

eighteen and pregnant. as cliche as it sounds, it was your reality.



you tossed and turned in your bed, wrapping the covers tightly around your body. you were struggling to sleep and you had to go to school in the morning. one minute you were hot, and the next you were freezing. you sighed loudly, sat up and switched on your bedside lamp. you got up to close the window that you had opened when you were experiencing hot flashes. your feet padded quietly on the carpeted floor. you internally screamed when you saw that the sky was beginning to brighten. you firmly shut the window.

a faint vibrating noise sounded from across your room. you retrieved your phone from your desk and climbed back into bed, burying yourself in the covers.

incoming call from xiaojun💍

you shuffled around before answering the call. "hello." you spoke groggily into the phone. you could hear some movement through the phone before xiaojun answered.

"hi baby, how are you feeling right now?" he spoke, his soft voice flowed through the receiver.

"i'm so tired and i can't sleep properly with this mountain of a stomach." you complained frustratedly. xiaojun chuckled and you heard the sound of footsteps but you didn't question it.

"what about-h-how's your mom?" he questioned stuttering slightly, unsure of how to ask.

ever since the incident with you getting pregnant, your mom has been a bit depressed. she didn't take the news really well. she's had been blaming herself and saying that it's all her fault because she's a single parent and is not always around when you need her. you hated the fact that you made her like that.

"she's uh..she's getting better, but she's still a bit closed off." you replied. xiaojun hummed in acknowledgement.

"open your window, i'm coming up."

"are you sure that's a good idea? i mean...me letting you into my room at night...that's kinda how we got in this predicament in the first place." you said half joking, half serious. you got up and opened the curtains.

"haha very funny, if it makes you feel any better i won't even touch you."

"okay whatever," you replied watching as xiaojun's silhouette moved around outside your window with his backpack.



school was hectic and you honestly regret applying for the stem program. the teachers gave out assignments like it was going out of fashion. even with the bit of sleep you got last night you were tired, sluggish and uncomfortable. your uniform felt smaller and smaller every week. xiaojun had given you his hoodie that morning and you gratefully accepted it.

ever since the whole incident he had become a bit more mature and responsible. when he first explained to his parents, they were extremely upset with him. his dad, in particular, was very angry. "since you're such a man, i hope you're prepared to take responsibility for your actions. you're lucky that y/n's mom likes you," he had said at the end of his rant. evidently those words resonated with xiaojun.

you met up with one of your friends in the hallway, and headed to the cafeteria together. while you were in the lunch line, xiaojun popped out of nowhere and surprised you. he smiled, took your tray and lead you to the table he usually sat at with his friends. you waved goodbye to your friend and let xiaojun sweep you away with him.

"ew you guys are hella cringey!" yangyang shouted as the two of you sat down. "like seriously someone kill me!"

hendery grabbed his fork and pretended to slit yangyang throat. yangyang slid down in his seat and 'died'. you loved those two and their fucked up humor.

"but like on a serious note, you guys act like a married couple, please spare yang and i." hendery said before shoveling a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"hey save some for me!" yangyang whined as he finally sat up in his chair and began to share the potatoes on hendery's tray.

you sipped your chocolate milk and watched in amusement at the two boys.

"oi y/n are you gonna eat those?" hendery asked through a mouthful of potatoes pointing at your tray with his spoon.

you shook your head 'no' and passed him your serving of potatoes with a smile.

"y/n, you're weird these days. sometimes you eat everything and then ask for our food and other times you just sit and and nibble something until lunch is over." yangyang spoke.


sicheng, who had been eating quietly as usual spoke up, "i've noticed too, weird...are you pregnant or something?" he asked jokingly.

your eyes widened as you choked on your milk. the whole lunchroom seemingly fell silent. and you suddenly felt nervous.

xiaojun patted your back as you recovered from your coughing fit. sicheng, yangyang and hendery, as well as anyone else who was probably eavesdropping, noticed to look of worry on your face. you could have easily said no, but you could not even bring yourself to lie like that.

hendery's face morphed into a look of disbelief and then realization, as if all the pieces of the puzzle suddenly pieced together. as if suddenly, your weird eating habits, your barely noticeable weight gain, xiaojun's uncharacteristic maturity and the secretive way that you and xiaojun had been behaving all made sense.

"wait wait wait! are you-"

before he could even finish, you pushed xiaojun away slightly and got up from the table. without a single word, you were up and out of the cafeteria in a flash. the four boys watched as you left. xiaojun sighed deeply and put his face into his hands.

sicheng just looked, wide eyed at the two younger boys who both mirrored his expression almost exactly.


xiaojun grabbed his bag and left in the same manner that you did.


throughout the rest of the day xiaojun had received some questioning stares, and he blatantly avoided his friends. he hadn't seen you since lunch and that worried him. he wanted to call or text, but he decided against it. you probably needed some alone time

on his way home from school he decided to stop by your house to check up on you. he stepped onto the porch and was about knock when he heard your voice through the walls of the house. xiaojun frantically knocked on the door, and was surprised to find that it was already unlocked. he twisted the handle and entered the house.

"-and you seriously think that this will fix your problems?!" he heard your mom yell.

"mom! i just wanna be a normal teen again. i want to be able to hang out with my friends and go to parties, without having to worry about a human being growing inside of me!"

it was silent.

"ughh, i'm such a disappointment and-if dad saw me today, he'd disown me in a second." you spoke as you burst into tears.

xiaojun rushed to where he heard your voice. you were standing in your room, teary eyed, with a bottle of alcohol in your grasp.

your eyes averted from your mother to xiaojun, who stood motionlessly in your doorway. your mother silently exited the room.

"what are you doing?" xiaojun asked cautiously, approaching you slowly. you stayed silent watching as tears gathered in his eyes.

"i want-i don't think i can have this baby." you mumbled as tears leaked from your eyes.

xiaojun's eyes widened, "so you wanna...remove it?" he asked, choosing his word carefully.

"yes...no...i don't know." you replied defeatedly. xiaojun gingerly removed the bottle of alcohol from your grasp and placed it on your desk.

you sat on the floor with your back up against the bed. xiaojun sat next to you and held one of your hands tightly.

"no matter what happens, i'll always be by your side, but let's think rationally." he said reaching into his pocket.

"i bought this the other day completely on impulse, i couldn't help it." xiaojun pulled a small pacifier out of his pocket. the idea of being a dad was starting to make him soft.

you smiled softly at the tiny object. "and were you planning on doing with it?"

"well...at first i wanted to put it on a chain and wear it as a necklace but then i thought that might be a bit weird. so i decided that i was gonna put it on my backpack like the way you girls attach those little fluff balls." he replied jokingly with a smile.

your smile widened, "thats the stupidest thing i've heard." you replied, turning to face him.

"we're going to make interesting parents..." xiaojun said, before pecking your lips softly.


a/n: i got lazy towards ze end, sorry. but on a totally unrelated note, !!

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