《Billionaire In Love | ✓》20 | billionaire in perspiration


, sipping the coffee as I stretched myself. I just woke up and you know, when one of those days, you just feel too lazy to bathe. Yep, I was feeling that way today so I didn't bathe.

And it was a Sunday which automatically made me even lazier. My eyes flickered up to meet the brand new oven sitting on the counter. It was bigger, shinier and new.

When did he even get that? When did he change it?

The house was unusually silent and the room to Auden's door was open. I did peek in carefully this time. I didn't want to encounter another shirtless water-dripping showered Auden.

Although it's sexy.

Just no.

Apart from me did wish for him to be naked though.

Ok, that's the limit. I should stop thinking like this.

I breathed through my nose and turned around to search for Auden. I searched up and down, everywhere and I still couldn't spot him. Did he go out? Where did he go?

Ring. Ring.

I whipped my head around to see my phone lying on the table. My heart soared in thoughts of being it a phone call from Auden. I picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. I smiled looking at the name 'Princess Banana' blink brightly on my phone.

Did I forget something again?

"Hey, Shira!" I chirped.

"Do you even think about me when you are with Auden?" Shira asked, very straightforwardly.

"A little," I admitted.

"You just left me in the hospital that day you bitch." Shira said. I laughed out loud, thinking of that situation.

"You had Theo!" I tried to calm her down. "But still! It's like; you can only see Auden you know. You look at him like he is your entire universe. There are other things in the universe you know, like me, the one and the only Princess Banana." She whined, before releasing a loud sigh. I laughed at her statement.

Do I look at Auden like that?

I shook my head and decided to change the topic.

"So what did you guys do? Did you guys play the 'hide the bologna pony in a hole' game? I heard it's a very interesting game." I teased and laughed once again.

"We did," Shira said, her tone indicating that there is something more. "But we broke up again today morning."


"WHAT?" I asked, completely bewildered as I placed my hand against my chest. "Do you know what he did?" Shira asked and I narrowed my eyes in concern. "He—"

Suddenly, there was a sound of ruffling of clothes from the other side.

"Kath, don't believe anything she says. She is ly—"

"Hi, Theo!" I said, happily.

"—ing. I did not do anything she is going to say—"

The sound of the phone being grabbed away reached my ears and I furrowed my eyebrows in heavy confusion. What the hell is going on? She said they broke up but they are still together? "Shut up motherfucker." Shira shouted. "He—"

"Do you tell her everything?" I heard Theo say in the background and I chuckled.

"She is my best friend. Of course, I am going to tell her everything you dick head." Shira shouted and my heart warmed when she called me her 'best friend'. In the short time that I have come to know her, I feel like I had found a sister for myself. She has become the best person I can rely on.

"I am dying of curiosity here. Fucking tell me already!" I cursed, and she laughed at the other end.

"So we were having sex that night—"

"Shira? I don't need to know."

"Shut that hole and listen," Shira commanded and I heard Theo groaning helplessly in the background.

This couple.

"We were having sex last night. And it was going good but when he inserted his Salami in my—"

"Oh my god. I am never going to look at Salami the same way ever again." I groaned, smacking my forehead and chuckled at the same time.

"I love the sound you make when you shut up. So, shut up!" Shira screeched and I laughed again, making sure that it was quiet as I tried to suppress it.

"He inserted his salami inside me and he peed inside me!" Shira shouted and my jaw dropped to the floor as I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. Some muffling sound came from the other end once again.

"I peed like a drop. Just a drop Kath. Like a fucking drop." Theo said and I laughed out loud, unable to believe that this is happening.


"No! You peed like a fucking fountain, Theo!" Shira shouted in the background.

"Peeing is like a good book. It is very hard to stop once you start it." Theo reasoned, and I just stood there, laughing hard that I felt like I was going to pee due to my heavy laughter.

"Don't you even try going all John Green on me Mr Pee-cock." Shira shouted from behind and I laughed harder at that name. That is a very clever name.

Peacock. Pee-cock.

"You know what Shira? I'm going to fuck you so ha—"

I hung up.

I didn't need any more of this. Hands down! They are the most cutest couple I have ever met. Controlling my laughter, I wiped away the tears near the corner of my eyes and looked up. I was sure that my face was red due to my hard laughing. Shira and Theo are the funniest couples ever. I smiled, thinking of their funny and cute relationship and placed my phone on the table. Sighing a little, my heart sunk a little at the thought of Auden. Where the hell is he?

That's when I heard the sound of something hitting the floor repeatedly, like a ball hitting the ground.

Walking near the source of the sound, I reached the balcony and looked below. Sure enough, there was a very sweaty naked-chested Auden, playing basketball all by himself. He threw the ball, right into the hoop and I smiled, enjoying myself looking at him.

I walked down the stairs and reached the small basketball playground. He still hasn't noticed me and I automatically licked my lips at the clearer sight of Auden's naked chest.

Oh god, he is so hot.

"Hey," I called softly and Auden immediately whipped his head around, the sweat from his hair flying everywhere as he gave me a heart-warming smile. The furrow in his eyebrows lessened down at the sight of me like I was the only thing that was able to calm him down immediately. Sweat droplets trickled down his body and his chest heaved up and down, his muscles flexing as he moved.

Is this how he is going to look like when we have sex?

I. Should. Not. Be. Having. These. Thoughts.

Shira. It's all because of Shira. She is becoming a very bad influence on me. That bitch.

"Hey," Auden replied softly, straightening up as he kept the basket-ball to his hips. I walked over to him and grabbed the basketball from him. He smirked at my action and I reached towards the hoop. Gaining a little confidence, I placed myself near the hoop. Throwing the ball high into the air, I waited for it to go through the hoop but it hit the metal bar and fell from the other side.

I pouted, and Auden caught the ball before it hits the ground. He smiled cheekily at my failure and I crossed my arms across my chest in annoyance.

"Aw, love. Don't feel annoyed." Auden cooed and walked over to me. My heart skipped a beat. He made me hold the ball and stood behind me. Placing his hand on my right arm, he slowly guided me to hold the ball properly. I felt his warm breath on my shoulder. His sweaty chest was pressed onto my back and I sucked in a sharp breath. "Hold it higher love," Auden said softly, his lips feathering my ear and I lost all concentration just like that.

"Now, throw it," Auden whispered and I threw the ball, almost aimlessly due to my lack of focus. But, the ball fell through the hoop and I jumped, clapping my hands in excitement.

"Oh my god! Auden! Did you see that?" I jumped up and down happily and he laughed, circling his hands around my waist from behind. His chin rested on my shoulder. I felt his warm lips meet my cheek and I blushed, feeling my heart hammering against my chest.

"Yes, I did. You are amazing." He pulled away and I felt a warm wet patch on my cheek. I smiled, not intending of wiping it away.

"What do you want to do today love?" He asked warmly. His lips were trailing kisses on my shoulder. My insides went gooey at the soft calming tone of his voice. It was so welcoming that I wanted to wrap it around myself. His feathery kisses only made me want to sink further into his warm chest.

"Anything," I replied.

As long as it is with you.



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