《She's their life》Chapter 6


See the clip, will show you how Emily prepares lunch for her kids.

So different story it is!

Thank you for your comments. Keep commenting like that.

Don't want to be disheartened.☺️☺️



We enter the house and I gasp again at the interior or design or whatever.

Walking further

Upstairs have corridors like

(Back to the story)

We enter the living room and see 16 men standing there in a line.

My heart starts to beat very fast, I'm very nervous, there gazes are on me only but I keep my head down.

I hear gasps and whispers.

"Boys meet your sister" Dad says keeping his shoulder on mine.

Suddenly I have been pushed into a chest and many hands are wrapped around my body. I feel very difficult to breath.

My body is sandwiched between many bodies.

"Let her breath" I hear Marco's voice and then I'm released from the death grips on me.

I then take a deep breath.

"Guys, come on introduce ourselves." A man says.

"Hi, baby I'm Aaron, I'm 28 years old" Aaron says smiling and then hugs me. I hug him back.

I close my eyes to feel his warmth. He drops a kiss on my forehead and then back away.

"Hi darling, I'm Aaron's twin Aiden" Aiden says giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I will be having a great difficulty in identifying them.

"Hi, I'm Andrew and I'm 26 years old" he says hugging me for a very long time.

"Step aside twin" a man says looking as him.

Oh god not again.

"Hi I'm Anthony" he says hugging me and kissing my whole face.

"Hi, scoothie, I'm Caleb and I'm 25 years old" he says smiling at me. I smile back.

"I'm Dylan, 23 years old" he says nodding at me, his expressions cold.

Did u slept on ice?

"I'm Ethan, 21" Ethan says kissing my hand lovingly. I smile.

All my brother's have some kind of Charm in them and god they all look very handsome except Monday, no doubt I had a crush on my cousin.

Can I still have a crush?

I don't think so.

"I'm 20 years old and people call me Gabriel" Gabriel says and few people roll their eyes. I smile at him.

"I'm Henry, 19"

"Jaxon. 18"

"Jadon, 18"

"Levi, 17" he smiles.

"Lincoln, 16".

"Oliver, 15"

"Sameul, 14"

"Jason 14"

They all speak so fast, I get lost for a minute.

Jayden is just glaring at me.

Did I murdered his cat?

I grin at all of them.

"Hi, my lovely and cute brothers, I'm Mona, I'm sure you know me. I'm very excited to know you all and live with you" I say sweetly.

They a smile at me but Marco has a expressionless face.

"So I do have 18 brothers" I whisper but somehow everyone hears it and chuckles a bit.

"Ok, you must be tired, let me show you your room. As you know there are lots of people living here, so you have to share it with Monday" Caleb says.


I nod smiling. I don't have any problem. For years I used to sleep in the cold embrace and now I will get a warm embrace.

As we move upstairs I admire the house. It's soooo beautiful.

I hope I don't get lost in it.

Our room is on the second floor, by the time we reach I'm panting.

God, it so tough to climb and walk.

I gasp once I see my room.

The room is divided into two, pink and blue (me and Monday)


I gasp seeing my bed.

I quickly run toward my bed and start to jump on it.

Caleb and Monday laugh.

"This. Is. Amazingggggg" I say while bouncing.

I quickly jump out and walk into my closet. Which I never knew can be sooo big.

I shout.

Common for both.

I then run toward the bathroom.

This room is like a dream come true.

I run and hug Caleb and Monday.

"The room is awesome. Thank you."

"No, need to thank us, dear."

"Now, you rest" Monday says.

Yeah, it's almost night now.

Then everyone comes into our room.

Jeez, this will be too small for 20 people to fit too.

"Let's get you to bed"dad says taking me to my bed and tucking me in.

The soft mattress gives me sudden urge to sleep to my eyes.

Dad kisses my forehead.

I have always wanted this moment.

"Good night dad" I say.

"Good night baby, welcome home" he says. Then one by one everyone kisses me. Except for Jayden.

I roll my eyes at him. I will talk to him tomorrow.

I close my eyes.

Somewhere I know that now I have a very loving family, I'm too afraid to let it go now.


I feel heavy weight on my body.

Not able to breath.

I open my eyes and see that Jaxon and Anthony or maybe Andrew are on either side of me, hugging me.

Can't a girl, sleep.

I try to wiggle out of their arms, but they have deadliest grip on me. Then I got an idea.

I go near their ear and scream.


They both quickly jerk, due to which they both fall out of bed.

Due to shouting, Monday wakes up.

I laugh, hard.

"Are you crazy?" Jaxon asks, his hand on his heart.

"You both were not waking up, I wanted to go out" I pout.

All three awe at me.

"Now go, shoo" I scram both of them out, not before kissing their forehead.

I go and hug Monday tight.

First day with family.

"Good morning Monday" I say.

"Good morning, love".

First he goes to washroom to fresh up and then me.

When I come out, I wear my clothes.

Its comfy. But I do plan on stealing my each and every brothers hoodies.

I sigh and see that Mr. Penis is not on my bed. I started to search for him everywhere.

I panic a little. He's special to me.


Maybe I left him downstairs.

The whole way down, I search for my soft toy, but no luck.

When I reach downstairs, I see everyone are on dining table, waiting for breakfast.

"Good morning, everyone" I say cheerfully.

"Good morning." They say.

"Have you seen my penis."

As soon as I say the words. Samuel who was drinking water, chokes it out and all his water falls on Gabriel's face who is watching me with wide eyes.

Everyone is seeing me like I have spoken alien.

"Your what?" Lincoln asks shocked.

"My penis, have you seen it" I ask again, searching for it here and there.

"I never thought girls had any" Dylan says watching something down.

"Oh no, it's her soft toy named Mr. Penis" Monday says coming to the table.

Everyone relaxes a bit.

"Why is it named, Penis?" Marco asks.

"Because it looks like that and someone from orphanage, named it" I say.

"Do you know it's meaning?" Dad asks, still shocked.

Why are they all shocked.

"No, I don't know the meaning but I like the sound".

They all make an horrifying expression.

"It's in my room, dear" mom say coming to the table with servants behind her breakfast.

"But why penis?" Levi asks who was very quiet till now.

"Shush Levi, leave it." Mom says dismissing her, after that no one said anything, but with there horrifying expressions I can see that they are still thinking about it.

We all sit down and I gape at the food.




Juices and shakes



And so many things.

It's what I eat in my whole year.

I take small pieces of everything. I have my diet, it's not like I eat less. I eat like an elephant. But for now I'm not that much hungry.

"Mona, everyone has brought you house welcoming gifts, after breakfast we all will sit together and will give it to you" mom say nervously.

Why are they nervous about it.

"Sure" I say jumping on my seat and everyone chuckles at me except one.

I have to talk to him.

After breakfast now we all are sitting here.

I'm super excited. I hope they have brought good things.

First Marco gives me a pendent.

It was a heart pendent.

"Whenever you wear it, just remember me and my love" he says, his face expressionless but eyes are filled with emotions, I hug him tight.

"Thank you", I whisper.

The first pair of Twins gives me a while bunch of school stuff.

I thank them.

Next was Caleb.

As I open his gift, my eyes widen in horror.

"I want you to wear this like a proud sister".


"People should know that I love you and by wearing this, they will get to know that I love you very much. You can wear it and show it to everyone".


"If you don't like it---

"You brought me a lingerie!!" I cut him off.

"W--what!!" He chokes at I show it to everyone.

Everyone is now gaping at the thing and then at Caleb who has somehow freezed.

"I swear, I brought a sweatshirt for her..t--this" he stammers.

Dad then slowly takes the thing from my hand, mom's cheeks are little pink.

"I brought this for your mother" dad says, now everyone is silent as is looking at mom and dad.

After 2 minutes of silence

"You are not planning to have your 20th child, are you?" Anthony asks.

Dad shakes his head.

"No, you know mom had you surgery for that, we now can't produce more kids, but I brought this for fun" dad says shrugging.

And then I hear many groans and hufs

"Can I sleep with you today?", Marco asks to Ethan.

"Sure" Ethan says.

After ignoring it. Finally Caleb gives me the sweatshirt for which I thank him.

After taking gifts, it was Henry's turn.

"I don't know what is this, but the shopkeeper said it is very useful to girls, so hear it is." He says giving me a packet.

I don't know what is this? I have seen many girls with this in their hand but I never knew that is this.

"You brought her tampons" mom says a bit loud.

Henry's mouth falls open.

I still don't know what is this.

"But the shopkeeper said, it is very healthy for girls, I never thou---" he stills.

"That's what happens when you have boys everywhere" Jaxon says.

"Thank you for this" I say to him for the thing.

Next was Jaxon. I look at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Sorry I didn't brought anything" he says raising his hands in surrender.

I look at him.

"Don't worry, I don't need anything from you, except for one thing" I say going near to him and then kiss him on his cheek.

He gapes at me.

"You kissed me!" He exclaims.

"Yes, this is the least thing you can do the way you are behaving with me"

Everyone is now glaring at him.

"Jaxon, after this, my office.", Dad says and he nods.

Next was Levi.

He gives me a photo frame type thing, which is wrapped.

I open the wrapper and see that it is his photo.

I look up at him in confusion.

"Keep this in your room, and think that how handsome brother you have got" he says raising his imaginary collars.

The younger ones pat his back hard, for his foolishness.

But I liked it. I thank him anyway.

Last was mom and dad.

They are smiling softly at me.

"Come with us", mom says holding my hand. I take it. We walk to an door, dad open it.

And I gasp when I see a wall full of baby pictures. I look at dad in confusion.

"It's you" he says softly.

The wall full of baby pictures is of me!


Quick question

Do you want to see Covid edition. I mean where they all stay at home?

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