《Enigma [Vkook/Taekook]》01


13th February, 2021

12:23 pm

"Kim Taehyung, you're under arrest as a prime suspect for the murder of Park Jinyoung."


The sentence seemed to stop Taehyung's whole world. Wasn't he watching a movie silently just a few minutes ago? What's happening? Is this how his life is gonna take a turn?

Questions ran in his mind and he was too dazed to stand up or even listen to what the people in his house were saying. His mind had shut him down. He couldn't process anything that was happening.

"You have the right to remain silent."

And the next thing he can recall is that he was handcuffed.

He was sitting in the jeep, supposedly thinking what exactly happened. If he could recall, he had put up a thriller movie and made a hot chocolate for himself.

He remembers someone had barged in his house and now he sees the people sitting right in front of him; the two police officers with guns pointing at him.

Was he that scary?

Wait? Why was he even arrested? The murder of Park Jinyoung? What the fuck? Why would he kill that guy? Taehyung just met him yesterday, had a talk with him. And to him Jinyoung looked quite healthy. So who killed him? According to the police he did, which is stupid.

Will he die like this? Falsely accused of someone's murder? Oh god! He had so many questions. He didn't knew what was he gonna do. He took a look at the two police officers staring right at him.

The two of them were jacked. They were looking at him like he was a killer. Well, according to them, yes he was a killer. But he wasn't. Their looks made his insides churn with an unwanted feeling. An insane amount of power took him and he screamed at the top of his voice.


God knows what happened to him. This wasn't Taehyung. The always soft spoken Taehyung was gone now. It was his inner demon. The humiliation of being falsely accused had hit him hard. He tried to free himself from those handcuffs which were suffocating him.


"Hey don't move, kid."

"No need to scream."

Both police officers warned him as they stood and sat right beside him. They held him from moving and their glares were enough to make Taehyung stop screaming.

He looked at the guy, sitting on his right. "I didn't do it." He quietly whispered. Hoping this guy would understand him. Tears escaping his ever so beautiful eyes. But the guy seemed unfazed by his actions. He didn't care. Obviously why would he? He had just arrested a murderer.

Taehyung cried silently the whole ride. He was only 22 years old. He had many dreams. One to become a computer engineer. He also wanted to become an artist. And he was a sucker for Thriller and Mystery movies.

Since he was a child he always had a dream to sit in a police jeep. Maybe by becoming a police officer himself. Although he didn't knew he'll be sitting in a police jeep as an accused.

He laughed at the thought. The laugh being humorless. He is sure the officers sitting besides him must've thought he is insane. Well that was what happening, he was going insane. This was too much.

Life is not fair.

And for Taehyung it was never fair. He was young when his parents died. He grew up with his aunt. He was treated like a trash, threatened they'll cut all his expenses if he doesn't work. He was always the target of those bullies. Life was just ignorant in Taehyung's case.

He was glad he made a friend. One day fews boys were beating him up when the guy had came in like a superhero helping him up. Jimin had always been by his side since that day.

Jimin. Oh fuck. He forgot about his bestfriend. What will he think? Will Jimin also see him like a murderer? Oh Jimin. His sweet bestfriend. Who always helped him. Always was by his side. Will now that he's a suspect Jimin will despise him?

Above all, the thoughts like; was Jimin okay? How was Jimin taking the news? Because Park Jinyoung was none other than Jimin's older brother.



He sat there like a doll with his head cast downwards. Not moving, not looking up, not knowing what to do. He was now bought into an interrogation room. The room was small, with a table and two chairs on the opposite sides. The walls were white and there was a huge mirror on his left side.

But he knew better. After watching all those movies, he knew that other people were watching him through that mirror. For him it was a mirror but for the people outside it was like a glass window. They could see what he was doing. They could hear if he says something. So he decided to give it a shot.

"PLEASE! LET ME GO!" He yelled. He had been doing it quite a lot as of recent. He didn't care if his throat was dry, he didn't care if it hurt. He just wanted to be out. He wanted to go back to his apartment and sleep in his comfy blankets. He just wanted to go to college and learn new things about technology. But all his efforts were in vain. No one came by his side.

Few minutes and Taehyung had no tears in his eyes. They had dried up. He was tired. The handcuffs were hurting his hands. They were digging through his soft flesh, making the skin an angry shade of red. His hair was disheveled but that was the least he was worried about. An officer came through the door.

The officer looked young, maybe only few years older than himself. The officer held a neutral face, and this was the first guy, Taehyung saw today who didn't look at him like a murderer. He was glad that maybe he'll made this person understand that he was innocent. He didn't do anything.

"Kim Taehyung, you have all the rights to remain silent. Anything you say will and can be used against you in the court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning, if you wish."

Taehyung remained silent. He obviously didn't have money to afford a lawyer. All the money he had been saving was for the rent of his small apartment. Oh Jesus. He just realized the owner might have definitely heard the news of him being arrested and he was sure the owner was going to kick him out of the house.

Where would he stay now? Will he now have to stay on the streets, carrying his bagpack around? That sounds so uncomfortable. The thought sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"Do you understand each of these rights I've explained to you?" The officer spoke again. And this time Taehyung looked straight at the officer. 'Jeon Jungkook' he read the name tag.

"I've not done anything." He spoke again. Wishing this Jungkook guy would listen to him.

"Do you want a lawyer or not, Kim Taehyung." The officer ignored his words and Taehyung felt like crying again. Taehyung shook his head no.

"Okay so....." The officer started and looked at him with a ferocious look.

"Kim Taehyung, why did you kill Park Jinyoung?"

There were the words again. Did he really killed Jinyoung? No, this isn't possible. He yelled again.


Just to let these people know he will yell a thousand time. He wanted them to know that he was innocent.

Come on just let me go.

"I see. So can you tell me where were you yesterday night?"


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