《I See You》chapter 2: stalker


"I think I've got everything I need," I tell Riker, who's oblivious to what's happening.

I force myself to look away from Felix as I turn my camera off and tuck a fallen piece of hair behind my ear, rubbing my index finger over the 'x' and 'o' studs in my ear to avoid meeting his eyes again. In nervous habit, I move my fingers over the exposed part of my collar and run my thumb over the small silver bird pendant sewn into the chain around my neck.

"Yeah?" He asks and I nod as he walks us over to the staircase again, allowing me to climb down from his shoulders. "I'm gonna go catch up with Lena. I'll see you at home later?"

"Yeah," I bob my head and smile. "Thanks for your help, Rik."

"No problem," he nudges my shoulder before heading towards the football field to find the fiery redhead he calls his girlfriend.

I stand watching them for a second longer as I secure the lens cap to the front of my camera and move the strap from around my neck to my shoulder before heading for the corridor leading back into the school. As I walk, I pull my phone out of my pocket and search through my messages to find my group text with the girls.

Usually, I wait to find them and say goodbye in person before heading home, but today is different. I feel off with the whole mess of my parents' separation becoming public and the weird feeling left in my stomach after running into Felix.

Besides that, as I scroll through my messages I get a notification from the photo lab that my prints are ready for pick up. Coming to a stop in front of my locker, I start typing my message out to Isla and Robyn.

going home, babes


I thought you were coming out with us after?

Yeah! What the hell?

photos are in...sorrrry!

i'll see you both later

You suck

love you too

A small laugh falls from my lips as I tuck my phone back into my pocket and open my locker up. I carefully tuck my camera into its bag and sling the strap over my shoulder before picking my car keys out of the front pocket of my backpack and heading for the front door.

My head is up in the clouds as I make my way down the front steps and head for the student lot, looking from car to car before landing on my sleek navy blue SUV. My dad got it for me when I turned the ripe age of sixteen and got my license. I've been obsessing over this car since I was thirteen and nearly bursted into tears when he pulled me outside the morning of my birthday to reveal the present with a big red bow on top.


Fumbling, I search my key ring for the right key to unlock the driver door when they slip from my fingers and tumble onto the pavement. A sigh leaves my lips as I bend down to pick them up, my fingers briefly brushing them when someone else picks them up for me.

"You always this clumsy?"

"You always follow people?" I question when I raise my eyes to meet Felix's eyes, extending my hand out for the keys he's holding hostage.

He grins and points to the black Jeep next to us. "I happened to be parked next to you."

"You're still a stalker." I extend my hand out. "Can I have my keys, please?"

"How about a key a question?"

"How about no?" I hum and step closer to him, prying the keys from his hands. "Goodbye, Felix."

"Goodbye, Stevie," he smiles and steps back as I unlock my door, setting my bags down in the passenger seat before climbing in. Felix stands witness as I put my keys in the ignition, and start the engine before backing out of my stall.

An hour later, after making a stop at the photo lab to pick up my prints and scouting the store for my next lens, I finally make it home to an empty house. Riker, nor Isaac back from school yet which doesn't surprise me. Riker is probably off somewhere with Lena and Isaac is likely off with his friends from the basketball team. Thankfully, that means I can tune out the rest of the world and get to work with putting my newest prints up on my photo wall.

When I get upstairs to my room, I set everything out on my bed and change from my jeans into a pair of black leggings and one of Greyson's old t-shirts that I cut the sleeves off of to turn into a loose fitting muscle shirt. Cueing my music up, I toss my phone onto my bed and turn my speaker up before examining the large wall my bed rests against – assessing the collage of photos I've taken over the years.

"Stevie! Stevie!" Isaac yells my name as he bursts into my room with Riker hot on his heels, interrupting me halfway into adding the photos to my wall. "I need your help."

"No, you don't! I'm right," Riker argues. "Who are you going to trust? The person that's been in a relationship for nearly three years or the person who's barely even kissed anyone."

"Hey! Spin the bottle counts," I frown as I turn on my step stool. "What do you need, Ike?"

"Mika asked me out and I need to look good," he explains, ignoring everything Riker said and walks up to me. "Is this shirt okay? How about my hair? What shoes should I wear?"


"Relax," I rest my hands on his shoulder as I step down from the stool. "You look great, Isaac and Mika likes you for you. Not what you wear."

"That's bullshit," Riker rolls his eyes as he lies down on my bed.

"Because you think Lena wanted to date you because of the shoes you were wearing?" I eye him suspiciously before turning back to Isaac. Reaching my hands up to adjust his collared shirt, I examine everything else along the way. "Hair," I say as I hold my hands up, him leaning down without hesitation to let me work my fingers through it, ruffling his slightly curled hair before smiling. "Okay, there you go."

"Thank you, Vee."

"You're welcome," I smile when the doorbell goes off. "Have fun on your date."

"I'll try," Isaac nods, clearly nervous.

He's had a crush on the same boy since the ninth grade and it wasn't until grade ten that they actually started talking. Mika is sweet, and one of Lena's best friends. The thought of them together makes my heart sing. Isaac had a hard time coming out, but now that he has - he's been more himself and I've loved every part of getting to know the real him.

"You don't need to be nervous, Ike," Riker sits up. "Mika likes you."

My lips curl up as I nod my head in agreement.

"You should probably think about getting the door though."

"Right," Isaac nods again before scrambling out of my room to get the door.

I reach for my bag, pulling my camera out before following after him, heading down the curved staircase into the front foyer to see him opening the door to the vibrant Mika. His hair always a new color and I admire the courage it takes to rock that look.

I'm naturally blonde like my mom, but I have gone a few shades lighter than the dark dirty blonde we were all given at birth. Aside from me, Greyson is the only one to venture into the spectrum of color. He went darker. A deep chocolate brown in grade ten and hasn't gone back since. It works on him though.

Much like the colors of the rainbow suit Mika. The color of his hair drawing attention to his light eyes and tan skin. Even I can admit he's gorgeous and is effortless in doing so. I don't blame Isaac for crushing on him as hard as he is.

"Hey guys," Mika smiles when he sees Riker and me on the stairs.

"Hey man," Riker walks around me, raising his hand to wave.

"Hi Mika," I smile as I step down the rest of the way, tugging on the hem of my shirt. "How have you been?"

"I'm good! How's the paper this year, head photographer?"

"Busy," I laugh and try to hide the grin forming on my face when Isaac quietly pushes him through the door, ignoring the two of us from any further conversation. "Have fun!"

"We will," Isaac shouts behind him as he shuts the door and I grin as I hurry into the living room, pushing the curtain back and poking my lens through the window. Setting up to take a few photos of the two of them, peeking into the viewfinder to line up the photo.

"What are you doing?" Riker asks as he walks up behind me, to watch me and what I'm doing.

"Shush," I wave him off as if Isaac and Mika can hear us.

"Vee, give them some privacy."

"They'll thank me later."

"Nope, no more snooping," he tells me and a sequel falls from my lips when he wraps his arm around my waist, picking me up off my feet and carrying me into the kitchen.

"That was mean."

"Isaac will thank me," he chuckles as he opens the fridge. "You know when mom's going to be home?"

"No," I admit, shaking my head as I set my camera down. "I think she's working late again."

"I'm going to call her and find out. You want pizza if she's going to be out late?" He asks as he picks his phone out of his back pocket.

"I never turn down pizza," I grin brightly as our doorbell rings for the second time tonight. "Are you expecting someone? Is Lena coming over or something?"

"We both know Lena wouldn't bother with the doorbell," he chuckles. "I'm actually expecting a project partner. Do you mind getting that for me? I'm going to give mom a call quickly."

"Yeah, sure," I nod before heading for the front door with a small smile on my face, adjusting my messy half bun.

I tuck a few fallen hairs behind my ear, untangling stray pieces from the hoop in my helix piercing. When I reach for the door handle, I'm surprised to find a familiar brunette behind the door. My eyes widening at my stalker standing square in front of me, looking more handsome than before. If that is even possible.


I'm so excited about where this book is heading.

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