《Blue Pearl x Yellow Pearl》The Discovery of Earth


Yellow Diamond : Hm. Pearl, come with me, we must speak to Blue Diamond about this planet.

Blue Diamond : Hello, my diamond, what is the matter?

Yellow Diamond : I have been given information about a planet, I came to speak with you about forming a colony there.

Blue Diamond : Ah yes, Earth. I too have gotten info about it, yes.

Yellow Diamond : Right. So, does this look good to you?

Blue Diamond : Yes. Although we have to consider the following.

Yellow Pearl : Ha! I feel so proud to serve Yellow Diamond! And look at you, I bet your diamond hasn't found a planet in the last 100 years!

Blue Pearl : Yesterday, my diamond spoke with a Sapphire. She says your planet will not be suitable for a colony, because it has organic life.

Yellow Pearl : O-organic life?! WELL! How dare you speak of my diamond like that!

Blue Pearl : Hey, a Sapphire never lies.

Yellow Pearl : Wh-who cares about what a Sapphire has to say! Those one-eyed freaks have better depth perception than their visions of the future!

Blue Pearl : I still say her prediction was accurate.

Yellow Pearl : Well, I say it is not!

Blue Pearl : What do you know? You were not there when she visited.

Yellow Pearl : I don't need to know, I just know.

Blue Pearl : That makes no sense at all.

Yellow Pearl : Well, your face makes no sense at all!

Blue Pearl : Talk about childish, I thought pearls, especially of Yellow Diamond's were more mature than this.

Yellow Diamond : Thank you Blue Diamond for your opinion. I thought this planet had potential as well. Let's see what we can work with though. Come Pearl, I must run more errands with you.

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