《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 32


Both shirts were tossed along her kitchen floor. And of course her bra was quick to follow her shirt as it was ripped off and tossed away as if it offended both of them. With her top half exposed Sakaki could not help but gently shiver at the feel of the cool air of her apartment against her soft skin. Or maybe it was the feeling of Bakugou's lips against her skin as he trailed kisses along her neck, nibbling and sucking as he went. She did not even care that he was leaving little love marks that would softly bruise and be visible come the following day. Her head had rolled back and eyes closed as she simply enjoyed the feeling of his lips along her skin as he followed down her neck before moving to trail his little kisses down to her collar bone. Her left hand gripped at the edge of the counter while her right hand was entangled among his soft hair. It still surprised her how soft his messy wild blonde hair actually was. She could recall it being soft during the haze of the heat riddled week they had spent together. But getting a feel of it now while completely sober and of a right mind it was surprising.

As his lips continued to trail down her body even further than her collar bone she found the hand entangled in his hair releasing its grip and instead she was pressing the hand behind her so that her back could arch up more for the blonde as his lips started to trail over the top of her right breast. With the hand behind her she was better able to try and press her chest higher so the blonde was not having to bend over so much. It really did not help much but still she was trying to help as she gasped when she felt his lips finally latch onto a perky nub.

His teeth gently nibbled at her hard nipple which brought an all new array of whines and soft moans from her lips. Which seemed to rile the blonde a little as she felt on hand move to rest on her lower back before slowly sliding up a little before resting just behind her shoulder blades. The hand held her firmly in place as he continued to tease her nipple happily nipping and sucking at it, finally giving it a good tug between his teeth before he let it go. Those bright vermilion eyes of his had been watching her reaction the entire time. The sounds of her gasps and moans filled his ears.

His other hand held tightly at her hip, she would not be surprised if small light bruises littered the edges of her hips as she felt his hand pull her hips closer towards him. Which she did not mind. The feeling of his hard cock straining against his jeans gave a slight bit of much needed friction as she felt him grind against her upper thigh. The feeling was nothing more than a tease as she whined softly trying to shift her hips to better be able to grind herself back against him not wanting to feel him against just her thigh.

All that teasing did was make her body ache more, her panties soaked and clinging to her skin uncomfortable. She wanted nothing more than to get out of her own pants and panties. But first his pants need to go. Her hands started to tug at the top of his pants before sliding forwards, her fingers hunting for the button on his jeans so she could nearly break the zipper as she roughly pulled his pants open. This rough treatment had the blonde chuckling softly.


"Well someone is eager," he was completely teasing her and she knew it. But still this felt like a feverish dream. A part of her feared she was curled up in her nest dreaming this while she hugged Bakugou's shirt up to her face.

"Shut up. Pants off," she growled softly as she was already pushing his jeans down his hips.

She felt Bakugou's lips glance against her ear causing her to pause in her assault on his pants. His warm breath glancing across her skin had her shiver as she hit back the urge to whine and want more.

"For an omega you're incredibly bossy," he teased her once again. He was not complaining about her less than normal demands. Omega's were supposed to be so weak and helpless, submissive, waiting and waiting to be told what to do. But Sakaki was not like that, well not outside of her heat. When her mind was a little less fogged up with crazy amounts of lust she knew what she wanted and went for it. She knew many alpha's hated it. So as soon as Bakugou had brought it up her body went rigid and for a split second she froze up even as she felt his lips start to glance across the skin under her ear till they glanced across her scent blockers. She could hear him growl softly at the scent blockers before she suddenly felt a fang glance across her skin hooking the scent blockers before he was able to tear the little clear patch off of her skin allowing her scent to now flow freely from that scent gland.

It felt amazing having the patches removed as it had started to quickly become annoying. She found herself quickly removing the two on her wrists as she felt his nose glancing across her neck as she could feel him inhaling her scent. Taking this moment she ran her hands along his chest as her head rolled to the side as she enjoyed the view of the blonde standing before her in nothing but some simply black boxers. Her insecurities vanished in that moment as she ate up the view of the toned muscles that almost looked like his scarred skin was strained to cover. Small scars littered his chest and arms. Which did not surprise her, she had a few herself. But she also recognized some of the older scars. Some she knew he obtained during the neatly world ending battle with Shigaraki. The battle that had nearly killed him. But others were far more recent. One was even still slightly pink unlike the others that were nearly off coloured to his normal skin. It could not have been a year old. Far more recent than any others she could see from her current position. She wanted to ask about it but the sudden feeling of his tongue against her neck had her brain short circuit as she couldn't help a needy high pitched whine escape her lips.

The feeling of his tongue running along her neck and the scent gland there had her squirming and whining at the pure pleasure the simple action was able to give her. Her scent glands always felt sensitive with the heavy every day use of her scent blockers. The patches were itchy by the end of day and today was no different but right this moment the skin did not itch instead it was still incredibly sensitive. The feeling of his tongue was almost enough to have her cum right then and there as she could not help the loud cry of pleasure as her eyes closed. Her hands dug into his shoulders as she struggled to regain her breath and try to calm her body back down. Her legs had even wrapped around his waist trying to eliminate what little distance was still between them.


"Fuck," Was the single breathless word she was able to just barely get out past her lips. That seemed to entertain the blonde whose face was buried in her neck as she felt his body shake softly as he chuckled against her skin.

"Well, aren't you sensitive. If I do that again I wonder if you will cum for me?" His warm breath glanced across her damp skin from where his tongue had just run along her skin. That alone had a shiver run down her back and goose bumps started along her arms.

"Don't you dare," She growled softly even as she felt his lips curl up along her skin as he smirked. He completely would do it too. Her right hand quickly unattached her blunt nails from the skin of his shoulder to quickly grab a handful of his blonde hair as she felt him hiss against her skin.

"You're pretty bossy for an omega," His tone was completely teasing as her hand in his hair kept him from being able to reach out and once again run his tongue along her neck. As much as she loved the feeling she had no desire to make a complete mess of herself so quickly.

"And what are you going to do about it?" She questioned him back before she felt his head pull away from her neck. His vibrate red eyes had the pupils nearly blown out as the corner of his lips. Her grip on his hair loosened, butterflies seemed to come alive in her stomach at the look she was getting. Maybe she should not have asked that question as she felt herself squirm softly under his heated gaze. The action had her grind her hips against him, the action had her whimper softly.

"Hmm I could just pull away. Leave you a needy mess and just walk out that door. I can not imagine you would enjoy that," He teased her even though he never even tried to pull away. In fact his hips moved grinding against her teasing her lightly as if to get his point across that she was a needy mess at that moment. His actions drew a soft breathless whine from her, well not just the action but even the thought of him just pulling away and walking off had her omega whine as well. And so she bit her tongue and kept herself from giving a snarky reply back.

"Good girl," Was the praise she got when she remained silent for more than a few seconds. The sound of the simple praise nearly had her keen for him. Bakugou did not praise anyone and hearing those words from him had her become a completely panting, wet mess as she sat on the counter of her kitchen not even noticing the whistling kettle behind her.

"Katsuki," She whined, no longer happy that the man had stopped paying attention to her neck or really any part of her.

God Bakugou loved the sound of his name coming from the woman's lips. Even more so he loved the sound of his first name coming from her. He could feel his cock twitch as the whine she gave out as she said his name. That was enough for him to stop toying with her. His fingers reached down and started to roughly unbutton her jeans. Her legs had untangled themselves from around his waist allowing him to step back out of her legs only long enough to nearly rip her jeans off of her, the action nearly had her pulled off the counter with her jeans as his aggressiveness to get her remaining clothes off of her body.

Her hands gripped at the counter but still her ass was hanging off the counter as she struggled not to giggle at the aggressive large hands that not only removed her jeans but had also removed her panties now leaving her completely naked as she pulled herself back onto the counter. Now who was the impatient one? Of course she kept that thought to herself as she sat the edge of her ass on the edge of the counter. Her left hand let go of the counter as she did not want to be the only one naked in her kitchen as she tugged at the dark boxers which were now the only thing keeping the two apart.

Large warm hands gripped at her hips, whether it was to keep her from falling off the counter or from pulling away she was not sure nor did she care in the moment. Her own hands returned to grip at his shoulders. There was too much room between them, her legs once again returned to wrap around his waist. The teasing was gone now as she felt his tip prod her entrance only for a moment before a rough thrust had more than half his length sheathed into her body.

She couldn't help but cry out in pleasure, so happy to finally be getting what her body had ached for. She had wanted to be stuffed, and finally she was getting it. Her hands clawed at his shoulders, the back of one ankle was digging into the back of a thigh as she tried to pull the large body closer to her.

She could hear him growl softly into her ear before his hips once again started to move. Cloud nine was exactly where Sakaki was as she struggled to keep her lunges full of air as she moaned and cried out with each thrust. His pace was rough and a little unforgiving, but she was not about to complain as she tried to move her hips in time with him but his large hands were quick to put a stop to her actions. She whined softly but could not force her mouth to work as she panted softly her nails running down his back. She did not even care if she was leaving marks on his body, after all he had left his own little marks on her own skin.

She could hear the soft growls and curses slipping past the lips of the blonde before his lips once again. It was messy, teeth clanking as tongue's danced together. Soft moans being muffled by the kiss. The sound of her heart racing in her own ears almost drowned out the sounds of their bodies moving together or the sound of her muffled cries as his lips ate up every sound she made. She could feel the tension in her body quickly building, she had been so close to the edge before they had even gotten to the main course and now it was all she could do to keep from coming undone in an instant.

It was all she could do to keep from just chanting his name and crying out to the gods above as she struggled to not come undone. Maybe he could sense that she was trying to hold back. She could feel a hand move around the front of her hip to slip down her stomach till a finger was able to find the little bundle of nerves of her clit. That was all it took to have her head rip away from the kiss to allow herself to throw her head back as she cried out as her walls clenched down around him. In that instant she could feel his teeth sink into the top of her left shoulder. It was a bit closer to her neck than she would like but still a very safe distance from her scent gland.

Two thrusts later and she could feel his body give a jolt and grow ridged as Bakugou followed after her. She could feel him groaning against the skin of her shoulder before his lips started to trail soft kisses over the bare skin. One kiss trailed over the bite mark that had her gasp. It was not hard enough to break the skin. It still hurt a bit once she started to come down from the high of ecstasy she had been enjoying. She even whined softly as he pulled back enough to slip himself out of her body. His large hands had returned to her hips as he picked her up gently and slid her back against the counter more so there was no risk in her boneless state that she did not accidently slip off.

Both panting Bakugou stood tall still standing between her legs as his warm hands rested on her hips. His thumbs softly massaged the soft skin subconsciously as he waited for her to push him away. She was trying to still catch her breath as she let her eyes wander over the bare body before him. She still very much so wanted to run her tongue along every scar and mark that littered the man's body. Even as she looked up and got to enjoy the look of those soft blonde locks of his sticking to his sweat covered forehead.

Once she had regained the feeling in her body she slid across the counter a little closer to him again. A hand softly slid up his chest as she happily inhaled the heavenly scent of him that had flooded her home. She leaned her head against his chest and took in the sound of his still racing heartbeat as she felt his hands tug her a little closer once again.

"Stay?" was the simple single word plea she gave him. She had hated how he just walked out after the last time. And in a way she feared he would throw his clothes back on and just walk out her door yet again. She was not one to beg on any normal day, but right this moment she did not want to let him go. Yet once again she felt his chest vibrate with a soft chuckle.

"Are you always this needy after a good fuck or do you need a cuddle?" His tone was teasing and of course it earned him a light smack to the chest with a back of her hand.

"Don't be an ass. Maybe I just enjoy knowing I have a hero in my home to keep me safe," She said softly as she felt her face grow warm at her own words as she proceeded to try and hide her face in his chest. Yet the blonde did not tease her again as he struggled to understand the odd feeling that bloomed in his chest hearing her say that. She felt safe with him and that made his inner alpha so happy he almost could not even comprehend it himself.

"Okay I'll stay," He said softly finally after an almost five minute pause. Finally he was able to get his brain to function again and he agreed to stay unaware that it not only made him happy but also made her nearly purr as they remained cuddled up in the kitchen till the growl of her stomach had the two laughing and finally they pulled away. Bakugou then announced he was going to cook dinner since he did not trust her to make anything good as he slipped his boxers back on and proceeded to start walking around her kitchen to try and find stuff to cook with.

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