《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》07


13th February, 2021

6:34 pm

"Kim Taehyung, why did you break up with Park Jinyoung?" Jungkook asked. He was looking in the robbery case for an hour. He hadn't found anything except for the local police officers are still working on it. So he decided to ask Taehyung more questions, as he could know more about the relationship he had with Jinyoung.

"I told you already, sir. He cheated on me." Taehyung replied. The young guy hadn't eaten anything since he was arrested. He was only drinking the water kept for him on the table. He was still handcuffed. His tears had dried up on his cheeks. His eyes looked swollen. However, for Jungkook the younger looked beautiful.

Don't get him wrong.

Taehyung's beauty was undeniable.

"You've to be more specific, Taehyung."

"He cheated on me with some girl at a club. He kissed her and I saw it and so I broke up with him. Okay? Do you need anything else? Let me go."

"Taehyung, we're here to help you. We won't know anything until you tell us. Therefore, Kim Taehyung please tell us more about Jinyoung and your relationship with Park Jimin." Jungkook inquired, unfazed.

"Jimin is my bestfriend. He is also Jinyoung's younger brother." Taehyung answered, looking down.


"Jimin wasn't talking to Jinyoung after we broke up. He also had a fight with Jinyoung. I don't know much about it. I never asked him."


"Jinyoung said, it wasn't intentional. He said he never wanted to cheat on me. But he kissed that girl and-and one of his friends said he had been having one night stands. Since last year. He had been cheating on me since last year."

Jungkook's heart broke at what the younger said. He can't imagine someone cheating on his significant other for a year. This is just wrong. But his mind thought about all the possibilities that Taehyung really had a reason to kill Jinyoung.


The younger didn't cry. He said all of this calmly. He never showed any emotion on his face. This made Jungkook wonder, if Taehyung is even sad about Jinyoung's death. However asshole of a boyfriend Jinyoung was, they were together for four years and he also had a dinner with Taehyung yesterday.


Kwon had a small smile on his face as he entered the police station. He had the autopsy reports in his right hand. And yes, he had three burgers in the left one.

Jungkook and Namjoon were sitting together. They seemed like having a conversation while looking at the computer screen. Kwon was sure it was about the recent murder case.

"Yo bitches." He called out. He was friends with both of them for a long time. They were very comfortable with each other. They were used to Kwon's stupid nick names and Namjoon's stupid comments and Jungkook's cold behavior.

"Any updates?" Jungkook asked as he took a burger and gave one to Namjoon.

"Yup. These are the autopsy reports."

Jungkook quickly took the file and opened it. While Namjoon peeked from behind the younger, his face stuffed with a bite of burger.

The autopsy reports showed that Jinyoung was killed because of stabbing with a kitchen knife on his right side. Just above his hips. He was stabbed four times, on the same place. And the stabs were rapid, the killer didn't stop once.

The reports also showed that Jinyoung was killed between the time of ten to eleven. This was the biggest mystery, Jungkook felt like he solved.

If Jinyoung was killed after ten, than Taehyung is not the murderer. And now they will have to release him.

"This shows-" Jungkook was cut off by Kwon.

"Yeah. We have to let go Taehyung. All the evidences now only prove he isn't guilty. We can't be sure, yes. But we have to release him, for now."


Jungkook nodded his head agreeing. Even though they'll let Taehyung go, they'll keep an eye on the younger. The killer isn't found yet and this gave rise to doubts like, what if the killer wants to kill Taehyung?

Just the thought of the killer still roaming free, made him want to puke. He was distressed. It was nerve-wracking for him. Still he had to do this, it was his work.

"You go tell him, Kwon." Namjoon said, having finished his burger now.

"Hey." Kwon said as he entered the interrogation room.

Taehyung was sitting there, quietly staring at the floor. He did heard the door opening and closing, but he didn't react. He knew it was some officer or Jeon Jungkook, wanting to ask him stupid questions again.

Kwon walked towards the younger, who was still looking down. He started unlocking the handcuffs and that's how Taehyung stared at him.

"You're lucky we didn't found many evidences against you." Kwon informed him with a smirk.

"You're letting me go?" Taehyung asked in a small voice.

"Yeah, go."

And that's how Taehyung was released.

After a whole twelve hours of being sitting there still, answering questions, thinking about his life, thinking about Jimin, thinking about Jinyoung's death, all he felt was freedom. He was glad he could go back to his apartment and sleep peacefully on his small bed cuddling his favorite teddy bear plushie.

He thought all his problems were now over.

Or were they?


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