

you're wayV's makeup artist. your work should be professional with no strings attached right? well, not if a specific member has a crush on you.



"wayV's on in ten minutes!" the backstage coordinator yelled as he passed the door with his clipboard.

you looked around nervously at the scene in the dressing room. winwin, yangyang, hendery, and lucas were ready to go, all dressed up and beautified. but, unfortunately your team had been running behind time, so kun and xiaojun were still getting their makeup done while ten was still getting dressed.

"mila! please send ten to the makeup station as soon as you're done with him!" you yelled to the stylist.

"hiro and cara! please start doing kun and xiaojun's hair regardless of whether they've finished at the makeup station. we're under pressure right now!" you ordered, watching as the hair dressers grabbed their tool and began to work.

ten made his way to your work station after he finished getting dressed. he sat down tiredly onto the chair and greeted you quietly. he was a bit drowsy from his nap which he had been woken up from about fifteen minutes ago. he had gotten dressed in record time even despite his post-nap clumsiness.

"hi ten." you said, as you searched your kit for his foundation shade. once you found it, you grabbed a hair clip to pin his bangs away from his face. you squeezed some of the makeup onto the back of your hand and began to apply it with a beauty blender.

"y/n i had another dream about you during my nap," ten said with a little smile on his face as he kept his eyes closed. "we had six kids, can you believe it?"

"no i can't," you replied jokingly, with a smile.

ten opened his eyes and grabbed your wrist lightly, stopping you from doing his makeup.

"is it that hard to believe? i'm sure it's not that hard to make a baby. especially with someone as pretty as you." he flirted.

you freed your wrist and finished applying the foundation. "how many times to i have to tell you to stop flirting with me, huh?" you said. "do you want me to lose my job?"


"if they fire you, i'll go on strike," he joked.

"shutup and close your eyes, i need to do your eyeshadow."

"ok, but you can't stop me from dreaming about you." ten said with a smirk.

"yah! you need to chill. plus, i'm a year older than you." you replied as you applied a burnt orange colored eyeshadow.

"age is just a number. but anyways i'm taller than you so we would still look cute together."

"ok, but i've got a boyfriend. you already know that..." you said.

"that doesn't matter, i know he doesn't treat you right." ten replied, his smile faded into a frown. your face contorted into a look of confusion. you opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"don't deny it." ten said. "the members and i heard that time when the two of you argued in the parking lot, and that time when he yelled at you over the phone...and when he left you waiting in the rain."

you froze slightly. you were somewhat embarrassed and offended. embarrassed that everyone knew about your dysfunctional relationship, and offended that ten would just say something like that. even if it was the truth.

ten noticed your lack of response. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said tha-"

"please put your lips together," you said as you grabbed a lip tint. it was the easiest way to tell him to shutup without actually saying it. you pretended to focus on applying the rest of his makeup as you struggled to hide your annoyance and despair.

ten eyes scanned your face.

"wayV's on in three minutes!" the coordinator yelled as he passed the room for a second time.


the concert had been a fun and exhilarating experience. you watched intently from backstage. though, sometimes your mind wandered back to your conversation with ten. you wondered if his flirting was genuine and if everyone really knew about you and your boyfriend. boyfriend, you could hardly call him that these days. honestly you had been planning to break up with him since last week.

the members returned to the dressing room all sweaty and filled with adrenaline. you were so focused on avoiding ten for as long as possible. with this in mind you, rushed over to the maknae line and began to strip them of their mics and ear pieces.


ten noticed your lack of interaction with him, but he didn't say anything. he only watched regretfully as you busied yourself with the other members.

"guys the van's here, hurry up!" their manager declared loudly.

the room cleared out, but ten lagged behind so that he could talk to you privately.

"ten, come on. what are you doing?" their manager asked.

"i uh...lost my phone. i'm coming!" he lied.

"ok, but hurry." she replied before leaving the room.

as you packed up the makeup kits, mila the stylist, leaned over to you.

"your boyfriend's in the hallway, he says he's here to pick you up." she whispered. weird, you thought. you hadn't asked him to come. In fact, you had already planned on catching a ride with another staff member.

you cautiously entered the hall, where you found your boyfriend leaning against the wall with a bored expression.

"what took you so long?" he muttered rudely. you rolled your eyes.

"i didn't even ask you to pick me up..." you replied as you turned to walk away. you really didn't want to deal with him at the moment.

"where are you going?! i'm here so let's go!" he exclaimed, grabbing your wrist tightly.

"ouch! let go." you mumbled softly, not wanting to bring attention to yourself and your boyfriend. you winced in pain as his grip tightened.

ten gave up the 'search' for his 'lost' phone, sure that he would not be able to talk to you. he collected your makeup kit, under the assumption that you had forgotten it and strolled to the door.

as he exited the room, he spotted you with your boyfriend in the hall. at first he had thought nothing of the sight before him, but when he noticed the way you struggled to free yourself and the menacing look on your boyfriend's face, he knew had to intervene.

"jinwoo, just leave me alone. i'm not going with you." you said pleadingly as not to anger him. suddenly he pressed you up against the wall, still gripping your poor, bruised wrist.

"your so fucking ungrateful." he spat, leaning closer to your ear. " this is the last time i'm going say it. let's go."

ten watched nervously, unsure of what to do. "uh, y/n our manager is looking for you, she says it's important." he lied, his voice wavering slightly.

your head snapped in his direction. you struggled to hide your discomfort as your boyfriend noticed ten as well.

"tell your manager that she is leaving."

"i-it's important! she could be fired if she doesn't go now." ten replied.

"jinwoo, just let me go please." you pleaded, your eyes shining with unshed tears.

"fine." he spoke as he backed away from you and released your wrist. you walked towards the back exit with your head down.

"don't wait up, the staff van is waiting for her." ten called out to your unmannered boyfriend who was already on his way out.

ten jogged to catch up with you. "y/n! are you okay?" he inquired softly. he eyed your bruised wrist intently.

"i'm fine. thank you." you replied shortly, wiping a fallen tear.

"your manager is not really looking for me, is she?"


ten stopped just before you reached the exit door.

"y/n," he called, grabbing your attention, "please break up with him...not for me, but for yourself."

you nodded as tears streamed down your face pitifully.

ten pulled you into his arms as you cried quietly. he patted your back and smoothed out your hair fondly as you shook slightly. he reached into his pocket and handed you a tissue.

"use this, the others are waiting for us."

you pulled away and wiped your red, tear-streaked face.

"thank you, ten." you whispered in the silent hallway.

"no problem love." he replied, placing a chaste kiss onto your forehead.


a/n: jOPPING though.

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