《the human (r.h)》fourty nine;moving to new york


Delilah, Mabel, Clelia and Jolie had all decided to rent an apartment in New York. At first they had looked around a few places in Toronto, but the sisters said none of the places really felt like home. So even though Brooklyn didn't really feel like home to Delilah, a part of her wanted to make them happy, hence why she suggested moving back to Brooklyn, the girls birth place.

"I recognise you from somewhere." Delilah was currently lying on the sofa, her feet up resting on the arm.

She had directed her comment towards Clelia, the girl smirking in return, "Maybe you've seen me in a few films."

At this Delilah pulled a face, "I don't watch porn."

The smirk instantly fell from Clelia's mouth, and then appeared on Mabel's. She always enjoyed people humbling Clelia. "I don't do porn." The blonde sat up straighter, "I'm an actual actress. Won an Oscar and everything."

Maybe that was where Delilah had seen her, on some picture online showing all the female Oscar winners through the years. She quite liked to look at those.

"So you were good at acting then?" As soon as she asked it Delilah knew that was a silly question, obviously Clelia was good at acting, otherwise she wouldn't have won an Oscar. "I mean it must have been hard for you when you had to stop."

In those moments, Clelia's face was the picture of sadness. Acting was the love of her life. She would never be able to get rid of the feeling that she felt when she woke up and knew there was no way she could act again.

"It was hard for the both of them." Jolie spoke for her sisters, "Mabel was a singer."

Shock was written on Delilah's face, "Really?"

"I wasn't a very famous one. I just sang the singing parts for actresses that couldn't sing. That's all."

It seemed they were a very talented family.

"What did you do Jolie? Please tell me you were a dancer, or a model, or something."

The girl smiled shyly, "Oh no," She moved her eyes to the table in front of her, "I was never blessed with any talents."

For a few seconds the brunette almost felt bad for asking.

"Well, do any of you have any gifts?" At least she could try to lift Jolie's spirits, hopefully it wouldn't just be her two sisters that had gifts, "You all know mine, but I don't know yours."

"We all have gifts. Despite what Jolie may say, all three of us are talented." Clelia paused and closed her eyes for a few seconds, "Who wants to go first?"

"I will," Mabel moved to sit on the chair near Delilah's, "Mine is the most boring after all."

At first Delilah was very confused, nothing was happening at all, Mabel was just sat looking at her. "Are you unsure, Delilah?" Weirdly Mabel's voice was louder than ever.


"Aren't you meant to be showing me your gift?"

Mabel raised a dark eyebrow, "Not very smart, are you?" It was quiet for a few seconds, "I thought you'd have realised straight away."

Then it clicked. Mabel's mouth wasn't moving. She was talking, but her mouth stayed completely still.

"You're a telepath?"

"Yeah I guess so. You can't communicate with me though, I can only speak to you. I can't read your thoughts or anything either. It's just handy to have when I want to tell my sisters something but I can't say it out loud."

Delilah found it almost comical. The quietest of the sister had the ability to talk the most. Although maybe she wasn't actually quiet, maybe she was just communicating silently.

"I think that's cool." Delilah turned to look at the other two sisters, "Who's next?"

"Me," Clelia rolled up her sleeves, "It's basic, but fun." Before Delilah could even blink, Clelia's hands were engulfed in fire. "You ever seen Fantastic Four? I'm like Chris Evans."

"Can you do that with your whole body?"

Clelia nodded, "Yeah, but I only do that on Halloween to scare the Trick-or-Treaters." Once she's finished speaking, Clelia stopped the fire in her hands, and just had the flame on one of her fingers, "Who needs matches to light a candle when you have me?"

"Cool." Delilah was starting to feel a little intimidated by the Bell sisters, she didn't realise they're gifts would be so....... powerful. "Jolie, what about you?"

"Oh, I don't know." Again, Jolie looked down, she hands fidgeting in front of her.

"Come on, Jolie. We love your gift." Clelia encouraged.

"Yeah, everyone loves your gift."

"I'm sure I'll love it too." Delilah tried to join in with the encouragement.

"Oh you will," Clelia smirked, "Everyone does."

"Well alright then."

Jolie closed her eyes, her chest starting to rise and fall heavily.

"You might want to stand up, Delilah."

For what seemed like the longest time nothing happened, until Delilah heard Jolie say 'hello' to her from behind, even though Jolie was right in front of her.

The brunette spun around, her eyes landing on someone who looked identical to Jolie. Then Delilah heard another 'hello', so she twisted 90 degrees, to find another Jolie. This went on until Delilah was drowned with hellos and surrounded by Jolie's.

Delilah had to admit, it was fucking scary.

"Okay, so you can clone yourself." She needed to calm herself down a little, "That's cool. None of them are evil right?"

"Scared, Lilah?" Jolie #4 asked.

"Think we're gonna hurt you, Lilah?" Jolie #6 asked. Or maybe that was Jolie #2.

"Why would you think that?"

Delilah's head was spinning. There were too many Jolie's around her. Too many threatening Jolie's. In truth, she did feel as though they were going to attack her. Especially when they started moving closer, and smiling wider. A classic sign of evil.


Thankfully, the real Jolie wasn't evil, and she had the power to stop it. Which is exactly what she did.

"I'm sorry about them, Lilah." Jolie stood twisting a ring around her finger. Her eyes swimming with regret, "They can be mean sometimes."

When Delilah had first met the sisters, she had wondered why the Volturi had control of them. Sure, they looked exactly like a human would, which must come in handy. However, they didn't seem like the best spies. But now it was obvious, the three were a powerhouse team.

"Why has Aro let you leave?" It didn't sound very much like Aro, it was only through slight manipulation that Delilah could leave, and even then he was slightly reluctant, "You three must be very useful, but never once did I see you in the castle, or hear anyone mention you. I would have thought he'd keep you all under lock and key."

"He probably wants to." Clelia laid back in her chair, "But we would never get involved in the stuff he wants. We don't want to kill people for crimes that shouldn't be crimes. Or enslave vampires just because he's threatened by their power."

"So why work for him then?"

The three sisters were quiet for a while, Delilah almost wondered if they hadn't heard her, until Jolie finally spoke up, "I made a mistake some time ago...... I actually made a few mistakes." The girl had a constant frown on her face today, "So we're repaying my debts."

It was obviously a sore subject, hence why Delilah decided against prying into the mistakes Jolie was referring to. "Do you think you've paid them off now?"

It was fair to say that Delilah had trust issues, and even though the girls had committed to a whole apartment with her, she was still unsure if they would stay committed to her.

"We don't think," Mabel's face hardened, "We know we have."

Although there weren't many other ways for the sisters to prove it to Delilah.

"What do you think you're gonna do?" Jolie moved out of the kitchen, and sat down next to Delilah who had recently moved back into her space. "About the Volturi and the Cullens, I mean."

The question was one that Delilah had been paying a lot of thought to, however she was no closer to finding an answer. She could argue that both groups used her: the Cullens wanted her and her contacts, meanwhile the Volturi wanted her gift. The latter had never disguised that though, Delilah knew that Jane and the other members of the Guard loved her, maybe Aro, Cauis and Felix quite liked her too, but they would not have given her the chance if she wasn't gifted. Meanwhile, (for some of the time) Delilah was under the impression that the Cullens loved her, and that one day they would want her back in their lives for no other reason but because she was family.

Delilah had decided that was one of her toxic traits. No matter how badly she felt she had been treated by the Cullens, and no matter how disappointed, used and unloved she felt, she would always imagine the loveliest family scenarios with them.

That was also what made Jolie's question hard to answer.

"I don't want to go against the Volturi," Part of her would always be loyal to them, "But I also don't want to go against the Cullens. Not because of Rosalie, or Bella, or anyone other than Renesmee. It would be wrong for me to stand there and pretend like she is an immortal child." She couldn't sentence a child to death because of how shitty her family was, could she?

"No one would blame you for going against the Cullens, Delilah." Clelia now sat up straight, "They were the worst to you."

Delilah shot the blonde a sad smile, "I think part of me will always see them as family."

Mabel sat down on the other side of Delilah, "But they aren't, not anymore."

"Way to rub salt into the wound, Mabes." At Delilah's words Mabel just shrunk back into the sofa with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Wounds heal, Lily." Lily, Delilah's heart stung a little, no one had called her Lily since Maya did.

"I just," She paused for a second, she had never felt so vulnerable, "I just don't have a family anymore."

Almost immediately Jolie's arm was slung around Delilah's waist and was pulling her into her side, "Don't be silly," Her voice was so sweet that it hurt, "Your part of our family now. There's no more Delilah Cullen, or Delilah Volturi, or even Delilah George if that makes you sad." Jolie squeezed a little tighter, "You're Delilah Bell now."

Sounds of agreement bubbled from the two other girls, both of them with smiles on their faces, which Delilah was rather surprised by.

However, the only thing she could really focus on, was how welcomed and loved she felt in that moment.

babes not being funny but i think delilah's finally found herself. i only wish i'd introduced the bell sisters earlier:(

anyways might publish the prologue for killer queen today? which is the jolie x emmett fan fic i'm working on if that takes anyone's fancy.

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