《Blue Pearl x Yellow Pearl》A New Friendship


Blue Pearl : You promise you tell anyone?

Yellow Pearl : I promise.

Blue Pearl : Alright.

Yellow Pearl : ...

Blue Pearl : I sometimes think about what life is like on Earth.

Yellow Pearl : Way better than here.

Blue Pearl : Hah, totally.

Yellow Pearl : Those stupid rebels though, out of any planet they can choose to protect, they pick Earth.

Blue Pearl : Well, there has to be a reason, right?

Yellow Pearl : I guess. Yellow Diamond was on my case yesterday because I forgot to send data to other colonies.

Blue Pearl : Dont you get tired of taking orders from that..that.. Giraffe?

Yellow Pearl : M-more or less, yeah.

Yellow Pearl : Yeah, she can be stuck up sometimes..Hey, what do you think of fusion?

Blue Pearl : Fusion? I dont know. It's that thing when two gems form a bigger one, right??

Yellow Pearl : Yeah.

Blue Pearl : Oh, now I remember. One day the rebels attacked us and out of nowhere, two gems that were different fused!

Yellow Pearl : Really?!

Blue Pearl : Yeah, I saw everything...Sorta, I cant see anything with these stupid bangs. But yeah, the fusion looked SO weird. Her hair was two different colors!

Yellow Pearl : Whoa. Keep going..

Blue Pearl : Her clothing was messed up and she had a third eye! Then she unfused and my diamond was going to break one of them for it.

Yellow Pearl : Brutal.

Blue Pearl : Yeah, then that was it I suppose.

Yellow Pearl : Huh. You would have to be pretty brave or pretty dumb to do something like that.

Blue Pearl : I suppose so.

Yellow Pearl : Woah! Will you stop that?!

Blue Pearl : W-what? Oh! I'm so sorry.. What I meant to say is...wanna try?

Blue Pearl : I'm sorry.. I thought-

Yellow Pearl : No, no.. Okay.. let's try.

Blue Pearl : Heh..haha.. haha!

Yellow Pearl : Hehehehe!!!

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