《Billionaire In Love | ✓》25 | billionaire in distress


I tell you to do? Drop it or I will sue you. This is punishable by law." Auden's voice raised all of a sudden as he shouted into the black and sleek-looking phone he was clutching tightly in his hands.

Too tightly that his knuckles were turning red.

"He signed the contract. He agreed." Auden said again as I watched him from the living room sofa. He was walking back and forth in front of the kitchen as he kept rubbing his forehead. He seemed extremely stressed and pissed off.

"Get the job done or I am firing you," Auden said, his voice calm as he hung up and tossed the phone away. It landed on the red carpet smoothly, unbroken of course. He rested his hands on his hips and I stood up from my seat as I walked over to him.

I stood in front of him and held his neck, pulling his head closer so that his forehead is resting on mine. I could see him calming down immediately as I started rubbing his shoulders. He bent his neck forward, giving me a peck on my lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

Ever since that night where he kissed me for the first time and told me that he loved me, he hasn't stopped kissing me or telling me 'I love you. He tells me that almost fifty times per day and he kisses me almost every chance he gets. It's alluring and at the same time, it's scary, for me. I could feel my heart beating faster each second he is nearby. My feelings were growing more and more for him every millisecond, it scared me.

"I am going to make soup." I blurted out all of a sudden, trying to distract him. A smile reached his lips at my sentence and he pulled me closer, giving me another peck as tingles flew everywhere throughout my body.


"Don't put the kitchen on fire." He teased and I laughed, happy that I got him distracted. I whacked his shoulder playfully and pulled him towards the living room. Placing him down on the sofa, I put on a cartoon channel and made sure he was watching it.

"Ooh. I love Spongebob Squarepants." Auden seemed excited as he looked at the huge flat T.V. screen hanging on the wall. He reminded me of a small boy and I almost wanted to pinch his cheeks for being so cute. I smiled before walking to the kitchen.

I put on some music on my phone as I picked out all the vegetables I needed for the soup. After placing all the necessary items I need on the kitchen counter, I got ready to make some vegetable soup. I don't even know what I am doing. I am just going to throw random vegetables in there like there is no tomorrow.

I hope Auden likes vegetables.

I do.

I could hear the background music for Spongebob Squarepants playing and sang along to it, ignoring the music playing on my phone.

'Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?' beats any pop music.

In a large stockpot, I combined broth, water, potatoes, carrots, celery, undrained chopped tomatoes, green beans, and corn. I reached for the canned tomato juice and tried to open it. It was too tight and I couldn't open it even if I gave it my entire strength. My hands turned red from trying too hard and I looked out of the kitchen at Auden who was surely watching Patrick dance weirdly. I walked out of the kitchen with the can in hand and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around to look at me.

"I can't open it." I pouted and he smiled before grabbing the can and opening it, just like that. My eyebrows raised at his strength.


I wonder what else he can do with that strength.

Bad Kitkat. Shush.

Now my brain is calling me Kitkat? Wow.

Do they even remember my real name?

"Thanks." I grabbed the can of tomato juice and walked away. I could hear him turning the Television off behind me. His footsteps reached my ears but I continued walking to the kitchen nonetheless. Placing the can on the kitchen counter, I grabbed the salt and pepper.

Hands circled my waist and pulled me towards a very defined and muscular chest. I tried to ignore it as I continued doing my work. The tip of his nose reached my neck and I might have lost it right there and then if it weren't for the support of the kitchen counter.

"I'm going to make sure that all the cans and jars in the kitchen are tight. So that, when we get married and we fight, you have to come to me." He said softly and my heart pattered against my rib cage like a machine gun. I felt hot everywhere.


He said 'married'.

Oh, Auden.

"Auden." My voice showed my utter surprise at the term he had just used. He seemed extremely calm, even though he knew that he had just said something huge.

Tremendously huge.

"What?" He asked, his tone indicating that he knew very well what I was talking about. "I love you. And one day we are eventually going to get married. It's meant to be. Get used to it."

Too fast. Too fast.

No. Auden.

I can't breathe.

He said 'it' again.

I turned around immediately, coming face to face with him. I was sure that there was a heavy blush on my face. His hands rested on either side of me, on the kitchen counter and I didn't touch him. I could only look at him with shock.

"Why?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him, speechless. "Why do you keep denying it?" His voice sounded pained.

His hand reached my cheeks and he pulled me closer towards him. "You can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. Show me Kitkat. Show me how I make you feel. God, I yearn for it." His voice sounded extremely pained and it hurt a lot that I was causing it.

I looked up to meet his eyes and I could see how he was hurting inside because of my denial. "You are safe with me. I promise. Don't get scared. If you do, look at me and hold me. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered, stroking my cheeks as he rested his forehead on mine. My eyes went teary at the thought of not giving him what he wants. I just couldn't. I would get hurt and he would get hurt. But I feel safe from the things that hurt me inside when I am with him.

They would destroy everything if they knew. I wanted him to be happy and safe. And, he can only be that way without me.

I am so sorry, Auden.

I can't.



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