

you're 10th grade's little miss popular and jisung is just an average guy with a slight problem. he hates you, and it all started after he gave you a piece of gum.



you sat in your homeroom class with nothing to do. since your teacher was late, there was no one around to tell the class what to do. you had plugged in your headphones and started jamming out to the music. 'anpanman' by bts was playing and you were getting crunk, well no one could tell but there was a party in your head.

if you don't know what 'getting crunk' looks like, imagine that time nct127 did that one interview where jaehyun, taeyong and jungwoo danced together to 'level up'. that's crunk. or the time on that radio interview in america when junguwu took off his jacket and turned into jungwtf and mark went off. or think of that one jaehyun fancam for 'come back' during the chorus. anyways...

at one point in between songs, you noticed that the class was getting too loud. you slipped your headphones off and stood up. "yah! you guys are becoming too loud!" you announced.

"sorry y/n." chenle, the class president apologized.

"it's cool or whatever, we just don't want a teacher busting up in here like 'whY Are yOu maKing nOise' ya know?" you replied. most of your classmates nodded in agreement. afterwards the class kept the noise level to a minimum.

you don't why, maybe it was the vibe you radiated, but people tended to listen to you. you were just that really chill, girl that people respected. maybe it was because half of the boys in your class had crushes on you. or maybe because you were the prettiest girl in your class, yet you remained humble. maybe it was because your family owned the very land that the school was built on. maybe because your boyfriend was an upperclassman by the name xiaojun who was ridiculously handsome and popular.. who knows.

"i don't get it, what's so special about her?" jisung whispered to his bestfriend chenle, the class president. he waited until you put your headphones back on before asking.

"what do you mean? she's just really chill so people like her..." chenle said, staring at you with the biggest heart eyes.

"i think she's faking it." jisung mumbled with a scowl.

"yah! ever since you gave her that piece of gum you've been like this." chenle retorted, suddenly realizing the issue.


jisung was a bit particular. he hated when his food touched, when his socks didn't match, when all the threads on a fluffy sweater went in different directions. he was hard to satisfy. one time, chenle gave him a piece of notebook paper to write notes, and he completely flipped out because one of the lines wasn't completely straight. when provoked jisung would simply have a fit or spazz out. he sometimes had to take medication.

the one thing jisung hated the most was when people didn't return things, like favors, items and...pieces of gum. jisung was addicted to gum and couldn't go a day without it. so sharing gum was a big deal to him. jisung thought about the day you asked for his beloved gum...

last week

you watched as jisung, sneakily unwrapped another piece of gum and stuck in his mouth when mr.seo turned around. you laughed quietly.

jisung thought he was slick, so he kept on adding more pieces into his mouth. he smiled as he chewed away. he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"hi, jisung. can i please have a piece of gum." y/n asked, she simply blinked and her long eyelashes mesmerized him.

"umm, sure." he replied, reaching for the gum. it was the last one but who was he to say no to the coolest 10th grade girl in school.

"thanks." you replied, unwrapping the gum and putting it into your mouth.


jisung snapped out of it, getting angry when he remembered that you still hadn't given him a piece of gum in return. his left eye twitched when he looked at you.

chenle noticed this. "jisung calm down, this is y/n we're dealing with. one wrong move and the whole school is against you." chenle warned.

"i just want my gum!" he whined. chenle searched his own bag for gum, but found none. then he searched for jisung's meds. he couldn't find them.

"fuck." chenle, the innocent said.

jisung got up and stood in front of your desk, just standing there. your were listening to day6's 'talking to' while drawing a picture of a snake for your art project, when you noticed jisung towering over you desk. he was the tallest boy in the 10th grade, his height made him attractive. but at the moment his tall figure was casting a shadow on your sketch.

"hey jisung, can you please move, you're blocking the light." you asked politely. you blinked, and this time jisung wanted to rip your eyelashes off of your face. without thinking he pulled your expensive dr.dre beats off of your head and threw them across the floor. they made a deafening crack and broke in the middle, as the skidded across the tiled floor. the classroom was silent as everyone turned to watch.


"yah!" you shouted standing up. he still towered over you. "what the fuck man?!" no one had ever heard you cuss before, so this was major. even jisung flinched at your words.

"don't act innocent in front of everyone, you still owe me a piece of gum!" jisung shouted back. chenle face palmed, jisung sounded so dumb.

"all this over a piece of gum?!" you yelled incredulously, pointing to your broken headphones.

only then did jisung begin to feel stupid.

"you're a real jerk, you know?" you sniffed as you ran out of the class, embarrassed to be crying.

"way to fucking go mate." a freckled guy named felix said. everyone looked at jisung in disapproval. felix collected the broken pieces of your headphones and your backpack and exited the classroom in search for you.

by lunchtime the whole school knew about the incident .


xiaojun, stormed down the hall after lunch in search of a particular blonde haired boy followed by his two friends lucas and yangyang. a few other 12th graders followed aware that some drama was about to go down.

"xiaojun, don't do this." yangyang, the soft looking one, pleaded.

when you had come to xiaojun during lunch crying, while explaining what happened he was livid. he hugged you and told you not to cry, as he thought about what he would do when he saw that jisung kid. his fury was heightened when he saw the remains of your headphones.

"i'm just here to pull xiaojun off of the kid if things go too far," said lucas, the muscle of the group.

xiaojun smirked when he spotted jisung near his locker. as if possessed, xiaojun grabbed jisung by his collar and pushed him against the lockers causing a ruckus. more students gathered to watch.

"who the fuck do you think you are? huh?" xiaojun growled, all up in jisung's face. although xiaojun was a bit shorter, he wasn't intimidated.

"who are you?" jisung asked, legitimately clueless.

xiaojun laughed darkly, "is he fucking dumb?" he asked no one in particular. "you remember that girl who you went psycho on for no reason? yeah...i'm her boyfriend. i'm also the one who spent $220 on a pair of headphones that you destroyed!"

"she owes me a piece of gum." jisung replied cooly, he was terrified on the inside though.

"that's it, lucas you might wanna hold me back now." xiaojun spoke in an eerily calm voice, before landing a fist on jisung's cheek.

"ooooooh damn that had to hurt!" some guy named sunwoo (tbz) exclaimed.

you were in the art classroom with a few other student when you heard that there was a fight involving jisung and xiaojun. chenle who was also in the class had overheard, so he left with you to save his friend. xiaojun was more than just a pretty face, you knew that jisung would not make it out unharmed.

note to reader: now is the time to send your prayers for jisung. 1 vote/comment = 1 prayer. support the cause.

when you arrived at the scene, xiaojun was being held back by lucas, who was noticeably struggling. jisung was pressed up against the lockers unable to escape with a bruised cheek.

"hey! hey please stop!" chenle yelled running to jisung's aid. "he's got a condition." chenle squeezed his smaller body between xiaojun amd jisung.

"get outta the way kid." xiaojun replied, unwilling to hit an innocent kid.

"i can't..because you'll beat him up. he may deserve it but, he's my friend." chenle said closing his eyes tightly anticipating some type of harm.

xiaojun's expression softened unable to handle chenle's cuteness, "your cute friend just saved your ass, punk." he spoke to jisung, relaxing in lucas' grip.

you approached jisung in order to give him the packet of gum that you had bought during break. even though he wronged you, you were still a nice person. and it was the least you could do after your boyfriend nearly killed him.

"here's your gum." you said extending the packet towards him. jisung, still angry, snatched it and walked past you bumping your shoulder so hard that you stumbled.

"fuck it," xiaojun said as he stepped forward to yank jisung by his shirt. lucas pulled him back in time. "lucas let me go! i'm serious let me get him just once! c'mon man!" xiaojun whined desperately.

jisung walked down the hall, shaking as he slipped the gum into his pocket. "why are you so crazy?" he asked himself, pulling his hair painfully.


a/n: if you voted or commented, thanks for saving jisung's life.

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