《New beginnings...Jiggy turner》015


Its four days later, you guys already packed and vidcon is tomorrow so today is flight day. You get up and get ready for the day. You pack your hygiene stuff, your hair stuff, light makeup, accesatys, and accessories, after you go take a shower and change into you outfit.

your/kys fit^

After your done changing and showering you here a knock on your door.

K: come in!

J: hey, you ready?

jiggy says opening the door

K: yea

you say walking over to the side of your bed and garbing you suitcase.

J: let me get that

he says holding out his arms for you to put the suitcase in his arms and you hand it over to him.

K: uh..you got it?

you say walking down the stairs with jiggy in front of you

J: yea

yall get downstairs and see everyone talking suitcases outside and into the car

You guys to the airport and wait for your flight for about 20 mins when yall here yall flight on the intercom. You guys abroad the plane and head to California.

A/N: I know this one was short but i have a huge announcement coming out tomorrow 12:00 or earlier/later. I just wanted to let you know that will soon be ending so stay tuned for the next few parts and the announcement! I love you babes and i'll see you in the next one gn! 💕

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