got it all wrong, i was actually trying to make you like me, you see. i've kinda had a crush on you since freshman year." he confessed shyly. the words sorta left his mouth before he could think so he decided to just get it off of his chest. he watched you in anticipation.


"okay...i don't believe you. but, since you're so persistent on becoming friends with the senior boys, you can sit with me at lunch." you replied, completely unaware that he was telling the truth.

renjun pressed his lips together tightly. what have i got myself into, he thought.


when lunchtime rolled around you sauntered into the lunchroom with renjun following closely behind. renjun eyed you oddly when you walked straight passed the lunch line and headed towards your table.

"you don't eat school lunch?" renjun asked.

"why would i? one of the boys orders food each day. today's johnny's turn." you replied nonchalantly.

from across the cafeteria jeno and jaemin watched in utter disbelief as renjun sat down next to you at the 'popular' table. jeno sent jaemin a worried glance.

"we should go save him before something happens..." jeno suggested.

"no way man, we can't go over there!" jaemin exclaimed. jeno glared at him.

"okay, but only if something bad happens." jaemin relented.


things were already in full swing at the 'popular' table. johnny was distributing the pizza that he had ordered while, kai, sehun and a guy named chanyeol animatedly told a story to everyone at the table. it was always like this. high quality fast food and boisterous conversation.

the moment renjun was noticed the table quietened.

"okay...who invited the freshman?" johnny asked with a disgusted look on his face.

renjun stood silently next to you, his face reddening slightly.

"oh my god johnny, he's a junior, we're literally in the same class." you explained.

"okay yeah, but what is he doing here?" a guy named yuta asked.

"he wants to be friends with you guys so he kept bugging me-" you started.

"no no no that's not true. i kinda like y/n, so i confessed and she didn't believe me so she told me to sit with her at this table. and even though i didn't want to...i'm here." renjun rambled his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"no way. she obviously doesn't believe you, so prove it!" kai yelled.

you looked at renjun intimidatingly but somewhat expectantly. you weren't sure what he was about to do, but what he did was the last thing you would've expected.

renjun took a deep breath and stood up. he stepped onto the seat and then onto the table. "hey, excuse me!" renjun yelled attracting a few glances, but the cafeteria was still too noisy. who would pay attention to a quiet scrawny kid?

"oi! everyone shut up! this kid has something to say!" chanyeol yelled, his voice echoing throughout the cafeteria.

silence. expectant eyes.

"i, huang renjun, have a terribly huge crush on this girl right here," he stopped and pointed at you.

your eyes widened slightly as you ducked your head down, trying to hide your face with your hair.

"...and i have sacrificed, my pride, my dignity, my money, and even asked our teacher to make us seatmates just for the chance to talk to her." a few people chuckled at his revelation.

"and even though she may not believe me still, i really do like her. thank you." renjun finished, noticing his best friends who looked like they were about to disown him forever.

"y/n! give him a chance!" a random voice yelled out into the silence. suddenly, people started screaming and hooting and some began chanting 'give him a chance'

you tugged renjun's pants, eager to get him off of the table. he stepped down with a smile, feeling quite relieved.

"that was kinda cool."

"yo, he's brave."


"i can hang with this kid, meet us at the field after school for soccer." kai spoke. the others hummed in agreement, except johnny, who was still skeptical.

renjun sat back down and started munching on a piece of pizza that doyoung had passed to him.

you smiled slightly, "aw look our y/n is blushing."


jaemin and jeno watched from the bleachers, where they usually sat with renjun towards the end of each school day. renjun wasn't there with them. today he was on the field, with his crush.

"i can't believe he did it..." jeno stared in amazement.

they watched as you skillfully ran with the ball with renjun hot on your tail, a bright smile on his face. renjun caught up to you and tried to take the ball. he stuck his foot out causing you to stumble and fall forward. renjun reached out to help you, but ended up falling with you.

"yah! you cheated!" you yelled playfully.

"i did not, y/n. you just suck!" renjun replied.

you gasped, " i suck?!" you asked, as you grabbed a handful of grass.

"no no no, i take it back!" he replied grabbing a bunch of grass for himself.

without hesitation you threw the grass at him and started grabbing more. renjun threw his handfuls of grass as well and reached for more. you straddled him and threw grass directly at his face while he threw some up at you. the two of you began rolling around on the grass play fighting and screaming with smiles on your faces.

"i've learned something from this whole experience." jeno spoke up, looking away from you and renjun.

"what?"jaemin asked.

"never underestimate small chinese boys." jeno replied.

"dude, lets put that on a shirt!" jaemin exclaimed.


a/n: i wrote this with no end in mind so it may be a bit idk... confusing??

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