

there's a new student at your school and there's something very peculiar about him. (if you figure out yang's prob before it's revealed comment what you think it is)



yangyang navigated through the hallway running his fingertips gently along the row of lockers. the hallway was empty, except for a few students who were late for class, and yangyang had just left the office. he had signed in and was now looking for his first class. easier said than done.

you were standing at your locker, because you had mistakenly left your textbook and were excused from class to go get it. as you rummaged through the locker in search of your math textbook, you felt a body run into you. you stumbled back a bit, completely surprised by the impact.

"ouch!" you exclaimed.

"oh my, i'm so sorry!" an unfamiliar boy spoke. his fingers stopped dragging across the lockers. looking up, you noticed a cute boy with fluffy brown hair and a slightly dazed look in his large brown eyes.

"it's fine- it's no problem, just watch where you're going next time." you replied, grabbing your textbook and slamming the locker shut. you turned on your heels, about to go back to class.

"uh..wait! are you leaving?" the boy asked, looking slightly panicked.

you looked at him questioningly, "uh, yeah. i have to go back to class."

"i'm yangyang and i'm new here, can you please take me to my first lesson...please." he spoke fiddling with the schedule in his hand.

"sure, which lesson?" you asked. yangyang only shrugged and handed you his schedule.

"oh you're in the same class as me, follow me." you said, looking up to meet his eyes. yangyang stared straight ahead and nodded with a smile on his face. you started walking to your lesson unaware of how yangyang trailed clumsily behind you, his fingers running along the lockers.

after a few turns you reached your math class with yangyang. the two of you entered the room. "sir we have a new student," you announced as you walked into the room. everyone stopped and grew silent. the silence was unnerving to yangyang. unsure of where to look, he looked down.


"alrighty then, please introduce yourself to the class." the teacher spoke.

"umm, i'm uh yangyang. i like to dance and make jokes..." yangyang spoke trailing off awkwardly.

"okay, please take a seat, y/n please be his guide until he gets used to the system."

you nodded and went to your desk, allowing yangyang to sit next to you.

the rest of the lessons carried on smoothly, with yangyang always trailing behind and asking you questions. you didn't mind though, you liked helping people. plus, he was cute. you had learned a lot about him and you told him a bit about yourself. honestly he seemed like a nice, genuine person who was unfortunately a bit clumsy.

on your way to lunch, yangyang bumped into his fifth locker of the day.

clang! it sounded, as his shoulder rammed right into the locker.

"gosh! yang, you need to be careful. you shouldn't walk so close to the lockers anyways." you said, highly concerned about him.

he just chuckled and replied, "i'm okay, i've had much worse accidents."

"umm, okay? let's hurry to lunch." you replied before grabbing yangyang's hand and dragging him throughout the halls.


the lunchroom was completely packed by the time you arrived. as usual it was chaotic. there were freshmen screaming and acting like crackheads, sophomores and juniors being loud and extra and seniors just trying to ignore it all.

upon joining the lunch line, you spotted one of your friends, johnny. he was a senior, but he was cool.

"hey john, wassup." you spoke.

"nothing much..." johnny replied, trailing off as he noticed yangyang standing behind you. "who's that?"

"i'm yangyang. i'm new." yang spoke with a bright smile on his face.

johnny smiled and stuck his hand out for a handshake. "i'm johnny, nice to meet you."

"you too." yangyang replied.

johnny looked down at his own hand, wondering if yangyang was unaware or if he was just ignoring it. after a few more awkward moments, johnny simply let his hand fall. he shrugged and grabbed his tray.


"i was nice meeting you." johnny said before heading to his table.

you looked at yangyang puzzled.

"why did you ignore him like that?" you asked.

"huh? what do you mean?" yangyang replied, his eyebrows furrowing.

"nevermind. let's eat." you said, grabbing two trays. one for yourself and another for yangyang.

"since it's your first day, and i know what's good to eat, i'll load your tray for you." you offered.

"yay!" yangyang replied, relief evident in his tone.


after loading both of your trays you led him to your table. yangyang followed close behind, stumbling slightly. just as you reached the table yangyang bumped into the trashcan.

"sorry." he mumbled softly.

you looked at him in disbelief. umm, okay, you thought.

you found two seats and sat comfortably next to your other friends.

"hey, guys this is the new student. his name is yangyang." you spoke. after a chorus of 'hellos' you began to eat. unfortunately yangyang's clumsiness caused him to spill a bit of food onto the table. when he grabbed his napkin and reached across the table to clean his mess, he ended up knocking over his milk carton. the milk spread and dripped off the table onto your friend's lap.

"yo! what the heck. my jeans! why are you so damn clumsy? are you fucking blind or something!" zac, your friend, yelled out of frustration.

yangyang froze. he wanted to apologize. he wanted to run, but he couldn't. he had been trying so hard to hide it the whole day. he was doing a decent job, but he just had to fuck up.

you seemed to notice the way yangyang tensed up and the way tears gathered in his distant looking eyes.

yangyang quickly got up and tripped over the bench and then fell, bumping into the trashcan for a second time.

"look at this idiot! you act like you can't see a damn thing!" zac chuckled.

"i'm not acting..." yangyang spoke inaudibly as a tear escaped his eye. he was sure that everyone was watching him now.

"hey zac, shut the fuck up please." you sassed, as you quickly got up to help yangyang.


you stood in the boys bathroom with yangyang as he cried out of complete and utter embarrassment. he had already told you his secret. the disability he had been trying to overcome for most of his life. his blindness.

"yang, it's okay." you cooed as you struggled to wipe his tears with a tissue.

"no it's not, because now everyone's gonna think i'm a freak. you're gonna stop hanging out with me and i'll have no friends. i'll literally be lost without you. then my mom will just send me to a school for the blind. i don't want that!" he ranted, tears still spilling from his eyes.

"yangyang, i won't leave you, you idiot. you're still the same clusmy, cutie that i met this morning."

"you think i'm cute?" he asked shyly, sniffing as he calmed down.

"of course, it's unfortunate that you can't see your own beauty." you replied.

"well, i'm sure you're cute too...c-can i touch your face?"

you grabbed his wrists and guided his hands to your face. his fingers hesitantly caressed every curve of your face.

"i think you're pretty, i even though i can't really see you."

you chuckled softly.

yangyang fingers eventually met the corners of your mouth. he quickly pecked you lips and pulled away, embarrassed.

"i'm sorry." he said, still touching your face.

you stayed silent, hoping he would get the message that it was okay.

"you're smiling." yangyang noted.

"mhmm," you hummed, reassuring him. you leaned forward slightly and kissed him back.


a/n: it's 12:00am yehet

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