

you're the princess of Netize (lol) and you're due for marriage. little does your father know, you've already fallen for a mere village boy.



you burst into the throne room where your father, the king, sat drinking wine and munching on imported cheese. you were extremely angry at him and you were about to explode. you marched down the long velvet carpet, clutching your puffy dress at the sides.

"father, what is this?!" you screamed, handing him a flyer that was just one of many posted up around the kingdom. you were the only one in the entire land with the guts to disrespect the king. the two servants that provided the cheese and wine bowed as they were dismissed by a wave of the king's hand.

your father, already knew how you would react. he knew it was only a matter of time before you saw the flyers.

"y/n darling, they are flyers for the royal match-making ceremony. you are due for marriage soon. you know the procedure, the same thing happened to your older sister. she married prince doyoung, who is now the king of Ambul. she is now a queen, wouldn't you want the same thing?" he asked trying to convince you.

you took a seat on your mother's throne next to your father. you faced him and spoke, "father, i am not ready for a husband. i have not even turned twenty." you complained.

"sweetheart, i married your mother a day after her 18th birthday."

"that's weird father." you said, using a new slang word you had learned from a friend.

"weird? and what might that mean?" your father asked.

"father, 'weird' means strange...or absurd." you explained.

"you should stop conversing with the peasants. you are beginning to sound like one yourself." he said disapprovingly. "your mother would have a fit,"

"anything could send mother into a fit.." you joked.

"come to think of it, that is true," your father replied, chuckling heartily.

"am i being spoken of!?" your mother's voice called out from the hallway. she entered the room with her hands on her hips.

"now now darling.." the king began


the sun had set and it was time for you to meet your friend. he lived just across the river in a cottage with a few orphans. you ran into the woods, after you had snuck past the palace guards. you were only in a silky black gown and a pair of sandals you had stolen from your mother's enormous closet.

when you reached the river you spotted a figure splashing in the water. it appeared to be a little boy. he was naked.

"hey you, little boy!" you called. the child turned around and approached you. you bent down to look closely at him. "why are you out here so late at night?" you questioned.

"it's bath time." he said. you asked him where he lived, and sure enough he pointed to your friend's cottage. the boy must've been newly orphaned.

"where is tae-" you began, suddenly startled by the sound of splashing in the river as a masculine figure emerged from the water.

"hello princess." taeyong spoke, pushing his damp, jet black hair out of his face. he stood in the water, completely bare. the dark water hid his pale body from the waist down.

you placed a hand over your chest, "taeyong! you fiend! you surprised me." you shouted, not even bothered that someone might've heard your shout. taeyong smiled lovingly at you.


"you didn't tell me that you'd be coming, princess." taeyong said as he reached out for your hand. you retracted your hand before he could grab it. "do not touch me until you are dressed." you said quietly but sternly as you blushed. you turned away and heard as he stepped out of the river with the child.

"as you wish, y/n." taeyong replied as he dressed himself and wrapped the little boy, whose name was youngbin, in a cloth.

"why must you bathe at night?" you asked.

"i work all day in the marketplace, only to come home to care for the children. i am only free during the night." taeyong replied, "i am decent now." he said, after having dressed himself.

you turned around slowly and taeyong captured your lips in a kiss, using one hand to cover youngbin's eyes. you whined softly when he pulled away.

"thirsty for attention, are we?" he joked.

you looked at taeyong solemnly, "i fear, this may be the last time that we can be together." you said seriously. taeyong led you to the cottage. after tucking youngbin in. he joined you on the porch, where you told him about the royal ceremony that would take place in only a few days.

"do not worry princess, we'll figure something out. for now, let us enjoy the present." taeyong told you, before cupping your face and kissing you softly. you pulled him closer, desperate to feel him.

"ew.." a child-like voice spoke. taeyong and you both turned your heads to the cottage window. just in time to see seven pairs of eyes staring at the two of you.

"yah..youngbin i said be quiet.." a little girl's voice whined.

"you little rascals, i missed you all!" you exclaimed as you rushed into the house. causing the little ones to run away as they laughed wildly.

taeyong watched you as you chased the children with a loving gaze. "i will fight for you princess..." he mumbled to himself with a hint of determination in his voice


your parents and the palace staff began preparing for the ceremony the very next morning. your mother was running around with the decorating staff in the ballroom. your father was mainly there to calm your mother and to approve of the decor.

your schedule was jam packed. you had dress fittings, food tastings, dress rehearsals, hair and makeup appointments, and you even had a lessons with an instructor who showed you how you should walk, sit, talk, eat and dance. and on top of that the house was so full of decorators, designers, chefs, builders and others that simply moving around was a hassle. your parents were even having the architects build a new fountain at the palace entrance. it was all too much.

"oh goodness. y/n you are late for your third dress fitting! run along." your mother spoke.

"your highness the new curtains have arriv-"

"excuse me, can't you see that i am speaking to my daughter?!" your mother shouted, causing all of the decorating staff to become silent, all watching the scene.

"my sincerest apologies, my lady."

"bring the curtains in and have them hung." she spoke, "-and all of you gET BACK TO WORK!" she was stressed to the max.

you hurried to your dress fitting, passing the site for the new fountain as you rushed down the hall to the dress room. a room full of dresses.

when you arrived, your dressmaker and your personal servant were waiting expectantly for you.


"we're behind schedule, kendra please help y/n into her corset." the dressmaker said addressing your servant. kendra was more like a friend than anything.

you sighed, "not the corset..." you whined, as kendra grabbed your hand softly.


taeyong never thought he'd ever see the inside of your palace, but that is exactly where he happened to be. he had seen an advertisement in the marketplace for a temporary architectural job for a royal event. he leaped at the opportunity to see you at your home.

he was with the builders that were beginning to build the new fountain. they were carrying blocks of marble to the construction site.

"ay! pay attention before you drop the block!" the building director barked at taeyong, who was busy gaping at the beautiful palace. taeyong snapped out of his daze and continued carrying and stacking blocks. he froze up when he thought he saw you run past and into a hallway.


finally you had the corset on after nearly ten minutes of screaming, squeezing, tightening, shallow breathing and pain.

"i cannot breathe, kendra." you whined. she shrugged and helped you pull the dress on. the dress was a light champagne color. it was sleeveless, fitted at the top and it flared out at the waist. the bottom was layered with heavy shimmery fabric. the top was embroidered with the tiniest of diamonds making you sparkle at every angle. it was your favorite out of all of the dresses you had been forced to wear in the past.

"your mother is going to love this one!" the dressmaker exclaimed, "it fits your figure perfectly."

you looked at yourself in the mirror, turning to see the entire dress. it was beautiful.

"let's get you out of it, so that i can touch up the layers." you nodded, eager to change into your causal wear which ,in the eyes of others, appeared to be as extravagant as your formal wear.

you had changed and were on your way to your bedroom when you heard a loud noise followed by the sound of a man yelling. it was coming from the building crew.

"hey! what did i tell you before?! didn't i tell you to pay attention?" the voice shouted. "you didn't listen and now you've dropped a brick and chipped the floor. are you trying to get us all hung?!"

you turned the corner to see the scene. two of the builders were face to face, as one yelled at the other. the other builders just watched quietly. until one spoke up, "yuta! don't create a scene in the palace. please.."

you watched as the guy named yuta shoved the black haired guy who he had be shouting at.

"just take a look at what you've done!" yuta shouted, pushing the black haired fellow again.

the man with the black hair lunged forward to attack yuta but someone grabbed him just in time. "taeyong, don't.." someone spoke.

taeyong? you rushed over to the scene, "enough fighting!" you shouted.

taeyong, yuta, and the other builders spotted you and bowed. "your highness, i truly apologize for the commotion." yuta spoke sounding remorseful, as to not anger you. offending a royal was punishable by death.

"as am i," taeyong spoke slightly embarrassed.

"are you injured sir?" you asked, pretending not to know him.

"i'm fine your highness,"

"come with me," you ordered. "the rest of you...please coutinue working."

you led taeyong into a dark, empty hallway. the moment you felt that you and taeyong were completely alone you hugged him tightly, indifferent to the fact that he almost got into a fight. you were simply happy to see him. he hugged you back tightly, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"taeyong, i never thought that i would see you in my home." you whispered excitedly. "why are you here?"

"i'm working as a builder. we were constructing the new fountain." taeyong replied before leaning forward to place a kiss on your lips. "i must go now." he said before retracing the path that lead to two of you to that dark hall.


days passed and it was finally the day of the ceremony. you were eager for the day to be over and at the same time you didn't want it to begin. by the end of the evening to were required to have chosen two men that would make suitable husbands, and then these two men would have a duel. the winner's prize was your hand in marriage.

it was all too primitive in your opinion. all you wanted was the freedom to choose your husband based on your own criteria. unfortunately, your choices were going to be heavily influenced by the four things that you had been told your whole life were important. wealth, status, power and looks.

you didn't want that, you wanted taeyong.

you sat in your room and watched from above through the window. you watched as the guests arrived, which were mainly young bachelors from many different backgrounds, accompanied by their parents

your bedroom door burst open. "princess! there you are, you should be in the ballroom!" your servant, kendra, said. she took your hand and lead to the ballroom, through a side entrance. the moment your entered the room all eyes were on you. you took a seat at the royal table in between your parents. the table was elevated, it stood on a stage like platform at the front of the room. that table is were you'd have to sit for the next few hours while your parent practically interviewed the young men in attendance.


the evening had been a drag. you had met some pretty interesting men though like prince john of foreignswaglandia, prince xiaojun of weishenV and moon taeil who was the son of a wealthy merchant. too bad you didn't want them.

the guests had fallen silent as you stood up to call out the names of your two final choices. the two that would fight for your hand in marriage. you cleared your throat as you began to speak.

"i have met some wonderful men today, and i would like to thank you all once again for coming. unfortunately, i can only choose two men who have captured not only my attention, but my heart as well." you spoke, just the way you had rehearsed. the crowd awed and cooed, as you continued.

"i have selected to two following men. the first being prince-"

"wait! princess i beg!" the ballroom doors had swung open. taeyong stood in the doorway breathing heavily. his black tousled hair was damp with sweat, and his clothes looked dirty.

you gasped quietly.

"princess, i can't let you marry anyone. i refuse to watch you give yourself to another man, for you are the only one for me." taeyong spoke.

the room was filled with confused murmurs and whispers.

you froze, unsure of what to do. you father glanced at you and stood up.

"guards! get him out of here, take him to the square and hang him for the whole kingdom to see!" he spoke. the crowd cheered loudly, to them he was mere a peasant boy but to you...

the guards picked taeyong up roughly and began to drag him out.

"wait no! stop! let him be!" you shouted. the king looked at you with a look of disbelief.

"do you know that man?" he asked. you nodded.

"father, i can't marry anyone unless it is him," you replied as you pointed to taeyong, "i love him.." the crowd went into an uproar.

"oh my, dear what spell has been placed on you?" you mother asked as she placed a hand on your forehead. you swatted her hand away.

"i am fine mother!" you yelled. everyone watched in shock at your next actions.

you carefully removed your crown and placed it onto your chair. you stepped off the platform holding the sides of your sparkly champagne dress and walked towards taeyong. he smiled at you. you grabbed his hand..

and left


a/n: man.. y/n should've hopped on that prince john guy or whatever... i heard he's cute.

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