

you and jaemin are juvenile delinquents serving time in a detention center and you both want out. (dark themes)


you sighed as you pushed your food around on the tray. your orange jumpsuit had a few milk splatters on it from the countless times that you had almost dropped your glass. you were completely bored, and you didn't have many friends. only because you were a bit of a challenge to deal with. you often had random outbursts of anger, sadness or craziness.

the lunch hall was full of delinquents just like yourself simply chatting away as if everything was fine. you couldn't stand the thought of simply being in the detention center, but almost everyone else seemed indifferent to the circumstances.

you picked up your tray and slammed it down onto the table, grabbing everyone's attention. you growled, breathing heavily as you knocked the tray onto the floor.

"crazy girl is at it again..." a boy named jeno spoke. you turned to him and glared. the two of you hated each other with a passion. you and jeno had gotten into many fights in the past, you two were notorious for fighting with each other.

"what did you say?!" you yelled as you stood up from your seat. you gripped your glass on milk so hard that it nearly cracked.

"y/n don't be stupid, you fucking heard me." jeno replied calmly as to provoke you even more.

you stomped over to his table and stood in front of him. the hall was silent as everyone watched what would inevitably turn into another fight. you were surprised that the guards hadn't been alerted yet.

"shut up brickhead!" you shouted in his face. jeno smirked and grabbled his glass of milk. he stood up and poured the milk onto your head. you took deep breaths before snatching the glass from him and slamming it onto the table. you push jeno's chest so hard that he stumbled and fell backwards onto the ground.


jeno's friends rushed over after seeing you aim the shards of glass at him. as you were about to stab him, jeno's friend, renjun wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you away from jeno. you struggled in his grip, only focused on ramming a piece of glass through jeno's head.

"haechan! call the guards!" renjun yelled. as you kicked as screamed.

"jeno! i'm gonna fucking kill you!" you screamed, gripping the glass so tightly that it penetrated your skin.

within seconds haechan returned with the guards. one of them rushed over to you, picked you up as the other struggled to take the glass out of your hand. out of pure rage, you hit the guard in the face with the hand full of glass, only then did you let it go.

you were definitely going to be sent to the maximum security unit.


after the whole incident, you had been thrown into a room in the maximum security block of the detention center. the only other kid that lived in this block was some guy named jaemin. he had been there for so long that he had rarely been seen by anyone but the guards.

your new room was much smaller than the previous one. the room had only a bed, a desk and a window. directly across the hall was jaemin's room. when you had arrived, jaemin was no where to be found, as an inmate in maximum security he had a completely different schedule than the other inmates.

it was around 6:00pm when you saw him for the first time. he was returning from his shower with a guard following closely behind. you had been laying down, but out of curiousness you got up and watched through the small opening on the door. the opening was like a little doggie door, used by the guard to give inmates their food, clothes and anything else they might need.


"goodnight ricky." jaemin spoke before the guard locked him in the room.

"night jaemin." the guard replied before disappearing down the hall. jaemin was friendly with the guard because he literally had no one else to talk to before.

when you were sure that the guard was gone you spoke.

"psst! hey!" you watched as jaemin looked around in a frightened manner. he hit himself a couple of times and mumbled under his breath.

"hey! jaemin. i'm across the hall!" you whispered.

jaemin stuck his head out off the opening in his door. his eyes widened as he spotted you. it had been a long time since there had been an inmate other than him in the maximum security unit. you waved at him through the opening.

"hi." you whispered.

"umm, hello," jaemin replied as he blinked repeatedly. "are you real? because the last time i had a neighbor, i was apparently 'hallucinating' "

"i'm y/n, i was moved here today." you continued, "i tried to stab some boy, and i cut this guard's face up real bad." you explained completely unashamed. somehow your brain justified your actions.

"oh okay, you look quite harmless though," jaemin said as he gazed at as much of your face that he could see.

"don't underestimate me." you replied quickly. a heavy silence followed your response. jaemin stared at you, and you stared back. it wasn't completely awkward though.

"what did you do to get here?" you asked, breaking the silence.

"i beat my roommate up until he passed out because he told the guards that i was planning an escape." jaemin responded.

"no i meant, what did you do to land you here... in the center," you clarified.

"oh...i stabbed my older sister's boyfriend seven times. i think he's still in the hospital now..." he replied not even feeling a little guilty.


"he was abusing her."

it became silent once again.

"y/n...what did you do?" jaemin asked, looking at you through his dark brown fringe.

"nothing big, i just used fight at school a lot and steal from convenient stores." you replied. you paused.

"were you really though?" you asked vaguely as if voicing some incomplete thought. jaemin looked at you in confusion.

"was i what?" he asked.

"earlier you said that your roommate snitched and told the guards that you were planning an escape...were you though?" you asked quietly.

"it depends...why do you wanna know?" he questioned.

"because i'm dying to get out of this hell." you whispered.

"in that case, yes i was planning." jaemin continued, "and i still am," he whispered almost inaudibly.


weeks passed. you and jaemin were practically best friends as the two of you hardly came into contact with anyone else. you were always together.

(??? not sure what wattpad did to the rest of this story D:

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