《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》24


24th February, 2021

11:23 am

"Taehyung, here." Jungkook called as the said male walked towards him.

"Hey." This was maybe Taehyung's first decent word towards the older or Jungkook is just exaggerating, but who cares? He loved it when Taehyung spoke softly to him.

It was better than Taehyung always doubting him. Much more better than Taehyung behaving like a feisty little kid. He liked that too, but this small 'hey' made him feel warm.

Made him feel happy and various other emotions he can't name. He is bad at it. The small 'hey' made his day better, made the rain fall in slow motion like those that happens in movies. Made the flowers and leaves dance in the rain. Made him dizzy and made him want to run because he's happy. Okay now he definitely is exaggerating. But who cares?

Anyways, today was another bright, blue, beautiful day. So it was a second date. And it wasn't him who took the initiative, it was Taehyung. The younger had asked him to meet on the bus stop. Although they live in the same building, Taehyung wanted to make Jungkook wait. He was sure. Because Taehyung was twenty-three minutes, thirty-five seconds late!

They had decided to meet exactly at eleven, but Taehyung was late. Jungkook was okay with it, though. If it had been Namjoon or Kwon, he would've lectured them on how time is important. That's not the case here, it's Taehyung, the boy he likes, loves maybe. Yes loves. He doesn't know.

However Taehyung is here right now and Jungkook had been staring in space, so Jungkook immediately flinched as the younger snapped his fingers right in front of the older's face.

"I said hey!" The younger exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, sorry, zoned out a bit." Jungkook replied.

"Doesn't matter, bus is here, see. Let's go." Taehyung took the older's hand and walked inside the bus, sitting on the last seat.


"Where are we going, anyways?" Jungkook asked.

"You'll see."

And that's the only answer Jungkook has been getting since the last twenty-five minutes. It's like Taehyung is playing revenge against him, because he remembers keeping Taehyung in dark about going to the beach, on their first date.

However now he feels stupid, he shouldn't have done that. He feels restless, he needs to know where the hell are they going, because its been twenty-seven minutes and Taehyung is sitting silently besides him.

What if Taehyung takes him somewhere and murders him? Oh God, did he have his gun with him. Probably not. Who the fuck brings a gun on a date? But if it's Taehyung killing him, he's sure he can fight him easily. And Jungkook has a lot of chance to win. I mean Jungkook is definitely more stronger than Taehyung is. Wait, Taehyung is young though. What if he has friends hidden somewhere who would help him murder Jungkook. Oh God, why is Jungkook thinking so much?

"We're here." Taehyung voiced out.

Jungkook walked behind Taehyung quietly, approximately for more five minutes and there they were, outside an amusement park.

Jungkook heaved a breath in relief, atleast he won't die early. Why was he even scared in the first place though? He let out a nervous chuckle as Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" The younger enquired.

"Yeah yeah, fine. Totally fine!"

Taehyung shook his head and pulled Jungkook inside the park with him.

"So now, we're gonna have real fun!" He exclaimed loudly and headed towards the roller coasters.

"Yeah real fun, something better than dying." Jungkook let out.

"Are you scared?" Taehyung asked as they were now standing in the queue to the ride.

"Me? Scared? Pfft." Jungkook scoffed. "I'm not scared of such stupid rides. What about you?" Jungkook continued and asked Taehyung.

"Me neither! I like them so much." Taehyung exclaimed as they both got on the seat of the roller coaster. Ready to go crazy now. As soon as they fastened the belts, Jungkook held Taehyung's hand. "What if you get scared?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung chuckled at his childish behavior muttering a soft 'what a kid.'


The ride was crazy. Not just this, but even the other rides they went on. They had so much, on each and every one. Taehyung was like a curious little kitten who would want to try everything and Jungkook would just walk around with the younger, wherever and everywhere he would like to go.

Jungkook could follow Taehyung for the rest of his life.

He likes it.

He likes being with Taehyung, very much.

So much that words aren't enough to describe the amount of affection, love he has for Taehyung.

It was getting late and Jungkook had to go back to the station, to the interrogation room, to interrogate Hwang Daeil.

"Tae, last ride and then we'll go home." He said as he pointed toward the giant ferris wheel.

"Ah no, it's only five." Taehyung whined like a small kid.

"Taehyung, that's enough, come on."

Taehyung pouted like an adorable cute pup, nevertheless followed Jungkook.

They were now sitting opposite to each other in the ferris wheel, enjoying the view of the sky.

The sky had turned a pretty shade of pink, with orange highlighting it. It looked a canvas from the ferris wheel, the buildings and the people just made it look more realistic.

The view was beautiful.

But to Jungkook it was Taehyung who was more beautiful than that view.

The hues of the sky had reflected on Taehyung so prettily that his golden tan skin was almost shining. Taehyung was like the golden fairy amidst the mist of pink skies.

He could stare at Taehyung, the whole freaking day and wouldn't get tired. He can never get over the younger's beauty. He can never imagine such a small, cute, funny boy would ever murder someone.

"The murderer is caught, I heard." Taehyung broke the silence between them.

"Yeah, he is. You're not a suspect anymore, Tae." Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung smiled a bit, now again looking out of the wheel. But Jungkook could feel Taehyung's sadness, he walked over and sat right beside the younger.

"Petal, tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook voiced out that very nervously, because this was the first time he had called Taehyung a nick name. The younger seemed unfazed, though.

"Nothing is. I just feel like a stupid person."

"You're not stupid, Tae. Mistakes happen, yes. But that doesn't mean you're stupid. You can continue your life now."

"How am I supposed to do that, Jungkook? You know what, I really don't want to stay here anymore, I wanna go somewhere faraway."

"Petal, don't think about it much okay?" Taehyung nodded and Jungkook ruffled his hair.

The younger gave him a boxy smile and he couldn't control the words that slipped out of his mouth.

"I love you." And finally Jungkook said it. He doesn't wants to take them back now, because that's the truth. Also, he wants to know how the younger feels about him.

Taehyung froze as he heard the words, but it was quickly morphed into a smile, he has no idea where he got the confidence from, but he pecked Jungkook's lips as he whispered, "I like you Kook, a lot."

And that's how they shared a kiss. A kiss full of passion and love. A kiss worth forgetting the taste of every delicious things they ever had. Because at that point for them, nothing was more delicious than each other's lips.


That's all!

Have a good day/night.

Thank you for reading.♡

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