《teen on set ~ marvel cast》music taste


y/n pov

i get out of the shower drying myself off and getting changed. i decided to wear the baggy sweatpants with the logo for this movie because they recently came in and were bloody comfy. in just a sports bra and sweats i walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel.

"and shes back" dahlia smirks from the phone i still had propped up in my kitchen. i smile instantly doing a bow.

"that i am, did ya miss me" i laugh opening the minifridges door to grab out some stuff for a sandwich.

"of course" she smiles. i walk to the bench making the sandwich. "nice abs" dahlia smirks as soon as i take a bite of the sandwich. i fucking choke right there blushing. i turn away to grab a glass of water.

"says you" i say back. leaning against the sink as i drink the water. then i hear the faint voice of harry styles. "wait turn that up" i say coming back to the centre of the screen. dahlia reaches behind the phone and the song turns up. i instantly recognise the song.

"your a fan of harrys?" she questions raising an eyebrow

"of course, who isnt" i state taking another bite of my sandwich. i was about to ask more artists she liked when there was a knock on her bedroom door. before she answered some guy walked in who looked to be her brother. longish dark brown curly hair tanned skin same as hers and the same blue eyes. he came over and started grabbing her ankle slowly dragging her off the bed.

"what do you wan-" the guy liked his finger and stuck it in her ear "ew gross" she got up from the bed her phone still showing the scene as they playfought. i smiled watching them wishing my family was like this. when the door opened you could hear music playing from the main part of the house and it was the song. heaven knows im miserable now, such a great song i swear.


"mum got ur stuff for your snake." he says fixing his hair. looking around the room and he spots the phone. "and who is this" he laughs walking forward to grab the phone, he grabs it holding the phone above his head so dahlia couldnt reach it

"she's a friend haza, give it back" she asks but couldnt reach as he was taller than her

"and why would i do that possum" he laughs. "hi friend hows it going" he smiles

"h-hi" i say confused but loving the situation.

"haydo your father needs help with the turtles could you help him while i finish this" a female voice yells from another room. dahlia smirks as haydo? haza? her brother has to leave. he rolls his eyes putting the phone on a higher shelf and leaving. dahlia takes a breath smiling

"sorry bout him, uh ill be right back" she laughs running out of the room i smile finally finishing my sandwich.

the music was still playing in dahlias room and it goes to a kate bush song. this girl has great taste. from my spot now on the shelf i can see more of dahlias room. band posters and photos vines tapestries plants books and this was just one wall and a half of her room i wonder what it all looked like.

the next song was kiwi by harry styles, brilliant. i fill up my glass of water again drinking it vibing to the music when dahlia walks back in with a grocery bag of stuff. she reaches grabbing the phone and propping it up somewhere lower. before getting some of the stuff out. i notice a red electric guitar in the back of her room

"can you play?" i ask she looks up confused "guitar" i elaborate


"oh yeah" she states casually as if it wasn't cool

"any other instruments?"

"uh drums and bass guitar" she adds holding a snake as it slithers around her hand. i was completely shooketh.

"how are you so tallented. ur so fucking cool" i ramble, she laughs

"what about you you play any instruments"

"nothing cool, i learned the violin a bit ago for a roll but nothing else" i state grabbing my stuff and moving to the couch.

"violin is hard to learn i heard" i shrug "anyway what about you do you have any siblings" she asks

"i have an adopted sister" i state bitterly

"let me guess you dont like her" dahlia raises an eyebrow while still doing whatever she was doing with the snake.

"im all for giving kids homes and stuff but this chick has taken over my house. she literally moved into my room and dumped my stuff in the guest room bro" i say annoyed

"oh thats not exactly fair" dahlia says confused, i just nod grabbing the files in need to look through for atlanta.

the next song to play was locked out of heaven by bruno mars. i open the folder and read the first sheet

its full of just like states for things and a couple of the other location we would be going to. the first couple of pages were like that before there was an extra page since i was still a minor. it says 1 of my parents can come if they'd like and that i would need an adult with me most of the time if they weren't. than this comes to housing. of course i could stay in my trailer but i dont know what trailer would be there sometimes its the same others its a different one. anyway i cant exactly rent a place so if i couldnt stay at set id need somewhere else. so much to think about.

i could just get lizzie to sign it and then convince her that i have a relative in atlanta im staying with if i didnt want to get my parents involved. or i can forge my parents signatures. or i ask them to come along. yeah no nevermind.

"you good?" dahlia questions probably noticing my face

"yeah just forms and shit i need to work out" i groan lying back on the couch i dramatically let my head fall to the side to look at the phone. "what are you doing?" i ask

"cleaning out my snakes place" she states as the snake was now on her head, "meet my danger noodle, egg" she says squatting down a bit so i can see the entire snake ontop of her head and i can now see that it was not just a white snake but had a orange spot on it baking it look kinda like some egg.

"love that"

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