

your wedding day should be happiest day of your life...right? not really, especially not if your ex has anything to do with it. (trigger warning: prescription drug abuse)



"oh my god! y/n you look beautiful!" your mother exclaimed as she entered your dressing room. tears sprung to her eyes as she smiled brightly. you rolled your eyes playfully.

"mother, this is not the time to get all emotional." you said as you straightened out the sides of your puffy white wedding dress. the top of the dress was fitted like a corset, while the bottom cascaded downwards in waves of white shimmering fabric with microscopic glittering jewel embroideries. the dress was hella expensive, but having parents who were filthy rich and desperate for their only daughter to get married made even the most expensive things affordable. your dad had even managed to hire the day6 to play live music for the entirety of the event.

"it's-it's just that...i can't believe you're getting married." your mother said, wiping her watery eyes. "i mean after your breakup with doyou-"

"mom!" you exclaimed. "this isn't really the time for your to bring up my ex-boyfriend!"

your hair stylist flinched, startled by your sudden outburst. the straightener had come in contact with your cheek for a brief second. you screeched and moved away while the stylist apologized profusely.

"well, i'm going to make sure everything else is ready. y/n, try to loosen up, it's your wedding day!"

you nodded and huffed as she exited the room. you couldn't help but think about what your mom was about to say. if she had been trying to give you last minute doubts, she may have succeeded.

your mind strayed from the task at hand as you thought about him. your ex, the one everyone thought you were going to marry. doyoung. you two were high school sweethearts, best friends, and you had almost gotten engaged. unfortunately, everything went downhill the moment that doyoung's middle school crush got in contact with him again. after that, it was as if someone had flipped a switch in his head. every single feeling he had for you dissipated into nothing. little did he know that his little infatuation would wear off soon, and when he realized that he had already cut all ties with the actual love of his life...you.


"five more minutes!" one of your bridesmaids exclaimed, peeking her head into your dressing room. you snapped out of your reverie and gave a weak smile.


you could hear the music playing softly as you waited behind the large wooden door of the cathedral. you held a bouquet of white roses, that your fiancé had picked out for you. you were nervous and a bit uncomfortable. your hands were sweating and you couldn't really understand why. your dress was perfect, the venue was absolutely beautiful, the entire bridal party was present, the cake had arrived perfectly intact, the guests had all followed the dress code and your soon-to-be-husband was waiting for you at the altar. so where was the anxiety coming from?

before your could even answer yourself, the wooden door swung open on its own accord. snapping out of your stupor, you plastered a smile onto your face and began to walk slowly down the aisle. following after you was your five year old niece (your older brother's daughter), she happily threw flower petals onto the floor as she trailed behind your elegantly dressed form. the ushers closed the door behind you.

for some odd reason you couldn't make eye contact with your fiancé. once you made it to altar, your fiancé took your hands in his. you kept your gaze on the ground. the priest opened his mouth to speak.

"we are all gathered here today to-"

"wait! please!" the doors swung open.

you held your breath. a figure appeared in the doorway.


"ha, traffic was crazy..." he spoke up, awkwardly smiling his signature 'gay panic' type smile. a few people laughed at his endearing awkwardness as he stumbled to his seat looking a bit disheveled. and just like that, the attention was back on you and your fiancé.

you stared at doyoung, unable to tear your eyes away from him. that's all he had to say? deep down you were disappointed. but really what were you expecting? the priest began to speak again.

"where was i? ah..yes, we are gathered here today..."

you looked up at your fiancé, his eyes sparkled as he looked at you. doubt crept into your mind slowly. did you even love this man? had you even gotten over doyoung? does he still care for me? why isn't he begging for forgiveness? why am i feeling this way?


you hadn't even been listening to the priest at all, and now the whole church was looking at you anticipation. was this the part where you say 'i do?'

you sighed, and removed your hands from your fiancé's. everyone gasped. your mother stood up, looking like she was about to faint.

you lifted the sides of your dress and walked off of the altar without a single word. everyone watched in shock as you walked away with your head down and tears in your eyes. you stopped in the isle and turned to doyoung, who was seated about five feet away. he looked at you with a mixture of confusion and worry.

you squinted at him, "this is all your fault! you selfish bastard!" you shouted, reaching down to remove one of your heels. you gripped it tightly and threw at his chest, before running through the door with tears streaming down your face. your maid of honor hesitated before running after you.

the guests began whispering amongst themselves, unsure of what had happened.

doyoung sat guiltily in his chair, clutching the heel tightly in his hand. your fiancé glared at doyoung from his spot at the altar. he was fuming. he rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists. he stalked over to doyoung but before he could inflict any harm he was pulled back by two of his groomsmen. they led him to the back of the church.

the emcee awkwardly took a microphone. "don't go anywhere folks...and now for the live music. day6!"

the band was no where in sight.

the microphone made and sharp screeching noise, and the church was silent.


you had never cried this hard before. your throat was sore, your nose was runny and your lungs burned from all the effort. breathing, crying and yelling really took a toll on one of your most vital organs. you were back in your dressing room, sitting on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum. your dress billowed out around your waist and concealed everything underneath. your makeup was ruined, although your hair still looked decent.

your maid of honor was seated on the floor next to trying to calm you down.

"y/n, hun, don't be so foolish. forget about doyoung, there's a man out there who actually loves you." she spoke softly.

"i'm sure he hates me now...i just left him there like an idiot in front of both of our families and friends..." you cried, still sobbing loudly.

coincidentally you heard your fiancé yelling in the next room. "do i not mean anything to her?! she just walked away as if we hadn't been together at all!" there was a shattering noise. you assumed that his groomsmen were trying to calm him down too. "how could she just break my heart like that!?" you heard a banging sound, and you flinched as the wall vibrated.

the guilt of leaving your fiancé and the pain of still loving doyoung consumed you at once and you began to cry again. you were sure that your sobs could be heard throughout the church.

"i want to be alone, please leave." you whispered. your maid of honor left reluctantly.

you were beyond upset, your hands shook and your head start throbbing. you could still hear your fiancé yelling through the wall. his words pierced through your heart like a dagger.

you stood with bleary eyes and a hazy conscience, you made your way to the vanity where your medication was.

weeks before your wedding you had developed some type of anxiety and you were prescribed some pills to lower your anxiety levels.

with your heightened emotions and cloudy mind, you grabbed the little orange bottle and poured six pills into your palm. just as you brought your palm to your lips the door flung open. you felt a warm hand grab yours and take the medication away from you.

"what are you doing!" doyoung spoke, pulling you close to his chest. "i know you're upset and it's partly my fault, but this is too much."

you leaned into his chest as you cried, still shaking. "why did you leave me?" you cried pathetically, your tears soaking his dress shirt.

doyoung felt his heart break a little as you sobbed and clung onto him tightly.

what a wedding...


a/n; if you know doyoung's 'gay panic' face that i referenced to, ily. i wanted to type 'your fiancé' but instead typed 'your finance' oof.

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