《Billionaire In Love | ✓》epilogue



"You may kiss the bride now." The priest said and immediately Theo bent down, pulling Shira towards him as he kissed her. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks because I just couldn't help it. It was a beautiful sight and Shira was beautiful in the white dress. Mila was crying, her eyes red and puffy as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"My girl's all grown up," Mila said and I smiled, wiping my tears away gently. The couple was glowing under the light. The wedding was being held in Theo's backyard. It was huge with a lovely garden. Snow was falling gracefully but the area was covered with a tent, so no one got affected. The place was decorated with white satins and white flowers of all kinds. It was warm and sweet. There was a huge Vanilla cake that Shira couldn't wait to get a piece of. The mood was romantic. Only a few people were present, relatives and close friends. I knew most of them.

Shira was now a Wife. Marriage, what a beautiful word. Marriage isn't a ring worn or a paper signed. It is not something endured but savoured. It is the union of two hearts beating as one, each that would sacrifice for the other's happiness and wellbeing. Marriage is something so beautiful that in that natural world it would be an opening rose, always with radiant petals left to unfurl to a warm sun.

The celebration went on into the night, everyone dancing like they'd forgotten how to stand still. Theo was moving like his limbs were made of spaghetti and Shira's face was an epic picture of pure excitement. They were married and things were only going to get better from here on in. After dinner, there were toasts made by the maid of honour - me and the best man - Auden, who looked dashing in his black suit and gold tie, who made some jokes about Theo. When the toasts were all said and done, dessert came: a thick piece of strawberry cheesecake that had Archie humming with delight.

Then of course, after everyone had stuffed their bellies full of food, the real fun began: dancing. First, however, Theo and Shira needed to share their first dance as a married couple. As Theo led his new wife onto the massive dance floor when their song began, all of us stood around the outer edge to get a better view.

The wedding had an open bar. The uncle they shouldn't have invited - Uncle West - was celebrating the occasion by getting paralytic at the bar. He was ecstatic the entire day. Boasting about his new Daughter in law to everyone.

A little while later, it was time for the cutting of the cake. All the guests formed a semi-circle around Theo and Shira as they carefully took hold of the knife together. Once they had a slice of cake on a small plate, they each broke off a piece and held it out for the other to eat. Theo's piece landed perfectly in Shira's mouth, but the bride, however, had different plans. I could tell by the mischievous glint in her eyes.


Just before he wrapped his lips around the cake, Shira playfully smashed the pastry all over his mouth, chin, and nose, smearing the icing while giggling. Auden let out a huge laugh, along with many others, when he saw his friend decorated with cake. Theo got over the initial shock and instantly started laughing. Swiping some icing off his face, he wrapped an arm around Shira to hold her still and rubbed it all over her cheeks and mouth as she writhed to getaway.

The photographer they'd hired to take pictures throughout the entire wedding and reception snapped several shots of the newlyweds having their fun. That would be a memory to share with their future kids.

The giant cake was then wheeled back into the kitchen so that the staff back there could slice it for all the guests. Theo and Shira were handed small towels to clean themselves off with.

The room buzzed with excited chatter and children ran between the tables in a good-natured game of tag. There were cheers and someone whooped. After a few moments, Mila rose from her chair and everyone else sat down. The sound of her teaspoon rapping on the side of her wineglass signalled everyone to silence, except the children who were shushed by their parents. "Alright, all you single ladies," she announced loudly. "Make your way to the centre of the dance floor; it's time for the lovely bride to throw the bouquet!"

Auden's hand which was holding mine seemed to stiffen a little at the announcement and I looked over at him, blushing as he winked at me. But, there was something different about him today. I didn't know why, it could be the way he did his hair today. I might be just overthinking and overwhelmed.

"Better catch it." He said, his voice teasing, yet stern and I winked at him as he pushed me towards the area of girls who were looking at the bouquet with excitement. I rolled my eyes at the tradition but stood there nonetheless.

"Ready?" Shira called out. "1...2...3!" She moved her hand up to throw the bouquet but stopped herself. Everyone frowned at the action and I narrowed my eyes at her. She immediately turned around, giving me a mischievous look before pushing the bouquet into my hands. It smacked me in the face, not recognizing the fact that the bouquet was in my hands until a moment later.

Stunned, I looked up at the sudden action and Shira moved away. Another person came into sight and it was Auden. Anything and everything disappeared. It was just the two of us in our world. Our locked gazes conveyed so much between them that shouldn't remain unspoken, but most likely would for a little while yet.

Auden pulled the box out of his pocket and showed a ring. He knelt in front of me. "Katherine De Beaut, you are, without a doubt, the most amazing woman in the world in my eyes. I love you, Katherine, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to always call you KitKat. Will you make me the happiest, and luckiest man in the world? Will you spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?" I stared at Auden for a moment, my eyes sparkling with tears, then I launched herself at him, shouting, 'Yes!' over and over again.


This culprit, he knew I would have to say yes this time. He was proposing in front of a crowd. It's not that I would have said no if it was some other place. I just loved the chase and he knew it.

When he extricated himself from my embrace, he took the ring out of the box and placed it on my finger. It glowed brightly for a moment.

Suddenly, the bubble we had been in popped and a rush of noise greeted my ears. All the guests-the men, especially-were whistling and shouting their approval rather loudly. From the sound of it, the noise had existed the entire time we had been lost to everyone but each other.

"I love you, KitKat." It was about the millionth time I'd heard it but it never got old.

"I love you too." I pulled his head up to meet my lips. I pulled away after a second and grinned. And then he pulled me closer and I was quietly cheering that I was getting married. We would finally be moving in together-creating a family. I was scared to death at the prospect of labour pain but it would be worth it. I couldn't wait to get to that point. Together, we could rule the world as long as we were together.

The two of us posed for a few pictures both with and without the bride and groom. The wedding continued smoothly once again and I was receiving congratulations from everyone. Shira was the most excited about it, I felt really bad that I might have ruined her wedding day but she then ended the conversation with how she and Theo were completely fine with it and had pushed Auden to do so. It was revealed later that Shira was the one who even came up with the idea. She told me that Auden and they had already planned this for almost a week. I flicked her forehead off for going behind my back but was happy nonetheless.

The dancing started once again. This time, there was a DJ who hollered making the crowd riled up. More people were invited to the after-party. Some of the adults, including Uncle West, had already left - mostly due to his drunken state. Theo had to push his Father back to his house.

I grabbed Auden's hand and led him into the middle of the swaying bodies. I began moving my hips and his hands went to my waist, helping to guide my movements as he crushed his chest to my back. This isn't a club, I had to constantly remind myself. Keep it PG. Suddenly, my ass bumped against his crotch once, then twice before I put a couple of inches of distance between our hips. Okay, maybe PG-13, I reconsidered.

I turned around, giving him a teasing smile to which he gave one back. "You are the girl from the masquerade." He whispered into my ear and I frowned, stopping my movements and he grinned. I recalled my night, - my Cinderella night. That's what I call it. It was a masquerade. Randa and her kids never found out about it. I had escaped easily and blended into the crowd with a black dress I had stitched myself. It was a wonderful night. I had danced with a man, a dashing man who never left my side the entire night. He was enchanting, like a prince. I remembered having dreams of his eyes. They were beautiful and I loved them. They were full of light. And, I was the darkness back then, attracted to it like a moth to a flame. Just his eyes, made my entire day.

Looking closely into Auden's eyes, I realised the familiarity of them. The familiar teasing blue eyes that had ensnared me during the masquerade ball was staring right back at me.

My jaw dropped in shock as he grinned at my realisation. "See, we were meant to be." He said and kissed my forehead. At that moment, I realised that I had already fallen in love with him, even before I had met him.

I loved him. I loved him with all my heart.

Love, what a powerful word. There is no perfect lover, we are all flawed, but knowing those flaws and still loving with all your heart creates perfect love. Never expect a perfect man. Make your love perfect and everything would be perfect. I will never look further than him.

"I love you, Auden," I said softly, like a whisper, reminding me of the things we did every night beneath the sheets. My cheeks painted themselves red.

"I love you, Katherine." Auden paused. "Forever."

▬▬▬▬ THE END ▬▬▬▬

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