

you're engaged to be married but he couldn't care less. he's drawn to you like a moth to a flame. (bro, this is like lowkey,, almost¿ smut)



"flower delivery for ms.y/n,"

you looked up from your desktop and immediately frowned upon seeing the flowers. your fiancé knew that you didn't care much for flowers, they were pretty but they didn't last. they obviously were from someone else. you graciously accepted the gift and mumbled a 'thanks' to the delivery man. you turned the bouquet in search of a note. in between the bouquet wrapping was a small white card, it read:

if romeo thought juliet was beautiful ,

he'd run out of synonyms at the sight of your face


your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you didn't know anyone by the name yuta. deciding to ignore the questions that swarmed in your head, you pushed the bouquet to the side and focused your attention back to your computer screen.

after working for an hour straight, your eyes were killing you. staring at fine print on a computer screen was mild torture. you needed a cup of coffee and some fresh air. you locked your office and took the elevator to the lobby. the elevator ride was fairly short and you were out in no time.

you entered the lobby and your eyes were immediately drawn to a man in casual clothing, who was making a scene at the reception desk.

"just let me see her!" the man ordered as he banged his hands onto the desk. the receptionist flinched as she began to speak.

"i'm sorry sir but you must have an appointment, she's a very busy woman." the young woman replied with a shaky voice. "you can always set up an appointment right now.." she added.

"are you dumb or stupid? i need to see her right now. do you know who i am?" the man asked, waiting for the receptionist to say no.

"i am her Casanova, her Romeo, and i demand to see her this instant!" he continued.

"i believe, you're mistaken sir. ms. y/n is engaged to park chanyeol, the ceo of park & co." the woman spoke.

once you realized that they were talking about you, you decided to intervene. you approached the desk, your heels clicking with each step.

"good afternoon sir, i don't appreciate the way you're speaking to my employee..." you spoke causing the man to spin around quickly. he was not bad looking, but that was besides the point. you hated when people treated your employees like trash, they were people too.

"ahh..there are you, it is truly an honor to see you looking this beautiful." the man spoke.

"sir, what is your name?" you asked

"i'm yuta, did you receive my flowers?" the man said.

you only nodded. so he was the man that sent the flowers.

"thank you for your kind gift, but i don't like flowers very much." you replied before walking away, not even addressing the 'i'm her casanova, her romeo' issue. your soon-to-be husband would beg to differ, and the ring on your finger said otherwise.


yuta ran up to you and grabbed your wrist, attracting the attention of the body guards near the entry. you signaled for them to relax.

"i'd appreciate it if you'd stop manhandling me, yuta." you spoke quietly but confidently. "you're creating a scene, please leave and don't come back unless you have an appointment."

"fine, darling if that's how you wanna play, then i'm ready." yuta replied as reached up to touch your face. you pushed his hand away quickly. this probably looked bad. you're an engaged woman talking to a man who claims to be your 'lover' in front of your company staff. this could quickly turn into a scandal.

you walked away from him, flipping your hair over your shoulder as you exited the building in search of your driver.


"he acted like a complete lunatic, and the funny thing is..i literally have no clue who he is." you ranted, as you explained to your fiancé what happened at work. you were lying across the the couch with chanyeol, your head on his lap and your feet hung over the arm of the couch.

"i'm her romeo!" you mocked in an overdramatic voice accompanied by overdramatic hand movements.

"did you ask for his name?" chanyeol asked, raking his fingers through your hair.

"he said his name was yuta." you replied, also explaining that he had sent you flowers with a love note.

"what a loser, doesn't everyone know that you don't like flowers?" chanyeol asked playfully, leaning down to give you a quick kiss. "i'll ask my private investigator to do some research on him. i can't have anyone stressing my fiancée before the wedding."

you didn't think much about that yuta character much after that day. until...

nearly a week later, you were running a bit late for work. when your car pulled up in front of your workplace, you didn't even wait for the driver to open the door. you simply got out and brushed past the doormen, who you usually greeted before entering.

you went up to the reception desk. "goodmorning mackenzie, have any of my clients arrived yet?"

the receptionist, mackenzie, greeted you and spoke, "mr.seo called to reschedule, so you're free for the next two hours.

"that's a relief." you replied before thanking her. you sauntered to the elevator no longer in a rush. when you entered the elevator, you noticed a hooded man in the corner. you only glanced at him and then pressed the button for the top floor. as soon as the doors closed the man removed his hood.

"good morning sweetheart." a familiar voice spoke. it was yuta, again.

"geez, can't you take a hint." you mumbled, already annoyed by his presence. yuta approached you, trapping you between his body and the metal wall. you pressed your left hand against his chest. there was no way that you were about to let him put his body all up on yours.

"gosh, you're so pretty," yuta spoke, his warm breath tickling your face. he wrapped a hand around your wrist, in an attempt to remove it from his chest. you glared at him.


"i gave you one chance, but now i'm out of patience. i will call the police if i have to." you replied as you discretely moved your hand towards the emergency button.

yuta chuckled softly, "i wouldn't do that if i were you." he grabbed your other wrist just as you were about to press the button. you looked him with a shocked expression. "you're not a clever as you think." he said just as the elevator doors opened.

there was not a single person on the top floor as usual. only your enormous office and two smaller vacant offices were located there. it was the perfect place for peace and quiet.

yuta let go of one of your wrists and pulled you along until he reached your glass office doors. he swiftly pushed them open and entered the room.

"sit." he spoke.

"what do you want?" you asked quietly. all your confidence had melted away. his calm, dominating demeanor finally began to creep you out.

"that's simple. all i want is for your bastard fiancé to disappear so that you'll be mine." yuta replied as he stared out at the city through your floor to ceiling office windows.

you scoffed, "there's no way i could ever love someone like you, even if i weren't engaged i'd never even glance in your direction."

"okay, well, we will sit in here until you change your mind." yuta said. you watched as he tore a piece of the curtains and tied the door handles tightly together.

"you can't be serious..." you said in disbelief. yuta turned to you and arched one of his brows. he stared at you with a don't test me kinda look.

"give me your phone."

you reluctantly placed your phone on the floor, next to the wheels of the chair you were seated on. as yuta bent down to pick up your phone you raised your elbow. you were gonna knock the shit out of him. but before you could, yuta moved and you practically hit the air. completely aware of what you were trying to do, yuta removed his belt and used it to tie your wrist together. you tried to fight against him, but it was no use.

afterwards, yuta plopped onto the couch near the door and switched on the television. he was really gonna hold you captive like some prisoner, and act as if nothing was wrong.


hours had passed, it was 7 o'clock in the evening. you had been seated in the same place all day. you could see the moon in the dark night sky. you were beginning to think that you'd be there forever.

throughout the day yuta had been extremely patient. he spend the time watching tv and talking to you, even though you refused to respond. he even catered to you when ever you needed anything. luckily you had a mini fridge.

you had tried everything free yourself, and to your advantage yuta had a soft spot for you. no matter what you did, he wouldn't resort to violence. you took comfort in that.

you watched as your phone lit up for the eleventh time since yuta had taken it. yuta glanced at the screen.

"this fiancé of yours, must really care about you," he said emotionlessly as he declined the call.

just the thought of chanyeol made you sad. you really wished that somehow he'd come to your rescue. you sniffled quietly as tears formed in your eyes. yuta looked away from the tv and sat up. you tried to blink away your tears but to no avail. tears rolled down your face as you stared at the floor.

"sweetheart... don't cry. there's only one way out of this room, i've told you." yuta said his voice surprisingly soft as if he felt bad.

you began to cry harder, involuntarily whimpering. yuta got up from the couch and kneeled down in front of you. he lifted your chin and wiped your tears.

"don't cry," he spoke. as his face neared yours, you were struck with an idea. you glanced at his lips, with only a bit of hesitation you leaned forward to kiss him.

too surprised to reply, he kissed you back. you were disgusted. not because he was a terrible kisser or anything, but because you were basically cheating.

going along with your plan, you tugged on his shirt as best as you could. yuta pulled away and looked at you questioningly.

"you wanna..." he began. you simply nodded and held your hands in front of your body, silently asking to be untied. yuta, eager to fulfill his fantasies, quickly untied your hands. dumbass, you thought.

once you were free, you pulled his shirt off. think of your fiancé. think of your fiancé, you internally chanted.

yuta's lips met yours again after you had removed his top. his hand crept into your top, fingers roaming freely. you shivered at his touch. you pulled away to leave sloppy kisses down his neck and onto his collarbone. yuta moaned quietly and squeezed your thigh with his other hand.

you knew it was time to end it all once you felt him try and unclasp your bra. as his fingers fumbled in your blouse, you discretely reached for your wireless keyboard. yuta hadn't noticed a thing, his eyes were closed tightly as he whined a bit from the pleasure rushing through his body.

you pulled away, grabbed the keyboard, a slammed that bitch into his head so hard. he passed out on the spot.

"bastard.." you mumbled as you tied his wrist to the chair just incase he were to wake up. wakey wakey

you stepped over yuta's unconscious body and untied the door handles.

"baby! i've been calling you all day. you look terrible. what happened!?" a voice spoke. you looked up and spotted chanyeol, he had just exited the elevator. you ran to him and hugged him tight as you began to explain everything.

chanyeol pulled out his phone so that he could call the police. you went back to the room to grab your phone.

"what the hell!" you exclaimed. you closed your eyes and then looked again.

yuta was gone.


a/n: i don't know. also 'you slammed that bitch into his head so hard..' lol i laughed.

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