《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 33


It was a mix of emotions as she sat at her kitchen table in nothing more than in Bakugou's shirt that he had discarded when their fun in the kitchen started. A part of her really badly wanted to pull out her cell phone and take a picture of the tall blonde standing in front of her little stove in nothing more than his boxers. It both made her want to giggle and also sigh, she found it both hilarious and heartwarming. It was funny watching the blonde standing there bitching about her lack of ingredients and things to cook. While her omega was cooing at the thought that the blonde was now going to feed her after their little fun time. Though the fact he made her little kitchen look even tinier than it already was almost had her snickering at that. She never wanted to forget what it looked like watching the blonde cook.

His scent filled her nose almost with the cooking. Did she have to give this shirt back? Then again her omega was begging to just take the entire man to her nest. She wanted his scent in her nest. She wanted to bathe in the smell of his smokey scent and she wanted everyone to smell him on her. But scenting was a line she could not cross. She was not his and he was not hers. Repeat scenting outside of a shared rut or heat would mean that they were something. An item, a couple, just something more than fuck buddies and she did not feel ready for that. She refused to even think about that as she knew her scent would instantly sour and she did not want to have to explain why her mood had shifted to the blonde. No, that was a thought for a different moment.

"Are you just going to keep staring?" Was the growl that broke her from her thoughts.

"I'd take a photo but I think your ugly mug might break the camera," she was quick to retort, smirking as she watched an eye twitch on the blonde. Seemed he did not find her sharp tongue as funny as she did.

"What the hell did you just say!" Was the yell that came from the blonde. The exact reaction she had expected. That had the corner of her lips tugging up, unable to help the small smile that grazed her lips and quickly had the blonde turning back to his task of not burning the curry he was cooking at the moment.

She was not the only one who in the moment was rather enjoying themselves. Her sweet scent filled the small apartment and it was calming to his alpha who was beaming with pride over being able to cook for the omega. Bakugou had to remind himself she was an omega, not his omega. That thought actually made his stomach tighten, was it the fact he wanted to think of her as his omega that felt off or was it the fact he was not allowed to think that? Either way it did not sit well with him and he did not like that. But he also did not wish to start brooding at that exact moment. No, he wanted to enjoy this moment for now just like her.

"Where the hell do you keep your plates," He grumbled as he started to open and close cupboards around the little kitchen.

"I'll get them," She said, jumping to her feet and strolling across the small space before slipping past him to reach up for the self that held her small selection of plates and bowls. Her back was turned to the blonde as she reached up over her head to grab two of the plates. She was unaware that the shirt she was wearing rode up showing off the bottom of her ass as she reached up. She was also unaware of the red eyes that had watched very closely to how the shirt that was rightfully his was no longer covering her entire rear end. The only word she got was a grunt from the blonde who was still standing in front of the oven having quickly torn his eyes away from her and was once again trying to focus on the task that was cooking.


"Smells delicious," she said as she moved to stand beside him with the two plates in hand.

"Of course it does. And will taste even better since I made it," Ah that good old prideful idiot was still in place it seemed.

"Ah how would we have survived highschool without your amazing cooking skills," she couldn't help the scaractic sentence as she rolled her eyes at him.

"How the hell have you survived this long. Can you even cook?" Bakugou asked though his rough tone did not make the question sound as friendly as it was meant to.

"I know how to make instant ramen," she said with a slight shrug of her shoulders. And boy that was the best answer she could have given at the complete look of horror that crossed the blonde's face. Now she did wish she had her phone in hand cause she would have taken a photo as he paused mid scoop of curry onto one plate.

"Do you know how much sodium is in those?" He asked as she struggled not to just burst out in laughter. "How the hell have you stayed alive?"

"Well Sasara loves to cook. She will bring me meals some weeks. There's also a few really nice little family run restaurants and I enjoy supporting them. I can make a small handful of things but learning to cook didn't become important till I became a hero. Someone was always cooking meals for the class in highschool, so I focused on my training not how to cook," she said with a slight shrug of her shoulders. She did not admit that she had grown up hating cooking with a passion thanks to her mother pushing her to learn, always telling her every good omega needed that skill, that no alpha would want an omega who could not care for a house. So she kinda went out of her way to not learn those skills. She did not want to be some tool for an alpha, only popping out kids and keeping a house clean. Yeah no screw that idea she did not let her secondary gender stop her from doing what she loved.

"You are a moron," he said with an exhausted sounding sigh. Which just had her shrug and smile.

"So you say. And yet here you are. Cooked me a full meal," she said, snatching the plate from his hands that had a good helping of rice and curry.

"Hey," was the low growl that followed her as she nearly giggled and ran to her table before sitting down at her normal spot quickly clapping her hands together and saying thanks before she scooped a spoonful of the rice and curry into her mouth. It was spicy, far spicier than she would ever make or order it. And yet it tasted so good, it made it worth the burn.

Bakugou had followed behind her at a slower pace, taking his own time to walk over to her small table and sit down across from her. Saying his own thanks he followed suit in eating his meal. He was glancing over the table watching her eyes light up at her first mouthful, though followed by the sight of them watering and he could hear her sniffle a little by the third mouthful. That brought a smirk to his own face watching her continue to eat. She looked so happy while eating and clearly the spice was a bit much for her.

"Need a glass of water?" He asked, smirking at her as he watched her nearly crying over her plate of curry.


"No. But I may need a glass of milk after," she admitted, not even arguing she was going to need a drink.

"Why is it so good? But so spicy," she almost cried out as she rubbed the back of her left hand, rubbing her eyes gently trying to whip away the tears that threatened to run down her cheeks. That earned her a laugh from the blonde sitting across from her who was truly smiling as he laughed.

"You just like to watch me suffer don't you," she whined before stuffing another mouthful of curry into her mouth.

"Well it is rather entertaining watching you eat that curry and cry over it at the same time," he said as he ate his own portion of the food. Still she couldn't help but nearly cry over her meal thanks to the spice. Even after she got herself a glass of milk to drink. It helped but still did not completely save her poor sinuses.

"You're such a baby. It's not even that spicy," the blonde said as he finished his plate and sat back watching her down another glass of milk before she could finish off her meal.

"Holy shit. This is not spicy to you? Do you even have functioning taste buds?" she asked as she looked up from her plate to the smug looking idiot. He really just liked watching her suffer it seemed.

"My taste buds work just fine, thank you very much. You're just a weakling when it comes to something a little spicy," The blonde barked at her as he watched her stuff the last of her food into her mouth quickly finishing off the plate of curry.

"Oh and I guess Kirishima is just weak too then? I know you cook his food not as spicy," She said smirking at the blonde that sat across from her.

"Damn right. Shitty hair is weak when it comes to anything with even a little bit of spice. He would never have been able to make it through the curry we just ate," The blonde said, crossing his arms over his bare chest as he leaned back in his chair watching as Sakaki stood up and started to gather up the dirty plates.

"You just admitted that you made that curry really spicy," She called him out and watched his cocky smirk tug at his lips as he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I would have made it hotter if I could but you do not have any good spices," Bakugou admitted as he watched the woman walk over to her little sink and quickly start washing the dishes they had dirtied.

"Hey! I have some very decent spices. Not all of us like to try and burn our tongues off," She pointed out. At least to the average person she had a handful of spicy spices. But then again this was Bakugou, the man she did not think could feel the burn from spicy food. Then again she did not think he could taste anything. All she received back was a grunt from the blonde who was leaning back into his seat, those deep red eyes watching her as she stood at the sink washing dishes.

Why did it feel like this was a sight he wanted to see more often? Why did he like seeing her standing there in his shirt? Why did he want to see her standing in his own kitchen the same way? Bakugou had never once cared for such things, the thought of finding an omega was an easy enough thing to push away. Being a hero had come above all else. And being number one had made everything else in life meaningless. Like her Bakugou had quickly realized that when he chose the life of being a top ranking hero that having a life outside of work would be almost impossible. And he was okay with that, or he had been. But as he sat there watching her wash dishes in nothing but his shirt his alpha ached at the realization he should not have this moment. He could not give an omega the attention they would need, his hero work kept him busy. No omega wants an alpha that would neglect them. Though the blonde seemed to not realize the omega woman he was watching was much the same as him.

Although Sakaki did not care about her ranking she did put her job above all else. She did not care about staying home to raise kids. As much as a part of her wondered what it would be like to have a little mini her running around, or maybe a small blonde kid would be fun. With that thought she gave her head a shake and proceeded to rinse her hands off before reaching for a towel to dry them with now that the job of dishes was done. Still her mind wanted to wonder even after she was done with the simple task of dishes. So much so she had not even noticed the blonde had gotten up from his chair and had taken the few strides it required for him to cross her small kitchen. Even as he approached her right side, with the ear that did not lose its ability to hear she still did not notice him till a strong arm was wrapped around her waist pulling her back and into his chest.

She couldn't help the squeak of surprise she let out as she felt the chest against her back vibrate. Apparently he found it amusing to watch her jump and be startled by him as he chuckled softly as he pulled her against his chest.

"What has that mind of yours working so hard you did not even hear me coming?" He asked his lips brushing her ear. He could feel the shiver that ran down her back at the feeling of his lips brushing against her ear.

"Nothing," she said simply in a single word reply.

"You're a horrible liar," he pointed out bluntly, having her currently pinned with her back to his chest and her front to the counter.

"Never said I was a good liar," she said back the corner of her lips tugging up as she glanced back at him over her shoulder. This just had him chuckle and gently shake his head as he simply mumbled about her being an idiot.

Of course at the remark she moved to try and dig her elbow into his side but a large calloused palm stopped her elbow before it had time to dig into the flesh of his ribs. She let out a playful growl at being stopped from causing at least a little discomfort. Of course he retaliated with his own but much deeper rumble that had his chest vibrating against her back.

"You're such a brat," He whispered in her ear.

"Ha that's funny coming from the man who still calls people nicknames like a kid cause he does not like memorizing names," She smirked playfully as she tried to pull away from him only to feel the blonde pull her completely flush against him as she could feel his cock twitch to life a little against her back. Both his large hands moved to grab her hips when she started to shift and softly grind against him, efficiently stopping her from grinding against him.

"You should watch that tongue of yours," His voice had dropped a few octaves and was quickly growing huskier. She did not need to look at him to imagine he was smirking at her, she could also hear it in his tone.

"Make me," Was the soft reply she gave before she found a calloused hand entangling in her hair and her face nearly meeting the top of her counter as she was forcefully bent over it. She let out a soft gasp, a little surprised by the slightly rough treatment. But she was not going to complain.

She could feel him growing hard against a plump round ass cheek. The only thing between them was the material of his boxers as she had not even bothered to put on any panties even though she could have gone to her bedroom and gotten a new pair after their fun earlier, but she did not want to. It had been more fun to walk around in just his shirt and watch those red eyes struggle not to follow her every movement waiting for a peak. The thought of what was to come was enough to already have her quickly growing wet and aroused as she listened to the low growl come from the blonde who was standing behind her as her scent only grew sweeter.

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