《She's their life》Chapter 1


A woman is standing in front of a wall that is full of baby pictures. She's tracing the pictures, with tears filling her eyes. The pain, separation are coming out through tears. If not stopped her heart will burst. She loved that baby unconditionally for 9 months, waited for the moment to see the baby, to feel her, and to love her. She had her time but only limited. Wanted to experience things through that baby's eyes. Her baby was taken away from her, she wanted to beg, cry and shout but it's of no use.

Her arms are wide open like the baby will come out of the pictures into her arms, into a mother's warmth, she's begging for her daughter to come back. The woman is Emily.

"My baby, where are you? Please come back to me. Just stop this hide and seek game, I'm tired now. Just come back" Emily says crying. A strong woman crumbling down only for her daughter.

A hand comes to her shoulder, she looks up and sees her husband giving her comfort and strength with tears in his eyes. The cold-hearted ex-capo is now crying, all his hard work of finding her is now a waste. He is seeing his family fall.

He is giving his wife strength, but what is the point when he has no strength left.

"We'll find her, amore, don't worry," he says giving himself and her assurance.

"But when, it's been 12 years, deco when you'll bring her?" she says all her strength which was left now shattering.

"Soon love, soon," he says side hugging her. Both seeing the photos.

A man listens to their conversation, his face has no expression but his eyes are slight with tears, remembering her sister when he first took her in his arms. His big finger, tightly wrapped around her small hand.

"Come back soon, baby," he says looking at his parents.

Little they knew that their years of begging and prays will now be answered.

Why do I have to do this every time? My body is sore and my legs are paining due to running and standing for so long.


I sell hot dogs and sausages. Yes. I have a small food truck, where I drive and sell those things. I live in an orphanage, that orphanage has rules.

Rule 1. Children from age 12 have to bring money to the orphanage.

Rule 2. Sleep time is 9

Rule 3. Television only once a week.

Rule 4. When turn 17, you have to live on your own.

Rule 5. The orphanage will not be responsible for any of your actions from age 12 to 18.

This orphanage is very poor. So they're very strict on children. My call time is 7 in the morning and I finish by 7 in the night. By the time I give out, I'm so tired that I don't have the energy to do anything. Although I don't drive this truck. A guy of age 17 Drive this, that's his only duty to drive and he takes half of the money I make. I don't complain though as without him driving, I will not be able to reach anywhere.

Sometimes we sell these into a match stadium, to have more money.

(The orphanage)

People here are good but the condition of the place is not very good. My only aim is to give all the children a better lifestyle in the orphanage. They are my family.

Sometimes I do wonder if I do have a real family?

If they left me here or they died?

I don't even have a surname.

If I would have been with my family, would they have loved me?

These thoughts vanish when I see a customer coming.

"Hello, what can I get you"? I ask him.

"A hot dog with extra cheese please," he says. I nod and back to my work.

Sometimes I think I don't care if I don't have a family, sometimes I think I do care. Warm hugs of warm and dad. Annoying my brother, if I ever had any. And playing with my grandparents.

Selling hot dogs is not my destiny, I know that. I want to do something big. I want to leave my print. I'm not an orphan for nothing. I want people to know that even if we don't have any family, we are worth living.


I give the hot dog to the guy, he gives me money, say thanks to me, and leaves. This was the last customer.

Then I pack everything and leave towards our home. Home? Will I ever feel the feeling of being home?

My thoughts are disturbed when the truck stops abruptly and I slide forward.

Why do the drives want to die from my hands?

I step out and see the driver fighting with a man twice his size.

"Watch where you are going kid," the man says, in his heavy and husky voice.

I think I have a new crush.

My driver hesitates but I come to his rescue, not because of him but I wanted to talk to the guy. He's very handsome.

I'm 12 I'm a growing girl, crushes at my age are normal.

"I'm sorry sir, we'll be careful," I say softly. The man's eyes widen. His open.

"Holy shit, I-is it you?" He asks.

I make a confused face. Maybe he saw my beautiful face and was blown by it?

Maybe he saw his wife in me?

You're going too far?

"It's you, Mona," he says and hugs me.

What? Am I the reincarnation of his lover or something?

He then kisses my forehead and my eyes widen.

Whoo! This is going too far.

"I'm sorry sir, but please don't touch me," I say and he immediately steps back. His eyes are showing different emotions.

"It's me baby, Leo, your li-li," he says and I give him a confused look.

I am a reincarnation now for sure.

"I'm sorry sir, you must be mistaken. Yes, I'm Mona, but I don't know you. You must have eaten one of our snacks from our fold truck." I say.

"We are sorry, but we need to go, Mona," the driver says. And I nod. I give the man one last look and then walk away.

Hasta La vista darling!

We both sit in our truck and proceed.

Life can be unpredictable, I'm here to check the supplements which will go to Italy. We are in the mafia. Technically we are mafia. Our family is cold-hearted and cruel to the outside world. But for our family, we are soft and loving. Fate took one special thing from us. Our baby, my doll.

I hope we find her soon.

"Make sure the guns are not loaded and should be dismantled," I say in my Bluetooth-connected phone.

"On it, boss" one of my man says. And I hang up. I look up to see a small fold truck coming towards my car. I put my foot on the brake harshly.

Anger courses through my system.

People don't know how to even drive here. I get out of my car and see a kid was driving the truck.

"Watch where you are going kid," I say to the kid and he shrinks a little. Suddenly a soft voice comes to my ears. I see her and my eyes widen.

It's her!

I see that face every day. It's similar to Monday.

That means she is


I hug her right. A sense of comfort and warmth fills my heart.

I've finally found her.

I'll never let you go my doll.

She doesn't recognize me, my eyes show the hurt. But she doesn't see it. She quickly walks away not before seeing me.

I sit in my car and follow their truck.

I can't believe she's here.

Who is that guy she is with? Is he her boyfriend? Or the one who kidnapped her?

When the truck stops at an building which almost looks like an abandoned one.

It's an orphanage.


She must have suffered so much. My baby tooth. But now you'll be the princess and queen of our hearts.

I quickly dial marco's number.

"Hello" he responds.

"Marco..i found her" I say.


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And this update is for all those people who showered their love.

Thank you.

Laters, people.

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