《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》18


20th February, 2021

12:42 pm

Today Taehyung was going to his university. He had to muster up a lot of courage. He was scared. Scared about the student's reactions towards him. Scared if the dean will suspend him. Or worse remove him from the uni. But he dismissed the thoughts.

And mostly he was scared of meeting Jimin.

He sure wanted to talk to the shorter, but the fight they had was very intense. They never had this kind of fight before. So he doesn't know what he'll do if he sees Jimin.

They surely had small fights, and whenever they had one, they would make up by buying each other ice creams. Life was all simple before Jinyoung's death.

Jinyoung's death had bought so many problems upon them.

He remembers how the road to the university was fun. It was all rainbows and sunshines. But now all he feels is heavy rains and storms.

Even if it was cold outside, with Jimin and Jinyoung by his side he used to feel warm. The feeling of a home. The feeling of a family.

Now all he feels is cold, inside out.

He sighed heavily, it was a waste to think about the past. It's gone now. All his warmth, his comfort, his happiness, his smiles and his laughters, they're all gone now.

He lost so much after Jinyoung's death. He lost his apartment, his ex boyfriend, his one and only bestfriend.

He lost himself.

He lost the will to live.

Now he only hopes that the university won't kick him out, because if they did, he doesn't know what he'll do.

He walked quietly as he entered the university's gates.

He must've jinxed it, because every student was staring at him, murmuring words he couldn't decipher. He still walked towards the dean's cabin, looking down.


He didn't do anything wrong.


He was in his own thoughts that he didn't see he bumped into someone.

"Sorry." He was quick to apologize, but the guy had a scowling face. He looked at Taehyung and frowned, which was replaced by a smirk not even a minute later.

"Want to kill me too, Kim?" Taehyung paled as he heard the question and looked at the guy. The guy only laughed and walked away, leaving Taehyung standing there in utter shock.

Taehyung was back to reality when someone pushed him.

"Out of my way Kim, I don't wanna die." He heard.

He silently started walking again, ignoring all the comments that were now very much audible for him.

"Look he's the suspect."

"Didn't police arrest him? What is he doing here?"

"That fucking coward killed Jinyoung."

"God, why do people like him exist?"

"He should just die."

And that was it. The last comment made Taehyung broke down completely, as he started to run. He ran towards the dean's office, tears streaming down his eyes. It was too much for him.

He finally reached the office and harshly wiped down his tears. He wiped his hands on his jeans and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He entered the office and the dean gave him an unpleasant look. A look that said he clearly wasn't wanted here. He managed to ignore it though.

"Sir about my clas-"

"Kim Taehyung, why don't you take a seat first?" The dean interrupted him, Taehyung visibly gulped and sat down.

"So Taehyung, as you see the case is still on." The dean continued.

"What case, sir?"

Taehyung knew, he knew what case the dean was talking about. He just wanted to confirm it. He just wanted to be wrong for once. Just this once, he quietly prayed.


"Um, the Jinyoung's murder case."

And about his prayers, they all went in vain. He nodded his head, he doubted if he tries to speak he'll only cry. He doesn't wants to cry in front of the dean.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, but I don't think it'll be good if you continue attending the university."

"But sir-"

"Listen Taehyung, the higher authorities discussed this, and it is better for you, too. You can rest till then. We're only suspending you."

Every word was a slap in Taehyung's face. His world was falling, he knew it. His head had started spinning now. He was sure in a few minutes he would see stars.

"You can collect your suspension letter and other documents from the office."

That was Taehyung's cue to leave. He stood up, holding the table for support. He let go of it, once he felt a bit stable.

"Thank you." He barely voiced out.

"Yes, please leave soon so there won't be much chaos created."

Just like that, Taehyung was out. He decided he'll collect the letter and documents later someday. Today he just wanted to run away from this place.

He ran out of the gates. His mind whispering him the comments, and the dean's harsh words. The dean may have put up a smile, but it was a fake one. They never cared about him. They cared about their fucking reputation.

He cried as he walked, everything was a blur to him. He seemed drunk to the passer-by. It was drizzling a bit, and Taehyung didn't give two fucks about getting wet.

He liked it like that.

He reached his apartment building and ran up. He ran towards the terrace. Tears still streaming down his eyes. He also knew that stupid officer, Jeon Jungkook was following him. But he just didn't care. All he had in mind was just one thought.

'He should just die.'



I'm bored.

What are you expecting next?

Thank you for reading.♡♡

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