《the human (r.h)》fourty eight;fly on the wall


Delilah George was on an adventure (or at least that's what she was calling it). It made wondering through the world all by herself with no purpose sound a lot happier.

So far she had only made it to Canada. Not exactly the trip she was expecting.

Delilah liked to tell herself that she was in Canada because she didn't feel like flying yet, but the truth was that she physically felt like she shouldn't go too far. What if the Cullens rang her up and desperately needed her to come back? She could only be strong for so long.

That was why Delilah had picked up three hitchhikers. Something she wouldn't have done while human, but now she was a vampire she couldn't really see what could go wrong.

Besides, the three girls that sat in the car all seemed quite nice.

There was Clelia, who Delilah swore she had seen before, but couldn't place where. She was stunning, and for a while Delilah thought she had to be a vampire. But the lack of red or golden eyes, and usual physical traits of a vampire were all missing. So that couldn't be the case.

Then there was Mabel, the oldest of the girls who turned out to be sisters. She had very black hair, that she insisted was completely natural, but that couldn't be true. She was the quietest of the three, and Delilah's gay-dar was going off the second she got in the car.

And lastly there was Jolie, the youngest of the three girls and by far the sweetest. It was as if there weren't enough things about Delilah for her to compliment, she had even said that she was a great driver, something that couldn't be true.

"So," Delilah started after a few minutes of awkward silence, "Where are you guys headed again?"


"Up to you."

"Wherever you......" All of the girls spoke at the same time, however since Mabel's words were longer than her sisters, Delilah could hear her the best.

"Go on." Her foot pressed the accelerator a little more.


Rather abruptly, Delilah took her foot off the accelerator and pressed as hard as she could on the break. How could she be so stupid? Why would three girls be stood at the side of a random road, and why would they even want to be getting in Delilah's car? At first Delilah just thought it was a big coincidence that she was driving by, but obviously she was wrong.


"Who the fuck are you?"

Clelia leaned forward from the middle seat, therefore Delilah could kind of see her face, "Have you ever seen Mr and Mrs Smith?"

Delilah rolled her eyes, "Duh. I'm not an animal."

"So we're Jane, and you're John-"

"Why do you get to be Jane?"

Jolie leaned her head on the back of Mabel's chair, who was in the passenger seat, "You can be Jane if you want." To which Clelia shot her a glare and Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Okay." Delilah shrugged, waiting for one of them to continue.

"It doesn't matter who's Jane.... what I'm trying to say is, we're spies and you don't know it."

Now if you had told Delilah a few years ago that vampires were real then she'd have called a doctor for you. But now she knew they were real. However, something she couldn't believe was that there were spies sat in the car with her. That was just unbelievable.


"Oh, here we go."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." Mabel again, rolled her eyes, "Just that now you're gonna call bullshit, like you just have. And then we're gonna say it's not, you're gonna say it is. Then we'll have to make up some other stupid reason as to why we're with you, you won't believe it, then we'll just carry on going back and forth."

Maybe Mabel was right, but Delilah would never admit that. "Actually I meant bullshit that you're spies. For one spies don't tell the person that they're spying on them, presuming it's me that you're spying on. And two real spies wouldn't describe themselves as Jane from Mr and Mrs Smith."

"We're vampire spies, Delilah. Not MI5." As if there was such a difference.

"You aren't vampires."

"Actually we are." A sweet smile was on Jolie's lips, why wasn't she bothered by this conversation?

"No you aren't."

Clelia had a smirk on her lips, "Well if Miss Delilah George says we aren't then looks like we aren't."

That was when something changed for Delilah, she hadn't told them her second name. "So, hypothetically, if you were vampire spies, why are you spying on me and why don't you look like vampires?"


"We work for the Volturi."

"Some witches."

"Do you know witches actually exist?"

For some reason, Delilah focused on Jolie's question, rather than what Mabel and Clelia had said. "They actually exist?"

"Yep, but there's not many of them around anymore. Did you know that-"

Before Jolie could finish her question, she was interrupted by Mabel, "The Volturi want us to spy on you."

This wasn't exactly a shock. She had practically abandoned the Volturi, the same people she used to call family, and had been off galavanting with the enemy. Although she had now abandoned them too.

"Why?" Delilah wasn't with the Cullens anymore, so it was a bit of a random time do to surveillance on her.

Mabel shrugged her shoulders but answered anyway, "You're unpredictable. I mean, one minute you're with the Cullens-"

"-then you're not." Clelia interjected.

"Then you're with the Volturi-" Jolie joined in.

"-then you're not."

Now it was back to Mabel, "Then you just jump from person to person, or group to group. But for some reason you always circle back to the Cullens. It's like you can't get away from them."

Mabel wasn't wrong, but she wasn't exactly right. She could get away from them, she'd just left them now. And she wasn't yet thinking about going back, "How long have you been following me?" Delilah didn't care to correct her.

"Since you left Italy."

Jolie picked up a piece of Delilah's hair and started twisting it, "Sorry about Rosalie by the way, the things she said were out of order."

Delilah snatched her hair out of Jolie's hands, "Yeah."

Clelia shot Delilah a glare for being so aggressive with Jolie, "You have anger issues."

"I have anger issues? You've literally been stalking me."

"One) Not stalking, working. Two) I mean when you were arguing with them."

Delilah didn't have anger issues, she just got annoyed easily. And anyway, her anger was justified.

"I'd like you all to leave."


The brunette scoffed, "Why? You're literally fucking stalking me and reporting it all back to Aro."

Jolie sighed, a sorry look on her face, "No we aren't." For a brief second, she reminded Delilah of Luna Lovegood.

"We haven't told Aro anything."

Now this was even more confusing than before, and Clelia could see that the wheels weren't turning in Delilah's mind, "We saw the child. She's not an immortal child. And believe it or not, we don't believe in the persecution of innocent people."

Delilah would hardly call the Cullens innocent.

"We want to see what you're gonna do, Delilah." Jolie picked up the piece of hair again, "I quite like you. We all quite like you. So if you think the Cullens deserve to be punished by the Volturi then we're with you. But if you want to go against the Volturi then we'll stand with you."

"Why go against the people you work for?"

Mabel smiled, the first time it looked like a real one, "We've been under their control for far too long. It's time that ended."

"So we're with you."

Delilah George wanted to smile. She wanted to cry and thank the Bell sisters a million times, because for the first time in a long time, she didn't feel alone. She had people who finally understood her, who didn't judge her even when they knew they whole truth. And she wasn't sure why, but she wholeheartedly believed they would never turn against her like everybody else would.

Maybe this time, Delilah had actually found her real family.

hi i'm finding it hard to write because i'm just sad rn. breaks r the worst : p

jolie is my main oc in an emmett cullen book i'm working on. i was just struggling a lot with what to write and had deleted it so many times until i finally realised i could just write the Bell sisters into it. so here we are. lmk if u want me to post it ig

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