

a roller coaster ride gone terribly wrong, but thanks to hendery's premonition you survive. (inspired by final destination)



"i've been waiting to ride this roller coaster since it was built! this is gonna be awesome!" your best friend, minho, exclaimed as the two of you waited in line to ride 'the coaster of doom'.

you nervously examined the ride. it looked like any other ordinary roller coaster, but you couldn't control your nerves. you had always been a bit of a scaredy-cat.

"minho, i'm starting to change my mind...it reeeaaally high." you whined, your eyes sizing up the ride skeptically.

minho sighed, "you're doing it again! you said that you'd ride any ride that i choose. now look at you y/n! this is the third ride that you've tried to talk me out of. you're getting on it whether you like it or not! okay?!" he ranted.

"fine, but if i die i'll kill you." you mumbled.

"i'm not sure how that's gonna work. a dead person can't kill someone." minho teased.

"shut up!" you exclaimed, playfully slapping your friend's shoulder. you laughed out loud as minho whined about being injured. you had forgotten about your initial apprehensiveness. maybe you'd have fun, it can't be that bad...right.


as you neared the beginning of the line minho continued to crack jokes to distract you from your nerves, which you were grateful for. just as you were about to move up again, you felt a hard figure bump into you from behind. the force alone was enough to send you stumbling forward.

"i am so sorry." a voice spoke. you turned around only to see a cute, dark-haired boy around your age. he rubbed his neck sheepishly as he nervously avoided your gaze.


"umm, it's okay just watch out next time." you replied. you were about to turn back around when suddenly, the boy spoke again.

"i'm hendery...and you are?"

"i'm y/n. nice to meet y-"

"oh hey there! i see you've met my friend hendery. is he bothering you? don't mind him he's just a big scaredy-cat!" a girl exclaimed enthusiastically, rudely interrupting you. she peeked out from behind hendery. had she been there the whole time?

you nodded awkwardly and turned back around just as the previous passengers had gotten off the roller coaster.

"ticket please." minho looked back at you with an excited smile as he handed both of your tickets to the ticket collector. you were then ushered into the seats, where you sat next to minho and began to strap on your safety belt. you noticed hendery and his female friend seated directly behind you. the girl spoke excitedly about the ride while hendery sat still with a pale face.

"please buckle up, the ride will begin in two minutes."

you struggled with your seat belt which wasn't functioning properly. it would click as if it had buckled only to come undone a second later. you tried three more times before it buckled.

"the ride will begin in 5...4...3.."

you heard a loud gasp from behind. you turned around and noticed hendery with a dazed yet shocked look on his face. the girl next to him stared at him with a look of bewilderment. your face matched hers as you watched hendery's next actions.

hendery began to pull on his safety belt as he tried to undo it. "don't start the ride!" he shouted, frantically clambering out of his seat. "there is gonna be an accident, get off!" he shouted once off the ride.


you looked to minho with worried eyes. "maybe we should get off.." you said.

minho only rolled his eyes, "here you go again, don't let some lunatic ruin our fun." he said in an annoyed tone. he gripped your wrist so you couldn't get off.

"get off of the ride!" hendery yelled pleadingly to anyone willing to listen.

"shut up man!" a voice yelled followed by a few chuckles here and there. no one was taking him seriously.

"minho, i'm getting off." you stated firmly, releasing your wrist from his grip. hendery grabbed your hand to help you out.

minho rolled his eyes again , "whatever then. you've always been a fuckin' wimp." his words stung a bit. he was supposed be your best friend. yikes.

"y/n, just ignore him." hendery said, before turning to his friend. "terin, lets go.."

the girl who he came with, simply turned away defiantly and crossed her arms. "i'm tired of your jokes this isn't funny. you're embarrassing me! i'm gonna ride this ride and you aren't going to convince me to do otherwise."

"if you're done with your games we'd like to commence." the conductor spoke. only you and hendery had gotten off of the ride. you were starting to wonder if you had made the right choice.

"let's go." hendery said lightly gripping your wrist in order to take you a safe distance from the ride.

you and hendery stood about ten yards from the roller coaster. the both of you watched as the ride started smoothly, everything seemed to be fine. hendery sighed softly out of embarrassment.

"i'm sorry, maybe my nerves were just really bad. it's just...i had this vision like thing. there was an accident and everyone died-and..." he rambled.

"hey, it's okay. i didn't wanna ride it anyways. i'm not the roller coaster type." you smiled reassuringly at him.

"umm, maybe i could treat you to something since, i-uh kinda ruined your fun." hendery said nervously.

you smiled a bit, "okay sur-"

before you could finish your sentence, a loud boom erupted into the air, followed by a sharp metallic screech. both you and hendery looked up at the roller coaster.

oh no!

it dangled precariously off of the tracks. bloodcurdling screams of terror filled the air as passengers began to fall one by one from the ride, suspended hundreds of feet in the air. the wooden structure seemed to sway in the wind as the carts tipped over. the cart at the front jolted forwards, and like a chain reaction, each cart tipped over sending the remaining passengers free falling through the air to their inevitable deaths. it was a gruesome scene. bodies falling helplessly until they hit the ground with a bone crushing sound, their organs turning into mush on impact. the ground was painted with a disgusting mixture of blood and other bodily fluids.

you looked at hendery with a look of sheer horror.

"it was just like the vision..." hendery said, his voice fading to a faint whisper as he looked up at the roller coaster in awe.


a/n; oof

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