《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》15


18th February, 2021

12:44 pm

"Morning everyone, morning."

"It's fucking afternoon and stop screaming, I'll go deaf." Namjoon instantly scolded Kwon, who entered the office.

"Oh fuck off, I don't care if it's morning, be grateful that I atleast greeted you." Kwon stated as he sat beside Jungkook.

"Who needs your greetings? It'll only make my day worse." Namjoon retorted.

"Stop it you two. Why are you here Kwon?" Jungkook made both of them to shut up, but like two small kids they started teasing each other by sticking their tounges out.

"Okay stop!" Jungkook exclaimed loudly, slamming the file on the table, this made them both look down towards the ground. It was silent until Kwon decided to answer the question, Jungkook previously asked him.

"Jimin is here, we made him sit in the interrogation room."

"Alright, Namjoon it's your cue. Go ask him questions about the fight and return him Jinyoung's stuff, we've examined it." Jungkook watched as Namjoon got up and started to head towards the interrogation room.

"You both are kids!" Jungkook commented as he saw Kwon giving a middle finger to Namjoon's back.

Kwon just looked at Jungkook, stuck his tounge out and ran before Jungkook could say anything else. The chief only shook his head at their childish behavior.

Namjoon entered the interrogation room with Jinyoung's belongings in his hands.

"Good afternoon, Jimin." He looked at the younger who looked like a lifeless doll.

"Why am I here?" Jimin inquired, ignoring the look of pity given by Namjoon.

"Right, so I need to ask you few questions and this are Jinyoung's belongings that he had when, uh, he died. You can take them with you once we're done."


"Alright, Jimin. How was your relationship with Jinyoung after he broke up with Kim Taehyung." Namjoon asked as he took a seat in front of the younger.

"It wasn't good." Jimin replied shortly as he took a sip of the water.

"Jimin, please be specific."

Jimin sighed as he continued talking.


"It wasn't good. I saw Jinyoung with a girl and we fought."

"They say you started the fight?"

"Yes I did."


"Like I said, I saw him with a girl and it hadn't even been two days since he broke up with.... Tae, so I was pissed."

"Okay. You said you'll kill him?"

Jimin's eyes widened as he heard the words Namjoon said. It was true, he had said those words, but it wasn't his intention. He had said those, because he was angry.

Whilst Namjoon didn't knew if Jimin had said those words or not. He was just testing the waters. And Jimin's eyes did widen, which simply means that the younger had said those words.

"I did. But it was because I was pissed. I can never kill my brother, please trust me."

"No one is blaming you Jimin. I just need answers, nothing else."

"Please let me go, I never killed anyone. I don't want to answer anything further." Jimin silently begged as he looked down, tears welling up his beautiful cresent eyes.

"Jimin, but we're doing this so the case-"

"I don't care. I DON'T CARE. LET ME GO. PLEASE. Please." Jimin cut the older and sobbed.

Namjoon sighed and passed the belongings of Jinyoung to Jimin.

"Since you're the only family, this is what he had. A watch, a bracelet and his phone, nothing else."

Jimin took them from Namjoon, watching his hyung's favorite watch and then looking at the beautiful silver bracelet.

That bracelet hold so many memories. It was Jinyoung's birthday gift given to him. He remembers the day very clearly, he recalls how happy his hyung was to get the gifts. It was all giggles and laughters then. He chuckled with no humor at the memory.

He then looked at the phone, the wallpaper of him and Jinyoung. He sobbed looking at it. It was a photo taken when they had gone to an amusement park. To be specific it was a date between Jinyoung and Taehyung but Jimin had crashed it, wanting to see if his bestfriend was comfortable with his brother. Needless to say, the three had a great time there.


While looking at them, he realized something was missing. Jinyoung wasn't a fan of wearing jewelries but he always had two things on. One the bracelet and the second one was the ring, which was given to him by Taehyung.

"Officer, where's the ring?" He asked. The ring was very expensive. Taehyung had saved up his money and bought a diamond ring for his brother. It was a promise ring and he recalls how his brother had cried upon seeing the gift.

"What ring?" Namjoon asked back.

"The ring. Jinyoung hyung always wore it."

"Oh. We didn't find any ring Jimin. Maybe your brother threw it away?"

"No no, that's not possible. His recent post on Instagram, he's wearing it in that one."

"Okay, we'll check for it Jimin. We'll update you once we find it."

"Can I go now?"

Namjoon nodded his head as he watched Jimin walk out of the interrogation room. He took a long breath and sighed.


"So here's the footage of the Rose building." Kwon stated as he handed a CD to the chief officer.

"What about the corrupted part of the Lotus building?" Jungkook asked as he started the video.

Two screens were instantly shown on the computer.

"I ain't getting it." Kwon sighed and sat down besides Namjoon.

"But can we track the IP address, like who messed with it?"

"I don't know, I'll try."

"Wait a second. Rose building is where...." Namjoon started.

"The robery happened." Jungkook finished his sentence.

"Alright. And Lotus building is where...."

"The murder happened."

"Why the hell can't they name it like A and B."

"Okay cool." Namjoon muttered as he saw Jungkook giving him a glare.

Jungkook started playing the video. He saw as Arya and Yujun walking out of the house around 09:30 pm. After that it was very quite on the specific floor.

After half an hour they saw a guy, clad in all black entering through the back enterance. Now the camera was facing the opposite direction, so they could only see his back and nothing else.

"I hate when this people don't set up cameras for the back enterance." Jungkook mumbled.

"I agree." Namjoon nodded his head.

The door was at the left so when the guy very smartly opened it. They saw the side part of his face. They were very sure it was the infamous robber they were searching for.

"Namjoon, he's the robber."

After a few minutes the robber walked out of the house, still back facing the camera. The robber seemed to knew everything about the building. As he was going out from the side cameras of the building, they could see he climed off the ledge and landed in the lotus building parking lot. He entered the building, avoiding all the possible cameras, only his side profile could be seen.

"So he entered the lotus building?" Kwon questioned with furrowed brows.

"Apparently, he did." Namjoon answered.

"Wait, Jimin said Jinyoung had a ring, he said it was missing, it wasn't there in the belongings I gave to him." Namjoon continued.

"What the fuck? Didn't Arya said her diamond necklace is gone?" Jungkook inquired.

"Yes yes. She did."

"Kwon contact all the jewelers shop in the locality, tell them if anyone comes to sell a diamond necklace or a....

"Diamond ring." Namjoon completed.

"Yes, a diamond ring. Tell them to inform us immediately. Or look if anyone has already sold them, be fast we can't waste more time." Jungkook ordered. Kwon nodded his head.

"Also we have to question the watchman of lotus building, he might have seen something."

"We already questioned him that day right?"

"We did, but he didn't tell the whole thing I guess." Namjoon nodded his head.

"I was right Joon." Jungkook said as Kwon had now disappeared to do the task he was given.


"Everything doesn't seem the way it is."


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