《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》016


You guys get off the plane and shortly after you all head to the hotel. Derek checks into the hotel so you and the rest of the group sits down in the sitting area when 3 boys walk up to yall.

Angel rivera

Devin Allen

Kobe morris

Your on your phone so you don't notice the boys walk up to yall but the rest of the boys do so they all say hi to each other.

De: hey

M: wassup

A: hey bro

C: hi

J: aye

K: wassup little dudes

V: yer

They all said while daping eachother up (this is cringe 😭✋ but anyways-)

(because im a lazy bitch and this is cringe)

Then the boys introduced you girls to the rest of the boys

V: you angle low key look alike

M: nah they twins

A/ky: ig

you both say looking at each other and back at the group.

derek got back from checking so everyone has been hanging out in your guys's room. Its been a few hours and it's night time so everyone went to there own room down the hall. You and jiggy changed into your pj's and went to sleep.

( YeS AgAiN🥴👀)

Its the next morning so you get up, take a shower and do your face routine then got dressed.

Your/Kys fit^ (you just did a wet look with your hair)

After you did you needed to do you decided to do a mirror pic then you walked out the bathroom and you see jiggy up still sitting in the bed on his phone, so you jump on the bed and into his arms.

K: are you gonna get up

J: but i don't wanna

K: well your gonna have to

J: why

he whined

K: because its 1:20 and it starts at 2:00


J: oh shit

he says popping out of bed, you just get up and roll your eyes while chuckling.

K: im gonna go walk around and take pictures

you say walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the check

J: ok, see you at 2

K: ok bye bebeh

J: bye

You you grab your phone and walk out the door, you walk down the hallway and get in the elevator when the doors open backup and you see diego standing at the door.

K: oh hey diego!

D: hey ky!

He walks in the elevator and you guys continue talking until it comes to the floor you guys get to the main loby.

K: so what did you come down here for

D: oh i just wanted to walk around and make tik toks

K: oh same!

D: oh ok cool wanna go outside and make one?

K: sure why not

You guys walk outside and make some tik toks together

he kept dragging me 😭

Comments ~

User: love the outfit ❤️

^ky_bbys: aw thanks love 😊💕

fan: i live for the outfit 😌

liked by ky_bbys

User: LMAO are you ok

^Ky_bbys: yea LOL

Diegomartir: that's only because you were doing it too 🙄✋

^Ky_bbys: ik 😌

fan: i ✨StAn✨ this relationship 😌

liked by ky_bbys

fan: your so pretty and i love your outfit 🥺❤️

^Ky_bby: aw thanks babe 🥺💕

You and diego did a tik tok on his a account but im too lazy to upload a video and do the comments so just imagine you did one. 😐🖕❤️

~ Time skip ~

Everyone came downstairs including kobe,angel, and devin but any wayzzzzzz you guys talk to your fans did tik toks with them and together.

to lazy for comments cause that's what it be sometimes 😘

The rest of the post:

The boys

You/Ky and the boys

The boys

I made him do this 😂

~ Comments turned off ~ (cause im lazy 😁)

You guys hang out and do tik toks for the rest of the day in your room

(YeS mOrE tIk toks 😌🥴)

caption: derek being stupid 😭

you/ky and jiggy

jiggy and you/ky

jiggy and you/ky

jiggy and you/ky

(aww who remembers this)

It's been a few hours and it's night time so everyone went to there own room. You and jiggy got into your pj's, after you guys cuddled up fell asleep watching a movie.

Love you babes and ill see you in the next one! 😊💕

LMAOOO only people who got good disney would know

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