

you're self conscious, but mark thinks you're perfect. unfortunately he has to make a scene to get his point across.



"what are you doing?" mark asked, glancing between you and his phone from his position on your couch. "i'm trying to lose weight," you mumbled as you crunched loudly on raw cabbage and sipped water from your 2 litre water bottle. mark turned around and stared at you, scrutinizing every little detail. his eyes roamed the entirety of your body, from your silky hair, glowing skin, and bright eyes to your smooth legs and your feet. the ones you always said were 'too big'.

"just because we're best friends does not mean you can just check me out like that!" you yelled, tossing a spoon at him from the kitchen. he swiftly dodged it, and laughed. "i wasn't checking you out! but whatever, good luck with your weightloss thing.." mark replied. you squinted at him, "that sounded sarcastic..you're so unsupportive." you complained.

mark set his phone down, "y/n, i just don't think that you need to lose weight.." he spoke. you grabbed a large wooden spoon from the cutlery drawer. "you're just jealous, you think that i'm gonna lose weight and become all sexy or whatever." you said as you advanced towards mark with the spoon. he looked at you in confusion.

"you want to be the only sexy one, i see you mark. you can't hog all the sexiness, you know..." you trailed off as you launched the wooden spoon at mark. it hit him on his left thigh with a smack. "owww!"

mark grabbed the spoon and stood up, "you're not gonna get away with that!" he yelled jokingly. you took that as a sign to starting running, and ran away.


in an effort to lose as much weight as possible as fast as possible, you began going to the gym to workout. mark wasn't really a big fan of working out, so you opted for going to the gym with jaehyun, who was a friend from highschool. it was hard work but you were determined, and after a week you had already lost four and a half pounds. it wasn't much, but at least you were making progress.


one day after working out you decided to pay your bestfriend a visit. you knocked loudly on mark's door, eager to be inside. "yo, mark! open up before i bust your door open right no-" the door swung open. "hi mark," you smiled sweetly as if you weren't just threatening to knock the door off of his apartment.

"you are so annoying, come inside." mark replied, rubbing his eyes as if he just woke up. you entered his apartment and flopped onto the couch. "mark, guess what?" you questioned.

"what?" he asked uninterestedly as he sat in the armchair next to the couch. he grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. "i've managed to lose ten pounds in less than two weeks!" you exclaimed.

mark glanced over at you, "really?" he asked, tilting his head a bit in confusion. "that's offensive mark, you seriously can't tell?" you whined. mark shrugged and then asked if you wanted something to eat. slightly upset by his earlier comment you turned down his offer, telling him that you weren't hungry. as soon as you uttered the words, your stomach rumbled so loudly that it scared you.

"stop lying to me y/n, go eat something." mark said sternly. sometimes he was super mother-like, but only because he cared about you much more than you thought he did. you got up and dragged yourself to his kitchen to 'eat'. all you did was stand in front of the open fridge and stare longingly at the food. every time you reached out to grab something, you thought about the consequences and immediately put it back.

after a few minutes you returned to the living room. "are you okay now? mark questioned, not looking away from the television. "yup..." you lied, glad that he wasn't looking at you. he could usually tell if you were lying that way.




three months had passed and you were still dieting and exercising regularly. you were satisfied with your progress. mark, however, began to notice how much thinner you looked, how much less you ate and how tired and sluggish you've been. he didn't like it one bit, he was worried.

in a attempt to get you to eat something, he invited you and two other friends, lucas and jeno, to eat out. after ordering your food, which was only a salad, you rushed off to the bathroom. mark, lucas and jeno chatted while waiting for the food.

"don't you guys think that y/n looks different?" jeno asked. mark and lucas both nodded. "like, not in a bad way...she looks good, has she lost weight?" he continued.

mark subtly rolled his eyes. 'here we go,' he thought.

"i was wondering the same thing," lucas spoke. "i mean before she was just okay, but now she's...kinda hot. she should keep losing weight, she's much prettier now."

mark gritted his teeth in annoyance. was everyone blind and naive? couldn't anyone see that you we slowly hurting yourself? was mark the only one who thought that you looked fine before? mark pursed his lips in order to suppress the urge to go off on his friends. they were really pushing him to his limit.

"maybe she's trying to lose weight for a boy," jeno joked, "no guy would ever like a fat girl."

mark stood up angrily, "oh my goodness, do you ever shutup? are you actually this shallow! can you even process words before they leave your mouth?" he yelled, his anger getting the best of him. his patience was gone. his limit, exceded.

"woah, chill out mark!" lucas said, shocked by the sudden outburst.

"no! i won't chill out until you both learn to have just a little bit of respect for y/n. you two are glorifying and praising her for losing weight, but did you know that she was practically starving herself and over exercising! huh?" mark shouted.

unbeknownst to the three boys you had exited the bathroom just before mark's outburst. you watched as the scene unfolded.

"i am the only person who thought she looked perfectly fine before? in fact she was perfect, what's wrong with a little thiccness? (lol) you guys are so stupid!" mark finished, only realizing then that you had been standing near him the whole time and that the whole restaurant had become silent as everyone listened in.

completely unashamed, mark walked over to you, grabbed you by the wrist and dragged to you the exit.

"where are we going?" you asked quietly. "to that chinese buffet downtown, i just got my paycheck and you are gonna eat until my wallet begs for mercy." mark replied seriously. you cracked a smile, "thank you for caring, you're such a good friend." you said.

"pssh, 'friend' i've been dealing with your crap for so long now. it's about time i upgrade to boyfriend."


a/n: don't hate lucas or jeno. also nothing's wrong with a little THICCNESS, just ask johnny. >> i also cringed a bit. i know it's an 'imagine' but this is too uncharacteristically bold for someone like mark.

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