《the human (r.h)》fifty; sparks


There was something Delilah needed to do.

She didn't really like doing things. Especially when they were things she didn't want to do.

But it wasn't fair anymore. Delilah had been gone for weeks. In the time she'd spent with the Bell sisters she hadn't thought about Italy. She hadn't thought about what was there. She didn't feel the love that waited. She didn't miss the person that should have been home.

Because she wasn't home anymore.

It was time to finally do what was right.

"Hi, Mary." It almost felt wrong, to call her by the nickname, to speak to her at all actually. Delilah felt as though she wasn't even worthy enough to hear her voice, "How are you?"

"Delilah?" The confused voice rung like a bell in Delilah's ears, "What time is it there? Why aren't you asleep?"

"Oh it's only," Delilah looked at the 24 hour clock next to her, "2 ish here." That meant it was 7 ish over there. "How are you?" She tried the question again.

But again, Mary ignored it, "It's weird." She paused, the vampire could imagine the girl looking around her room as she thought, "Hearing from you, that's what's weird."

It was all weird. "Yeah, long time no speak, huh?" And long time no see.

"Are you ever going to come back?" She asked the question, but she felt like she already knew the answer.

At first Delilah considered lying, but that wasn't fair. There could be no more lies. "I don't know." It was the truth, maybe one day she would go back to Italy.

"Are you ever going to come back to me?"

She had to tell the truth. "I don't know." It felt wrong to be so honest over the phone. Delilah couldn't do it.

"You can be honest with me, Lilah." Her voice was so soft, so sweet and innocent. "I think I already know the answer." Unfortunately, Mary was met with silence, "It's just me, Lilah. It's your Mary. When have you ever not told me the truth?"


Many times, Delilah thought, but she could never say that. "Do you think our spark is gone, Mary?" How else was she meant to do this?

"I think," She paused again, "I think the candle isn't lit right now..... but all it needs is a match."

"Do you think there are any matches left?"

A few deep breaths could be heard down the phone, "I thought we had a full box left."

Now Delilah wasn't silly, she knew matches didn't go out of date, but for the sake of the metaphor, she would pretend they did, "I think they might have gone past there best before date."

Maybe she could have worded it in a nicer way though.

There were a thousand questions that Mary could of asked, but only one that she wanted to right now, "It was always her, wasn't it?"

A part of Delilah wanted to ask who her was. But that was an evil part, she knew exactly who her was.

But truthfully, it wasn't always her. At the start it was, Delilah could admit that she might have clung so hard to Rosemary because of Rosalie. However, as time went on, it wasn't Rosalie anymore. It was all Mary. She was the one that Delilah thought of morning, noon, and night.

At Delilah's silence, Mary decided on an answer. It was always her. As her heart broke even more, rain started to tap on her window.

After a while, Delilah plucked up the nerve to speak, "It wasn't always her." Maybe Delilah shouldn't have said that, maybe she shouldn't have given her that little but of hope that broke Mary's heart even more. "But it was never you either."

Immediately after she said it, she knew it was wrong. Even if she felt it, she didn't have to say it. She didn't have to hurt Mary even more than she already had.


And no matter how hard she tried to justify it in her brain, she couldn't. She could only think of the past. Of when Rosalie tore innocent Delilah's heart in two, just like Delilah was doing to innocent Mary now. There was no justifying that. There was nothing that could soothe the pain she was causing someone else, especially when she knew exactly how it felt.

Mary couldn't even speak. So Delilah did.

"As badly as I want there to be an us, Mary, there can't be. As badly as I want you to be her, you cannot be." It was cruel, it was torture. A part of Delilah felt like she deserved the perfect innocence that was Mary, but Mary didn't deserve the imperfect evil that Delilah was. "I think there was always going to be something that was standing in our way," She paused, she wanted to lighten the mood a little, "But no matter how big my heels are, we couldn't climb it." She wasn't sure if the next words were to comfort her, or Mary, "Maybe one day we'll meet again," She seemed to be saying maybe a lot, "Maybe we'll feel that same love that blinded us so badly before." She hoped they would, "But for now.... our candle isn't lit."

Mary could only muster one word, "Okay."

Delilah hummed, not her usual type of hum though, "Mary?" The girl hummed back, "I think I'll always love you." It was so wrong of her to say this, "And I think I'll always miss you," But she just couldn't help it, "But trust me when I say that I'm the villain, and the villain doesn't save the pretty girl." She didn't want to be the villain anymore. "The hero does, and I hope one day you find your hero." Delilah wished so badly that it could be her, "And I hope that I aren't the villain in your story anymore," She wasn't even sure she was making sense anymore, "I hope I'm the one that set you free to find the love you deserve."

Mary was too innocent for Delilah's world, for the entire world actually, "Thank you."

"For what?"

Her voice broke, "For loving me."

Delilah couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't say bye. So instead she hung up the phone, threw it as hard as she could at the wall and watched it smash into hundreds of pieces.

Jolie rushed in, worry etched into her features, but Delilah didn't care. She didn't care when Jolie's soft arms snaked around her body, and she didn't care when she whispered words of comfort.

"I want to cry," The brunettes voice was quieter than it had ever been, "Why can't I cry?" Delilah asked, but she knew the answer.

Crying would be too easy.

Delilah deserved the torture.

i was planning on kathryn coming back this chapter but i changed my mind and this just flowed out of me. kinda crappy ik, but i think a part of me tends to write from feelings?? idk

anyway, i had planned on mary being endgame ;( but this is a rosalie fanfic after all, and while i'm still undecided on the status of their relationship, and if they will even be civil in the end. i didn't want to lead mary on anymore

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