《the human (r.h)》thirty one;fancy


"What happened to me?" Delilah repeated, her eyebrows raised as she stared into the golden eyes, she needed to think about how to play this. She could explode, let all of the Cullens know exactly how she felt, or she could be a bit nasty, aim for their weak spots and make them feel bad. Or she could give them nothing, but where would the fun be in that? "Wouldn't you like to know?"

As soon as the words left Delilah's lips, a look of realisation fell upon Rosalie's face; she was referencing one of the first conversations they had, all that time ago when Edward went missing for a few weeks and Delilah took it upon herself to find out where he'd gone.

"I would actually, Lilah, that's why I asked."

It amazed Delilah how well Rosalie could remember the conversation, mainly because she clearly forgot everything she'd put Delilah through. If she had that great a memory, surely she'd remember how her actions caused Delilah to be stood in front of them now.

It seemed that Olivia Cullen remembered the conversation too, after all, it was the first time she had ever spoken to Delilah. "How about a deal?"

The words of the brunette caused Delilah's eyebrows to drop and her lips to thin into a line, "I don't do deals anymore."

She was sick of deals, especially ones that involved the Cullens. Realistically it was a deal that got her here in the first place. If Alice Cullen hadn't approached Delilah and asked her to befriend Bella, then surely she would still be living her perfect human life with her perfect human family. Of course the problem with that logic was that Delilah would still have had to speak to Isabella at least once because of her parents, but that was different to befriending her. That was just getting to know her.

"What changed?" Olivia shot back, her eyes glazing over her sister before looking back to Delilah. There was only one reason she'd joined the conversation, and it was to stop Rosalie getting hurt over the situation- even though that was inevitable.


Delilah rolled her eyes, it was her way of stalling, because she wasn't sure what to say. What had changed? Well, she'd gone from being human to now drinking humans dry. So there was that. But that wasn't what stopped her from making a deal, it was the Cullens that stopped her making a deal. The hatred she felt for them to be more specific. So maybe, for once, she should be honest to them instead of trying to hurt trying to hurt them?

"My love for your sister." Maybe that was a lie, she would always try to hurt them. And a part of her still did love Rosalie, so it was a double lie. "And my love for the rest of your little cult you like to call a family." Not that Delilah had much room to talk about cults when she was almost a member of the Volturi, however she never claimed that she wasn't hypocritical.

Anyway, now it was a triple lie.

"How dare you?" Olivia seethed, she couldn't believe the words that came from the former human.

This is what caused the smirk to regrow on Delilah's lips, if there was anything she loved more than a bit of manipulation, it was a reaction. The Cullen family knew that all too well, but Olivia was too sensitive to let it slide.

"What?" Delilah widened her eyes, giving the impression of innocence, "How dare I tell the truth?" Thankfully Edward couldn't read Delilah's mind at that moment in time, otherwise it would be clear that she wasn't telling the truth.

"That's not the truth and you know it."

The red eyes of Delilah briefly flicked to the blonde next to her, cautious that the Volturi guards weren't happy with her actions. Delilah wasn't scared of anyone, but Jane set her nerves ticking a bit sometimes. "Is it not? Because from where I'm standing, I think it is."

It was time for Delilah to quickly have a little experiment.

Since she had her powers of manipulation, she was almost positive that she could let Edward into her thoughts and just manipulate what he sees. If she could keep him out, surely she could do other things too. But if not then, she was rather screwed.


It was a risky thing to do.

But it was something she had to try.

So Delilah moved her eyes to Edward, hoping he would catch on to what she wanted to do. Thankfully she could feel him slipping in as she pulled the barrier away. Of course she wasn't showing Edward anything that was real. It was all just made up, but if she did it right then he wouldn't know the difference.

As soon as Edward's eyes shot to Delilah, she knew that she was doing it right. He could see the thoughts she was projecting to him. The humans sweaty body pressed up against Delilah's cold one, lips locking as they moved together to the beat of the music. Edward didn't think it could get any worse until he saw the horror of Delilah's teeth sinking into the pale skin of the blonde girl she was dancing with. Blood spilled out from the mark as the brunette pulled her face away, eyes rolling back as she raised her arm to move to the music. Edward was disgusted as Delilah pressed her lips that were covered in blood back against the human, before moving back to drinking from her neck.

Even though it was a completely made up vision, Delilah had to admit that she felt something inside her tingle at the sight of it. She didn't realise this was something she craved to do.

"You're disgusting." Edward spat once Delilah had closed her mind off to him again, he couldn't believe he used to consider this girl family.

The brunette pouted her lips out at Edward, a look of hurt falling on her face, "Disgustingly attractive? I know."

The Volturi Guard had grown tired of Delilah's game, only because they could not see the stuff Delilah had projected onto Edward. Which had taken the fun out of the little banter they had. And as Jane stepped forward, Delilah knew it was time for her to stop. While the vampires may be her friends, it didn't mean that they wouldn't hesitate to put Delilah in her place.

"I have never seen a Coven of this size, survive an army of this magnitude."

Delilah tuned out of the conversation at this point. Her fun was over, there was no point in her paying anymore attention. She couldn't bring herself to care about the fight that had taken place here, maybe if Bella was missing an arm, or a leg then she'd be more interested.

Her attention was only regained when she heard the unfamiliar screaming of a girl.

As soon as Delilah caught sight of the small body of Bree Tanner, she felt a pang of sadness from somewhere deep inside. The girl only looked young, and part of Delilah felt some sort of familiarity with her. They both had so much life left to live, and now it had been taken away. Although the situation was slightly worse for Bree, as she had her life taken away from her once, only to have her second chance to be taken away from her.

The life that Delilah could of had was a painful thought. There was no doubt in her mind that she would have been successful. She had everything. Pretty privilege. Rich privilege. And best of all, white privilege.

Delilah hated the Cullens so much for taking away what could of been.

And as she watched the body of Bree Tanner go up in flames, she couldn't help but wish it were one of them.

i hate this chapter sm. i just started writing it and wasn't sure where to go so just ended with this. i promise it'll get better and more interesting!

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