《the human (r.h)》thirty;without me


"How long does it take to rip a few vampires heads off? This is pathetic."

Delilah George was bored. She wanted to be stood in a snow covered field, smirking at the shocked faces of golden eyed vampires. But instead, she was stood amongst snow covered trees, looking at bored faces of red eyed vampires.

"We could of had it done quicker." Demetri agreed, while Delilah had been with them, they'd been training her. And it was fair to say that she was a fairly good fighter. So there was no doubt that she could of given the Cullens a run for their money.

"What do you think they're gonna do?" For the first time in months there was a smile on Delilah's lips, "Do you think Bella will cry?" A few giggles left Delilah's body, "That's if she's not dead of course.....maybe Rosalie will scream, I hope she screams. God, I want it to be so dramatic. I mean, I'm literally returning from the dead. What is more shocking than that?"

"They're not going to let her die." Jane had the same expressionless look on her face, "She's far too precious to them."

The brunette flung her arms about, "Well they let me die."

Alec quirked an eyebrow as he muttered under his breath, "Still talking about that?"

All of the vampires heard him, however Demetri decided to divert Delilah's attention, "Clearly you weren't precious enough, hm?"

A scoff fell from Delilah's lips at the smirking face of the vampire, "How can I not be precious enough? Have you seen me?"

A smirk now fell onto Felix's lips, "You sound insecure."

A laugh so loud that a few birds flew from trees fell from Delilah's lips, "Insecure, how could I ever be insecure? I was the prom queen of a prom I didn't even attend. All of those girls were jealous of me, it was pathetic. And the boys still wanted me, even though for the majority of my human life I was a raging lesbian."

"And what about Reece?"

The brunette rolled her eyes, "What will it take to shut you up about that boy? Because if I have to kill him, I will." Reece was a touchy subject for Delilah, she hadn't even meant to tell any of the Guard about it, but it had just slipped out. It was when the boys were making fun of Delilah for being so into Rosalie when she was human, so Delilah just blurted out that she had actually fancied boys before.

Which started the vampires on the whole topic of sexuality. Jane didn't exactly understand that there was a sexual orientation other than straight, it took Delilah a few days of explaining for Jane to fully understand. But once she did, the blonde was quick to assure Delilah that she thought it was cool that this was a thing now. She even went as far to say that maybe she would have explored if she wasn't born all that time ago.


In fact, none of the vampires were rude about Delilah. They all thought it was good that Delilah was able to be happy- although none of them would ever admit that, Felix and Demetri had taken on the roles of older brothers, and so there was no way they'd say something that nice to Delilah. It was far better to make jokes about it. Even though deep down, Delilah knew that they all supported her.

"Kill him then."

Delilah shot a glare towards Demetri, "Fine. I know where he lives. Guess we'll just have to take a little detour."

"No we won't." Jane spoke up, she had been closely watching the conversation, as she always does. And even though it amused her, she knew there was a job that needed to be done and there could be no distractions.

Demetri almost went to whine, he wanted to have a little fun while he was here. Otherwise what was the point? However, before he could complain, Delilah was raising her brows and poking her tongue out at him. This caused the mans brows to pull together in a scowl, "Jane, look at her."

The red eyes moved from Demetri, to Delilah and back, "I am not your mother, Demetri. I do not care."

The words of Delilah's new favourite vampire caused a smirk to form on her lips. Jane always seemed to take Delilah's side, maybe it was because she was the only girl friend she had.

"Then why do you have favourites?" Demetri shot back.

"Oh Demetri, jealousy is an awful colour on you."

The older vampire went to charge at Delilah, he only wanted a small fight with her. Nothing that would hurt the two too badly, it was what they always did. Isn't that what siblings do? None of these vampires were quite sure, not even Jane and Alec.

"Stop." The quietest member of the guard spoke up, raising a hand towards the growling Demetri, "It is time."

As soon as the words fell from Alec's lips, Delilah started to smile, quite possibly the biggest smile in years. She was going to see them, her red eyes would meet their golden ones that would be filled with despair.

Delilah only hoped that they will have suffered a fatality. Which probably wasn't the nicest thing to hope for.

"Oh I can't wait." Delilah shook her arms about, and attempted to crack her neck, "Wouldn't it be funny if someone had a heart attack in shock?"

A small smile pulled at the lips of Jane, something that only happened around Delilah or when she was using her gift, "Yes, very funny." The blonde wouldn't find it funny, but she said it just to please Delilah.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." Delilah moved towards Jane, the girl easily being her favourite out of all the Guard. The brunette had always been drawn to girls more than boys, of course she got along just fine with them. However, the friendship she had with the opposite sex was never like the ones with the same. They didn't connect on the same level, they couldn't relate as much.


"You will let go when we get there."

Delilah looked down at her and Jane's now intwined arms, before a rolling her eyes with a large smile, "Yeah, yeah."

The group all set off. Alec with a slight snarl on his face, there were only two things on earth he hated; humans, and the Cullens, and unfortunately he was going to be around both. Jane had gone back to her same expressionless face, the girl was sick of Isabella Swan and the vampires already. Felix and Demetri both had a smirk on their face, they wanted nothing more than to get the Cullens into some more trouble with the Volturi. Meanwhile, Delilah still had a large smile on her face, it never faltered as she walked with a skip in her step.

"Ugh, I'm so excited!" Delilah squeezed Jane's arm, before letting go and moving to stand more central. She needed all eyes to be on her, "Do you think Bella will cry? I hope she does."

None of the other members replied to her, they were far too busy getting into their zone than to entertain Delilah.

So once the brunette realised this, she too decided that she should probably get into the zone. While it was all fun and games talking about seeing them, the actual event of seeing them was quite serious.

These were the people that Delilah blamed for ruining her life. She believed they took everything from her.

She used to have perfect grades. She was pretty. She was popular and rich. She never had any worries. The girl had everything going for her. Everything was perfect. She had so much potential, she could have been so successful. She could have achieved all of her dreams.

But now she couldn't do that. Because they took it from her.

They took everything from her. And she wanted to take everything from them.

Delilah's red eyes moved around the snow covered field, taking note of all the lifeless bodies that scattered around. She had to admit that she was impressed, though she knew the Cullens would come out victorious.

For a second, the girl was scared to look at where the family stood together. She could feel all of the old feelings bubble up in her, she felt like she was the same girl who was deeply in love with Rosalie Hale, and would of done anything for Isabella Swan. Thankfully those feelings only lasted until she set her eyes on them, then all those emotions melted away and just left anger. Delilah George wasn't that girl anymore.

That girl was dead.

A gasp sounded from Isabella Swan as she looked upon Delilah George. At first she thought her mind was playing sick games on her, maybe she had lost more blood than she thought earlier. But once she took in the black heels that matched perfectly with the leather jacket the brunette wore, she knew this was her best friend.


The vampire slowly moved to look at the human who she loved so much. A smirk appearing on her pink lips, "Isn't this sweet?" Bella pulled Edward closer to her as she heard her friend speak, she sounded nothing like the girl she used to know, "Romeo and Juliet are reunited."

Edward swam through Delilah's mind, the girl could feel him doing so and quickly put a stop to any attempt he could make to shift through most of her thoughts. This caused Edward to meet her eyes, a look of sorrow falling upon his face, "Delilah, I-"

"-you look like shit." Delilah deflected before Edward could say anything that she didn't want to hear. She didn't want an apology from him, she didn't want an apology from any of them. It wouldn't make up for anything they'd done. The only thing that would make her feel better, would be if they were to suffer. Delilah moved her hand around as a fake smile fell upon her face, "You all look like shit."

None of the Cullens cracked a smile at Delilah's words, none of the Guards did either, apart from Demetri who tried to conceal his smirk, the man was rather surprised that Delilah hadn't kicked off yet. He was expecting her to explode.

Although it was an inevitable event, there was no way that Delilah could control her anger, it was never something that she could do well.

And once Delilah met the heartbroken eyes of the blonde she once loved so much. She couldn't help but let her emotions bubble over. It was too much for her. She wished she couldn't remember her. Delilah was sure this girl was one of the reasons her life was ruined, but as she looked at her, she wanted nothing more than to forgive her for everything.

"Ly." The blonde whispered as all eyes focused on the former couple. For a brief second Delilah's eyes softened, "What happened to you?" But that was only a very brief second.

i rlly like this chapter?? and i rlly rlly like delilah and the volturi. she's just living her best life atm and i love that for my baby. i also have big plans for breaking dawn, so prepare to be shocked i guess.

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